Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1644

As Qian Duoduo spoke, he sat and disliked the action of driving away flies.

Long Yutian's face is as ugly as ever. It's like being stuck in cat poop. It stinks to death.

But it's not the point, the point is -

"Qian Duoduo, what do you say? Are you going to take rong'er back to the palace? " Long Yutian is furious. This is what he can't accept!

Qian Duoduo covered his ears and shrunk into a ball of meat: "what are you howling about? I'm just taking her back. Are you in a hurry to cry?"?! Besides, rong'er is my adopted daughter. I'll take her back. What's your business

Long Yutian also jumped up, this woman, always can so easily annoy him!

He gazed at Qian Duoduo, and hummed: "no matter what happened to me? You're deaf. You didn't hear her call me "father emperor."! I brought her up with a handful of excrement and urine, and a cat shovel basin outside. That's good. You've only been back for a few hours, and you want to take Xiaorong away from me? I will tell you now that there is no door! "

Long Yu's weather turns around in the same place. Looking at Qian Duoduo, he seems to be unconvinced. He even wants to refute him. He immediately takes the initiative: "besides, rong'er is only five years old, so innocent and kind, if you take her bad again, I'll press your head into my stomach!"

I wipe, half a year no see, long a San became a bandit, even more shameless than her!

Ya of, unexpectedly still press the head of my mother into the belly, when my mother is a tortoise, say to press!

Qian Duoduo raised his paw and angrily pointed to long Yutian's nose. After shaking for a long time, he bit out three words: "you are unfilial!"

Then he sat down on the chair, grabbed the chopsticks and began to beat gongs and drums: "ouch, I'm Qian Duoduo. What's the evil I've done in my life? How can I have such an unfilial nephew and a son-in-law? I'm not filial to my aunt and mother-in-law, and dare to threaten me? If I had known that, I would have stuffed this ah San into my purse and exiled him to the Huangpu River to feed the bastard! "

Long Yutian looked at her knocking on the dish and kicking her feet on the chair. It was obvious that she was an unreasonable shrew.

He didn't know that Qian Duoduo had just forced him to admit that he liked xiaorong'er, and then he changed into his mother-in-law!

This damned woman doesn't want to take advantage of herself all day, she itches all over!

"Come on, throw the crying woman Qian Duoduo out to me. She will not be allowed to eat in the palace without my will in the future."

Hum, our ah San is not stupid. The way is better than the devil. He gave her a cut from the bottom to prevent the trouble!

Qian Duoduo was immediately silly, and with a click, his chopsticks fell to the ground.

Before he could react, Fu Zi took a group of maids in waiting to work, carrying Qian Duoduo's struggling paws and carrying them out.

"Hey, long San, you dare to treat your mother-in-law like this. You can't have sex or happiness in the future!"

"Hello, dragon 14, if you don't help your daughter-in-law, you'll sleep in my study at night!"

After two calls, Qian Duoduo was put into a sedan chair and carried out of the palace!

After the noisy woman left, long Yutian was relieved. He began to look at long Muchen around him and joked: "Uncle 14, why don't you go out this time? Do you want to be kicked out of bed by duo'er at night?"

(PS: five shifts today, outline, write more tomorrow)

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