Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1643

"It's not so much your daughter as your daughter-in-law. When you grow up, you'll eat it."

Gossip can not believe, but Qian Duoduo but after two generations, practice fire eye Jingjing, she will never read long Yutian's mind to rong'er wrong!

However, Qian Duoduo's straightforward and bold remarks broke long Yutian's mind and made him feel at a loss for a while.

Although he had already determined his mind for rong'er, rong'er was still small and simple now. He didn't want to push her to the top of the storm too early.

Long Yutian's eyes twinkled for a moment: "what are you talking about? Rong'er is only five years old!"

Qian Duoduo lazily held his chin and hit the table with his fingertips: "is that right? But I heard that in a few days, rong'er will be ten years old? In less than two months, she became a 15-year-old girl, at the age of budding, coughing - not right - "

" duo'er! "

Long Yutian stood up with his sleeve brushing. There was no anger on his face. He knew that he would never lose his temper with duo'er -

but from her words, long Yutian couldn't help thinking of the feeling of kissing rong'er's lips that night.

Thinking of his little girl, in a few days, she will grow up and become a big girl. It's such a peerless city.

His mood, can not restrain the ups and downs, turbulent.

"Even if rong'er grows up soon, she is also a child raised by me. How can I possibly - most importantly, which eye of yours can see that I have a wrong idea about her? Is I so obscene?"

In order to cover up his guilty heart, long Yutian deliberately raised his tone so high that he almost didn't lift the whole roof? Young master, I feel your nature like a hungry wolf meets a little white rabbit through my mother's belly

Qian Duoduo covered his face and turned to look at 14. He frowned and winked. He seemed to be saying: there is no silver here. It's beginning to blow up!

However, as soon as she turned her face, the thief's smile on her face immediately turned into a look of depression: "since that's the case, I won't say anything. Originally, I still wanted to give you ronger, so I can rest assured."

"Although you have a very dissolute history, I'm very embarrassed to force myself to recognize you as an unlucky son-in-law, because you've done well recently and didn't rush to be a stallion, and you've spoiled ronger! Who knows, you don't care about rong'er at all? "

"Qian Duoduo, you damned woman, who are you son-in-law Long Yutian was a word she said that the green muscle riot, want to slap her to throw out!

Qian Duoduo spread his hands and shrugged innocently: "I didn't say you, are you excited about wool? Rong'er is my adopted daughter. His future husband, of course, is my son-in-law. Is that hard to understand? "

Qian Duoduo continued to smile, like a cunning fox. He patted long Yutian on the shoulder and helped him reverse his hair: "besides, you don't have any idea about rong'er anyway. It's none of your business to be my son-in-law! Two days later, fourteen and I will take rong'er back to the palace and keep her. When she grows up, we will show her a good marriage. As for ah San, you will be swept out from now on! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!