People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 115: Li Yan VS Zoro

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Sauron\'s will is very firm.

For him, defeating Hawkeye to become the world\'s No. 1 swordsman is his only ambition, and it is also his and Guina\'s oath.

On this road, you can only move forward and not back, even if it is only half a step.

Succeed or die!

It\'s that simple!

"Da Kuai Dao Twenty-one Gong\'s He Dao Yi Wen, it\'s really a beautiful knife, it may become a black knife in your hands in the future, but now..."

"Forget it, consider it a sport!"

While talking, Li Yan also took out his own matching knife, the one that was rewarded by the system at the back of the G8 branch.

This is an extremely lightweight tachi that uses special materials, making it easier to swing, ideal for speed-type swordsmen.

However, this weight is meaningless to Li Yan, whose physique has reached nearly 1800 points. The only reason to use Ziri instead of Lan Ya is just...

This knife looks more handsome than Lan Ya...

Seeing the appearance of the two, Yi smiled and patted the dumbfounded Da Siqi on the shoulder, pointed to the back, and then took Da Siqi back dozens of steps, leaving enough space for Li Yan and Zoro. space.

Different from the attacking stance that Sauron posed, Li Yan only took out Zhiri without posing any stance.

But I don\'t know why, looking at the very casual Li Yan, Zoro couldn\'t find any flaws, and even had a feeling that no matter where he attacked, he would fail.

The swordsmen blocked the confrontation of life and death, and Sauron knew exactly what failure meant.

But even so, he would not back down, and on the path of his own ambitions, he did not back down.

One minute...

two minutes...

three minutes...

"I said, still call or not, if not, I still have a lot of official documents to deal with..."


Ignoring Li Yan\'s teasing, with a low shout, Zoro rushed forward with a knife without using any sword moves, but simply used the basic moves of kendo to continuously attack Li Yan\'s body.

It is a big taboo to rashly use sword skills before finding the opponent\'s flaws.

After all, no matter what kind of swordsmanship it is, there will be a moment of stiffness after using it. Don’t think that this is only the case in games. It is also the same in reality.

Therefore, the use of sword skills requires attention to timing, and at this moment, the best way is to first test with basic kendo moves.

On the one hand, find out Li Yan\'s strength level, on the other hand, look for opportunities, find flaws, and then win with one blow!

However, no matter where Sauron was attacking, Li Yan only held the knife in his right hand and blocked them one by one very easily.

"The foundation is very solid, and it\'s not hard work Saburo!"

"If I really want to say it, even if the foundation of many swordsmen is not as solid as yours!"

"But... the strength is too weak, and the speed is also a little less interesting."

clang clang...

"Sure it because of poor health?"


"Okay, I have almost understood it, then try the sword skills you have now!"

"Go directly with your strongest move, go all out, don\'t keep your hands!"

Separating Sauron\'s sword again, Li Yan said.

After quickly jumping back a few steps and standing firm, Sauron\'s heart was also filled with turbulent waves.

Although he knew before the fight that Li Yan was stronger than himself, he didn\'t expect the gap to be so big, that it was impossible to make up for it.

Just now, the two seemed to have fought more than ten moves in just a few seconds.

But in fact, Sauron knew that it was not a fight at all, but Li Yan was measuring his strength, testing his mastery of the basics of kendo, and it was easy enough to make various comments on the way. .

This is no longer a matter of being a little stronger than yourself, but a matter of being stronger than a few ranks!

The point is, the fight just now didn\'t want to be a battle between two swordsmen at all, but more like a teacher teaching his disciples, just like when his master once pointed him...

Can I only try to use sword skills forcibly?

It seems that there is no way out, and now I can only force it!

He put the handle of the word Hedao in his mouth, clenched his teeth, and then pulled out the other two knives around his waist with his left and right hands.

What a famous scene, Li Yan really opened his eyes.

After all, he is the man with the strongest teeth in the pirate world!

"Mito stream..."

"Tiger hunt!"

With his feet slammed toward the ground, Zoro rushed in front of Li Yan at a very fast speed, and the Three Blades Stream Tiger Hunt was released instantly.

The core idea of ​​this move is to superimpose the slashing power of the three knives on one point to attack.

To be honest, Li Yan was speechless about this move.

In order to stack the damage, you must use the second knife to cut the back of the first knife, then the third knife to cut the back of the second knife, and finally the three knives are completely stacked together for slashing.

With this kind of gameplay, even if you are given three supremely fast knives, sooner or later the blade will have to be chopped off, okay?


He swung the knife horizontally and accurately looked at the intersection of Zoro\'s three knives.

Although Hawkeye used a knife to stab straight at this intersection in the original book, it was too pretentious. Li Yan still chose the last conventional method, a horizontal slash.

Not only did it block Sauron\'s sword move, but also relying on the absolute difference in strength, he took advantage of the situation to knock it out more than ten meters.

"Is there anything else, we can end it if it\'s okay!"

"Don\'t underestimate people!"

He got up and stared at Li Zoro let out a low growl again.

It seemed that he had made up his mind. I saw that he held the two knives horizontally with both hands and placed them in a line with the hilt to the hilt. Then, as if juggling, the two knives in his hand were rotated, and the more they turned, the more quick...

"Three Swords Profound Truth..."

This is Zoro\'s only current sword skill, and the first secret level sword skill he created by himself.

But after all, he is only a third-rate swordsman, and his understanding of kendo is still too weak. In Li Yan\'s view, the sword skills created are also full of loopholes!

"Profound meaning, then I\'ll be a little more serious, be careful of Zoro, but don\'t die under this trick!"

Slowly raising the sun in his hand, he put on a slashing posture!

"Three thousand world!"

"Flying Slash!"

Faster than before, Zoro rushed towards Li Yan, and at this moment, the two knives in his hand stopped turning, and instead assumed a slashing posture.

At this time, Li Yan wanted to complain very much. You turned around for a long time, but it turned out to be lonely?

It seems that this trick doesn\'t need the juggling spin just now, right?

Zoro used all the strength in his body, but just after he jumped out not too far, he saw Li Yan on the opposite side shouting a flying slash, and then the Ziri in his hand was already swung down.

And as it was swung down day by day, a pair of black and white entangled pieces also swept in from the front.

This made Sauron shrink his eyes.

After all, at this time, he still didn\'t know what the flying slash was, and he didn\'t understand at all, why the slash could be played remotely?

However, at this time, he was no longer allowed to think too much. Once the offensive was launched, it would not stop at all.

The next moment, Sauron directly and Li Yan\'s flying slash...
