Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1642

The majesty of the king of his country will be destroyed by Rong er's mouth.

Long Yutian held her on the ground and pretended to be serious: "later, my father will have something important to discuss with the ministers. Go to bed if you are obedient, otherwise my father will be angry!"

Xiao rong'er shakes his hand and jumps to Fu Zi in a panic: "don't be angry, father. Rong'er will go back to the palace."

With that, she took Fuzi's hand, turned and walked out of the palace. As soon as she got to the door, she ran back.

Long Yutian thought that the little girl was acting capricious again. He just wanted to teach her, but he didn't expect that Xiao rong'er quickly climbed up to his leg. His lotus like fat paws caught his neck, and then he gave a Baji and kissed him on his side face.

"Good afternoon, father!"

Long Yutian hasn't recovered. He just feels that his side face is warm and his arms are full of the fragrance of xiaorong'er's milk.

Then he saw that the little thing that had "forced a kiss" had already pulled Fu Zi out of the palace.

Long Yutian raised his hand to touch his side face, and his lips could not help but bring up a gorgeous smile.

"Hey, long San, why are you so brazen? This kind of obscene / trivial expression will make people fantasize! "

As soon as Xiao rong'er left, Qian Duoduo finally showed his true shape and began to dig up eight trigrams.

Long Yutian lost one of his chopsticks, and the money flashed fast, which didn't hit her.

She slapped her little heart and slapped on the table: "Hey, you murder me!"

Long Yutian leered at her: "murder? I want to shut your mouth, Qian Duoduo. I wonder if you can't be normal since you've been married to Uncle 14 for four years? I don't ask you to be as elegant and graceful as other princesses, but you can't always jump around like a grasshopper and make trouble in the palace, can you? "

Qian Duoduo pulled out his ears and shrugged like a rogue: "I know that I am lively and lovely, and I will make a wonderful scene wherever I go. You don't have to point out and praise me like this ~"

QIAN Duoduo holds a banana peel in her two claws, covers her face and pretends to be shy.

She continued to carry forward her spirit of not afraid to die when picking loach, and rubbed against long Yutian's side: "Hey, ah San, you admit it to me. You like ronger, don't you?"

Long Yutian's heart trembled, but he pretended to be serious: "of course, rong'er is my little princess and my daughter. Of course, I like her!"

After a pause, he looked down at Qian Duoduo's belly and said, "who is like you, the potato in your stomach must be a bad seedling, the broom star, not as cute as my family!" (little potato lifts the table: long San, you've got a big deal. You say my mother can. How can you slander me with me?)

Money after another impatient hand, a face who believe your expression.

"Well, ah San, how many years have we played? Do you want to cheat me with your little mind? You have a few loach hairs on your body. I know them all. "

"Give it back to my daughter, who believes you! You see your unbridled love for rong'er, as well as her lingering hair / spring small eyes, full of a young man in love, looking at his sweetheart! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!