People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 117: Great, give him 100 years off his sentence

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

The next day, the eighteen branch school field.

Today, the nineteen branch heads are here, and even the guy who hasn\'t come because of catching pirates for the past month has also come at this time.

Not only them, but even the seamen of the 18th branch circled around, not knowing whether to watch the fun or what to do.

In short, Li Yan didn\'t say anything to disperse them, so naturally their branch chiefs didn\'t have much to say.

"Today, the crowd is very good. I thought the five of you would still not show up today, but it surprised me!"

Glancing around and looking at the five guys, Li Yan said with a playful expression.

"What\'s the matter, Major General, didn\'t he just chase a group of pirates and couldn\'t get away!"

"It turns out to be like this, so I don\'t know if the pirates caught it?"

"This...that group of pirates are really cunning. After I tracked them down for a month, they still let them escape. I will conduct a self-examination on this matter!"

Doxi, the branch director of the seventh branch of the East China Sea, said with a look of shame, but under this seemingly ashamed expression, what was the idea, but I don\'t know.


Instead of continuing, it would be better to say that Li Yan didn\'t want to say anything more to him, so he called his adjutant directly.

"Yes, Major General!"

Nodding, Ain picked up the folder in his hand.

"Second Branch, Branch Head Howie."

"In the eleven years in office, I have been found to have violated naval regulations 387 times, and received bribes of up to 500 million Bailey from various forces including pirates. It has been confirmed that more than 200 civilian deaths were directly related to it. Or an indirect connection!"

"Revoked the post of the branch head of the second branch of Howie\'s East China Sea, confiscated all his assets, and immediately sent him to a Haitian prison to serve a sentence of 1380 years!"

This is not the time to serve Li Yan\'s sentence, but the sentence is based on every identifiable criminal evidence.

after all...

This matter will be closed for three years, and that matter will be closed for five years. As a result, after adding up the things that this guy has been found out in the eleven years, the good guy just went for more than a thousand years...

"I don\'t agree!"

"What do you have to disapprove of?"

Still with a playful look on his face, Li Yan looked at Howie and asked.

" the way, it\'s what Major General Seymour in the headquarters told me to do, yes, I just follow orders!"

"Oh, is Major General Seymour from the headquarters? I\'ll write it down. I\'ll talk to the Warring States Marshal in a while. As for the question of Major General Seymour, Howie\'s confession is very good and worthy of encouragement. Give him a commutation of one sentence. century!"

"Yes, Major General!"

On the side, whether it was the navy or those branch chiefs, after hearing Li Yan\'s words, their expressions were also strange.

Damn, is there a difference between 1280 and 1380 for the 100-year commutation?

However, complaining is about complaining, and many branch leaders are also thinking about a problem while complaining.

If you bite out a 100-year sentence, then if you bite a few more, you can reduce your sentence even more, or even...

Immediately, several branch ministers began to calculate in their hearts how many people they could bite and how many years of commutation they could bring to themselves...

"What are you still doing, take him down to me, and when my business is over, I will send him to the underwater prison with the others!"

"Yes, Major General!"

Around, the head of each branch thought it was the sailors who were watching the fun, and immediately a group of people walked towards Howie.

In this regard, Howie naturally wouldn\'t just sit still like this, Xin Yirui directly attacked an ordinary sea soldier, trying to control him as a hostage, and then find an opportunity to escape.


He had just made a move, but the sailor moved even faster. He came first, and directly pressed Howie to the ground.

Immediately, the other three marines rushed over quickly and completely controlled Howie.

Seeing this scene, all the branch ministers were stunned in secret. What kind of fairy sea soldier is this? A dignified branch manager has no power to resist in front of an ordinary sea soldier.

Even if our branch leaders are very watery, when will the water be so watery that even ordinary sailors can handle it at will?

Isn\'t this guy Howie acting with Li Yan?

Well, several of the branch chiefs who were planning to escape from the surrounding seamen directly if the situation was bad, also gave up this idea at the moment.

The only thing that can be expected now is that this Li Yan has not found out what he did, or...

He was found out, but he was able to give enough information to be recognized by him to get enough years of commutation!

"Ain, go ahead!"

"Yes, Major General!"

Hearing Li Yan\'s order, Ain quickly opened the top pages of the document in his hand.

This scene made the mouths of the branch ministers twitch.

With such a thick stack of materials, Howie turned out to be the ones above, I\'m afraid not even a tenth of it?

No matter how you look at it, it seems impossible to hope that you will not be found!

"The fifth branch, branch head Clegg, in office for 8 years..."


Three hours later...

The original 19 branch ministers on the school ground now have only 6 people left.

Although those branch leaders all had a strong desire to survive, they tried their best to bite everywhere, and some even bit Lieutenant General Zavala of the headquarters.

However, even so, the one with the most commutation still has hundreds of years to serve.

In Ain\'s small book, a large list of hundreds of people has been recorded at this moment, as well as records of what these people have done.

The good thing is that although there are many worms in, they have not involved too much in the upper ranks of the navy. There are only four people who have reached the level of generals, including a lieutenant general, a major general and two brigadier generals. The rest are basically All of them are headquarter-level officers.

In short, what will be done with this information to the Warring States period is beyond the current Li Yan\'s control.

More than a dozen branch ministers were taken away, and the surrounding marines also left under his orders. Li Yan looked at the only six people left in the school grounds, and took the last few pages of information from Ain.

"Apart from Smog, the five of you also have a lot of disciplinary violations, which are all recorded here!"

After clapping the pages of information in his hands, Li Yan looked at the five people below and said.

"The reason why you are still kept is because the things you have committed are still within the standards that allow you to go back, and the other is because you have never persecuted civilians, let alone killed civilians directly or indirectly!"

"That\'s why I gave you this chance, but there is only one chance!"

"In the days to come, as long as I find out that you have any violation of discipline, even if it\'s just a minor violation, the old and new accounts will be calculated together!"

"Do you understand?"

Li Yan has also read the information in his hand.

As he said, the things that the five Warners committed are really not big, such as taking some filial piety from others, and then inserting a team for them in the handling of some things, which are basically things like this.

As for the evil side, the five of them really don\'t have one.

After all, it is a big environment like the East China Sea. It is already very good to be able to do this. If someone else in the headquarters is replaced, under this kind of atmosphere formed over the years, most of them will degenerate into Howey and the others.

This is also why...

Li Yan is willing to give them a chance to start over.