Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1645

Long Muchen rubs his eyebrows. Of course, he knows that the third brother's love for duo'er is just playing with her. He will never hurt her. He still has this assurance.

"Even if I don't get kicked out of bed by dor tonight, I think I'll stay in my study all night!" Long Muchen chuckled and sighed melancholy. Then his tone began to be serious: "let's go, General Gao. They are still waiting in the imperial study. It's time for us to discuss with them the strategy of attacking Panyu."

After two hours of lunch break, Xiao rong'er woke up, opened his eyes and jumped out of bed to see his father.

The palace maid at her side quickly took rong'er back to her bed and put on her shoes to prevent her from catching a cold: "princess, it's windy outside. You'd better not run around. The emperor is discussing state affairs with several generals in the imperial study. I don't think he will have time to play with you."

"It's OK. I won't make trouble for my father. I'll run to play secretly. I won't be caught." Xiao rong'er doesn't care what the maidservant is talking about. Anyway, she wants to see her father now!

The palace maid watched her step on the embroidered shoes and ran out of the palace in a hurry. She quickly took a windbreaker and ran after her: "princess, wait for me, I will accompany you!"

At this juncture, the emperor is worried about the war between the two countries.

The princess has to go to the imperial study willfully. The emperor loves rong'er, so naturally he won't blame her. However, they have to be careful not to touch the Dragon scales.

Xiao rong'er passed by the imperial garden and picked a few flowers, which turned into a wreath and gave it to long Yutian as a gift.

However, as soon as I got to the door of the imperial study, I heard a deafening roar coming from the study.

"No way, no way, no way, you can do something for me! As soon as you get to the point, you waste people will know how to spare your life and make atonement. I don't know what's the use of raising you! "

After long Yutian sent off the Regent and several generals, he recruited the Minister of household and others.

The combat effectiveness of the army is no longer a problem, but the biggest difficulty now is the cotton armour of tens of thousands of soldiers!

However, as soon as he entered the imperial study, he kowtowed to admit his mistake and begged the emperor to ease his anger. No wonder long Yutian was angry.

"I'll give you two days. If I can't think of another way, I'll sacrifice your heads to the flag!" Long Yutian waved the memorial on the table and smashed it.

The Chamberlain of the Ministry of household was defeated by the memorial, but he didn't dare to cry. He shook his arm and nodded: "yes, I will come up with a way. The emperor will calm down and take care of the dragon."

Long Yutian glanced at him. His body, which was as scared as a chicken, made him very angry: "go away! Don't let me see your disgusting face

The Chamberlain quickly covered his face with his sleeve and rolled down with fear.

As soon as he went out, he saw Xiao rong'er hiding behind the pillar, holding a small wreath in his hand. The Assistant Minister of the Ministry of household went up to salute: "Princess Jixiang, are you going to find the emperor?"

After learning that Tianrong was the adopted daughter of the Regent, Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty took a 180 degree turn towards her.

"Well, I have a gift for my father, Li Shilang. Do you think my wreath looks good?" Xiaorong'er naively showed the wreath to the housemaid. , the fastest update of the webnovel!