People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 116: The future One Piece, the current sea soldier

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

The black and white two colors swept in the face, the entanglement of each other...

Even before he touched it, Sauron felt a tingling sensation on the skin on his body.

He didn\'t understand what it was, let alone why Li Yan could slash through the air, and even used the effect of a long-range attack.

After all, his master, Koushiro, had never shown flying slashes in front of him, and there were basically not many swordsmen in the East China Sea. Even if there were, most of them were as low-key as Koushiro.

Therefore, in this East China Sea where information is scarce, not to mention flying slashes, few people even know the realm of swordsmen.

In short, at the moment, Sauron is in a frantic warning, constantly reminding him, don\'t take it hard, you must avoid it!

But who is Sauron? In his dictionary, he never retreated. If he can\'t realize his ambitions, and he can\'t fulfill his childhood oath with his best friend, then he might as well just die here.

back down?

That is impossible!

The momentum rose again, and the next moment the two swords in his hands came into contact first, only for half a second. These two swords had been with Sauron for more than a year, but the very ordinary swords could no longer support the instant shattering.

Yes, not cut off, but directly smashed.

Black represents destruction, and white represents death. This is Li Yan\'s dual-attribute sword intent. Compared with the sword intent held by ordinary great swordsmen, it is more domineering and more destructive, destroying everything and bringing death!

Although he was shocked that his two knives were so easily shattered, Zoro did not give up. After all, he was a three knives style...

Grinning his teeth and shaking his head fiercely, Zoro made his last resistance, using the word Hedao to perform a horizontal slash, and collided with Li Yan\'s flying slash again.

There are twenty-one sharp knives, each with its own characteristics.

Just like Li Yan\'s daily work is easy, and Zoro\'s Hedaoyi characters also have their own special features.

This is a sword of protection. Maybe he is not as sharp as other big quick knives, nor does he have any special abilities, but he is very sturdy, unusually strong, and it can even be said to be the most sturdy existence among the twenty-one big quick knives. .

And this is reflected many times in the original work. The most famous one is Zoro\'s battle against Hawkeye in the restaurant on the sea, Balati, and the black knife slashing against Hawkeye with three swords flowing in the world.

As a result, the other two knives were cut off very simply, but the words He Daoyi were intact, and there was not even a gap on the blade.

That was the eagle eye, and the slash with the supremely sharp sword!

From this we can see how solid the word Hedao is.

The stalemate continued, even his best mouth in the pirate world was in a dull pain at the moment, and his neck felt like it was about to be twisted.

Sauron still did not retreat, he tried his best to separate this slash...

But in the end...

The difference in strength was too great. After only a few seconds, Sauron was already exhausted, and the words He Daoyi in his mouth were directly thrown out, and the flying battleship that was no longer obstructed directly slammed into Sauron\'s body. It smashed it to a distance of dozens of meters.

"It turns out that, even if you know that the difference in strength is so big, even if you know that the result of not giving in is likely to be death, but you still have a firm belief!"

"Now, I have some belief that he will defeat Hawkeye in the future and become the world\'s greatest swordsman!"

I don\'t know when, Yixiao has come to Li Yan\'s side, looking at dozens of meters away, there is a terrifying sword wound on his chest that can almost see the bone, and Sauron, who has lost consciousness at the same time, can\'t help saying with emotion.

"No, he can\'t become the world\'s number one swordsman in the future!"

"Huh? But didn\'t you say it before?"

"Mr. Smile, what I said at the time was that the original future world\'s No. 1 swordsman was the original!"

"Does that make any difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. Because of my appearance and my existence, he can only be the number one swordsman in the world in the future, and now... he can only be the second greatest swordsman in the world!"

"I see!"

For Li Yan\'s Versailles, Yi Xiao did not refute, but nodded in agreement.

Dual attributes, and both of them are sword intents with special attributes, appearing on a young man who is only the second realm of the swordsman, which can already explain a lot of problems.

Whether it is the fusion of sword intent with dual attributes, or the mastery of sword intent in the swordsman state, no matter which one is the case, a smile is unheard of and unseen.

If this is not able to reach the pinnacle of kendo in the future, it will be such a special talent for nothing.

The white sword intent of death is the past to Li Yan, and the black sword intent of destruction is the present to Li Yan.

I am afraid that in the whole pirate world, Li Yan is the only one who has experienced the experience of losing all his strength and then rebuilding when he is about to realize the sword intent. This is almost an unrepeatable thing.

Even if you know that there is a possibility that you can cultivate dual-attribute fusion sword intent, does anyone really dare to play like this?

When you are about to become a great swordsman, do you want to forget everything about kendo and give yourself another gong?

Even Hawkeye wouldn\'t dare to do this, right?

"Why are you so stupid, even knowing that you can\'t beat it, you have to fight hard, and you almost lost your life!"

"Is it necessary to do this step?"

Just as Lin Fan and Yi Xiao were talking, Da Siqi had come to Zoro\'s side, knelt on the ground, and said with red eyes.

She really doesn\'t understand, is it necessary to fight for her life just to discuss with Major General Li Yan?

If you can\'t beat it, you can\'t beat Is it difficult to admit defeat?

Well, don\'t say that Dusky doesn\'t understand, there are not too many people in the whole world who can understand Sauron.

Although this kind of behavior is considered brain-dead in the eyes of most people, the problem is that it is often this kind of person who can finally become a strong person.

Maybe Sauron is still weak now, but...

He already has all the conditions to become a strong man!

"Dasqi, take him to the Marine Corps Hospital and hand it over to Ziluo, and you will take care of him after that!"

"When he wakes up, help me tell him that I can teach him how to be a swordsman, a great swordsman, and even train him enough to defeat Hawkeye!"

"However, if you want me to teach, then join me in the navy and become a sailor in the Eighteenth Branch!"

Looking at Zoro and Dasqi dozens of meters away, Li Yan said loudly.

"Yes, Major General!"

After giving a salute, Dusqi also immediately called a few sailors not far away, and helped lift Sauron together and headed towards the marine hospital.

"It seems..."

"This future world number one, oh no, is the world\'s second largest swordsman, can\'t escape from your palm?"

Beside Li Yan, Yixiao said with a pointed smile.

"However, the old man is a little curious now. Since you even know the world\'s largest swordsman in the future, do you also know about the other powerhouses in the future, and how many of them have been raided in your branch now?"

"Mr. Smile, what if I told you that One Piece, who was originally a few years later, is also serving under me now?"


It was just that he was suddenly interested and asked casually with a smile, but he didn\'t expect Li Yan to give such an answer.

The future One Piece, now...

To be a sailor under your hands?