People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 119: That's not a natural island

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Don\'t be doves and don\'t be hawks.

What does Li Yan want to do?

Are you going to create a third faction within the Navy?

No wonder the Five Old Stars agreed to such an unreasonable request.

after all...

For Mary Joa, the navy is only one of the big flags that rule the world in her hands, and if you want to better grasp this flag, then the navy cannot be dominated by one faction, and it is best to form a tripartite form. , the only way to ensure that the Navy will always be just a dog in their hands!

Take the position of Admiralty as an example, unless the same faction is under special circumstances, Mary Joa will never allow doves or hawks to be re-elected!

Take a look at the three marshals written in the original book, the hawk\'s Steel Skeleton, the dove\'s Warring States Period, and the hawk\'s Akainu. According to this rule, then the next marshal will inevitably fall back to the dove\'s head. superior.

Therefore, for any ruler, the forces under his command must not be condensed into one, but should be divided into two or even three forces that can check and balance each other.

The art of balance is always the best weapon to maintain domination, and for the past 800 years, Mary Joa has been playing tricks on this.

Of course, for the Warring States period, they did not want a third faction to regenerate inside, and for other senior naval officials, they also did not want the same.

But the Five Old Stars have already ordered, and even if they are unwilling, the Warring States can only do so.

After the twenty years of his career as a marshal, the Warring States Period has long since smoothed out his former spirit, and now he has become a qualified dog.

There is such a detail in the original.

When he was still a general in the early Warring States Period, what was written on the plaque in his office was the justice that reigns in the world.

But since he became a marshal, I don\'t know since when, that plaque has been replaced by...

Absolute justice!

Of course, this is definitely different from Akainu\'s, but in any case, Sengoku has gradually become a qualified chess piece.

It can also be seen from this that in the past 20 years, the values ​​of the Warring States period have undergone tremendous changes, as he himself said...

The definition of justice is guided by values, not by generations.

And this is why Li Yan will position the common people as justice. This is a value born from a complete education in a previous life, and guided by such values, Li Yan\'s unique concept of justice was born.

Therefore, it can be said that Li Yan and Mary Joa are born to clash, and this conflict of values ​​is completely irreconcilable.

However, at this moment, Li Yan will not widely publicize his values.

In fact, Li Yan even found someone to make a plaque with the words "absolute justice" written on it, and hung it in his office to confuse the people of Mary Joa.

Who makes this form of justice the easiest to handle by those guys from Mary Joa...

But what everyone doesn\'t know is that this plaque actually has two layers. One day, when Li Yan has enough strength, he will tear off the outer layer of disguise used to cover up, revealing his true view of justice to the world. .

In short, after the words that the Five Old Stars had agreed to in the Warring States period fell, everyone stopped talking.

Even Akainu had an ugly face and didn\'t express any objection.

In the end, the thirteen branch heads...

According to Li Yan\'s request, he was selected...


East China Sea, about 10 nautical miles from Corona Island.

A giant ship the size of a navy super warship is heading towards the Eighteenth Branch.

It will never be a simple force that can own a warship of this size.

If you see the flags hoisted on the ship, it may not be surprising.

Carrera Corporation...

Well, then it will be fine!

As the most powerful shipbuilding company in the pirate world, a giant ship is really nothing, it\'s normal.

on the bow deck.

"Bally, what do you think Mr. Bingshan thinks, let\'s come to the East China Sea to establish a company branch!"

"Isn\'t this matter discussed many times a long time ago, the four seas are not suitable for our development, after all, the sea area here is not as dangerous as the great sea route, and there is no demand for ships of super-standard quality!"

"Who would be willing to pay twice as much for our boat?"

Bare upper body, tattooed foreman Bipley was ranting.

Speaking of which, he had to complain to Bally at least once a day almost every day, and at the most exaggerated time, he even complained more than ten times a day.

"I said Bipley, that\'s enough, it\'s almost here, and you don\'t forget to make a routine of ranting?"

"The president has his own ideas, and didn\'t the governor of the East China Sea promise to hand over all the orders for warships of all branches to us?"

"Besides, maybe ordinary people in the East China Sea won\'t pay such a large price to buy our ships, but the nobles will, they don\'t care what is expensive or not, even for them, expensive is good, but they don\'t have cheap ones. Desire to buy!"

"The most important thing is that the president also said that the governor of the East China Sea is very sincere. He even provided a place and was responsible for the construction. Even the shipyard directly helped us build it for free!"

"After all, the great route is only a small part of this world. If Carrera wants to develop, it will always develop to the world. After all, the world is the most populous place in the world, isn\'t it?"

With a cigar in his Barry looked at Bipley with a headache and had to explain again.

As the vice president, he naturally wanted to maintain Esbagu\'s prestige. Even if he also thought that this matter was not very reliable, he had to find some reasons to appease the people below.

"Cut, as far as their navy in the East China Sea is concerned, can a group of laymen build a qualified shipyard?"

"Shouldn\'t the shipyard be demolished and rebuilt by then?"

After listening to Bally\'s words, Bipley was not moved at all, but instead showed a touch of disdain.

who are they?

They are the best boaters in the world, and Kareka is a holy place for boaters. What kind of skills can these peasants in the East China Sea have?

But just when Bipley was making such a rant, there was a shout from his side.

"Look over there, what is that?"

Following the direction pointed by the shouting person, Bipley also looked over.

That\'s an island!

No, exactly, it was a secondary island connected to a main island.

Even if there is still ten nautical miles away, and I can\'t look too closely, what I can see at this moment has already shocked Bipley.

On that island, there are many large and small docks, and even some huge equipment that I have never seen before.

In the center of the island, there is a towering and huge office building.

"Could this be the shipyard built by the Eighteenth Branch?"

"A giant shipyard that covers an entire island?"

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, Bipley couldn\'t help asking Barry.

However, the next moment, Barry said something that shocked him even more.

"You don\'t think..."

"Isn\'t this a naturally formed island?"