Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1641

He shrugged shamelessly, turned around and asked the villain beside him innocently: "Rong Er, what did father Huang say?"

Rong'er is holding a chicken leg in her mouth. When she hears long Yutian's words, she comes back with meat in her mouth and her tone is not clear. "No, father Huang just means to let the godfather serve the godmother. Well, father Huang should drink less, otherwise he will not be able to serve me at night if he is drunk!"

"Poof - cough!" Qian Duoduo, who was eating bananas, suddenly heard Rong er's innocent reply. He choked and coughed.

Her tears overflowed, and she laughed and coughed: "that little velvet, you tell your mother, ah San always specially serves you?"

Long Yutian glared at Qian Duoduo. Just as he wanted to say, "don't teach my kitten bad," Xiao ronger jumped on the chair.

While waving chicken legs, while blinking a pair of beautiful eyes.

"My father loves me. He takes me to take a bath every night, helps me change my clothes, takes me to sleep, sings me songs and tells me stories. He never asks for a little girl, but only helps ronger warm the bed by himself!"

The soft voice, is so simple and clean, but between the lines, but with a thick ambiguous.

Qian Duoduo suddenly realized, "Oh - serve you - warm the bed!"

Every word is clear.

Long Yutian had been guilty of being a thief, but now he was hairy all over by Qian Duoduo's strange eyes. His handsome face turned red and black in an instant.

Xiao rong'er waved his paw and nodded. Then he turned his head and touched long Yutian's forehead like a little adult. He asked naively, "father, are you blushing for Mao?"

Long Yutian's body was stiff, and he poured wine into his mouth. His eyes floated around, but he didn't dare to face xiaorong'er and Qian Duoduo.

"Er - my father has drunk too much, so it's all right, it's all right

He found an excuse and thought it was perfect!

Who knows, Rong er's mouth pouted, like a little adult, with a touch of disgust in his eyes: "I said I would not let you drink, and you still drink. If you drink too much, you will be crazy, and you will bite my mouth again ~ hum, my mother is right. If you drink in the future, you will not be allowed to enter the room, and you will be punished to go to the study to sleep!"

Long Yutian walked away in a rage with a face, eager to shrink into his stomach.

Who will tell him, raise a small doll, how can be driven to the study to sleep rhythm?

"Emperor, it's time for the princess to take her lunch break. Why don't you take her back to the Palace first?"

How clever FOKO was. Seeing the emperor so embarrassed, he interrupted the conversation between them.

Taking the princess away in time can also ease the emperor's embarrassment.

Sure enough, long Yutian breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fu Zi with approval.

"You're right. It's getting late. Let's take the princess down first. Rong'er, good boy, follow Fu Zi back to the palace to have a rest, OK?"

Xiao rong'er's nest rolls on long Yutian's body: "I don't want it. I just met my mother and haven't played enough with her. I still have a lot to say to her!"

Before rong'er finished, long Yutian took a grape and put it into her mouth.

He is how afraid of this little girl, in front of the 14 uncle and duo Er this big mouth face, childlike innocence of blind shouting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!