Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1640

Rong'er ran to Qian Duoduo's side, rubbed his thighs and called sweetly: "mother, father!"

Looking at this scene, all the ministers were stunned. They shook their heads, pulled out their ears, and listened incredulously to Xiao rong'er's call for the Regent Princess' mother - '

Lao Gao was the only one who dared to be angry. He pointed to Xiao rong'er and said in surprise: "Mr. 14, princess, when did you have another daughter?"

Qian Duoduo crossed his waist and looked proud: "rong'er, go and tell them your name!"

Xiao rong'er, with two short legs, hopped in the center of the hall, stood in front of the Dragon chair, and raised his head with a special air: "my name is Qian rong'er! My adoptive father is the Regent king long Muchen, my adoptive mother is the Regent Princess Qian Duoduo, my father is the greatest emperor of shengchen Kingdom, long Yutian, I am their unique treasure - Princess Tianrong! "

Qian Duoduo gives Xiao Rong er a thumbs up. This little thing is the embodiment of his aura, and he really gets the true story of his stinky fart!

However, compared with Qian Duoduo, the ministers below were hardly shocked by the news.

Who will tell them when this wild child from outside became the adopted daughter of the Regent?

It's no wonder that the emperor is so kind-hearted that he seems to hold it in his hand. He would rather offend Panyu than hurt Princess Tianrong.

It turns out that this little thing has such a big origin?

The ministers felt guilty for a while, and looked at Fuzi with a very aggrieved and accusing look -

those who have seen his son's father, but not those who have seen eunuch's minister!

As the personal manager of Princess Tianrong and the emperor, you just flatter and flatter yourself, but you don't know what to say to them. They almost offended Princess Tianrong and caused death!

The dividing line of duo'er -

after dealing with the intractable affairs of the court, he protects Xiao rong'er, and with the safe return of long Muchen and Qian Duoduo, long Yutian's mood is unprecedented.

He ordered the imperial dining room to prepare a rich and exquisite lunch, then he and longmuchen had a good time together.

Just, long Mu Chen wine cup just raised to the side of the mouth, Qian Duoduo's small hand suddenly covered the cup eaves: "14, don't drink again, drink drunk, you sleep in the study at night!"

Long Muchen is full of tracheitis. She always obeys her little wife's words, especially when duo'er is pregnant. What she says is more effective than her mother's words.

"Don't drink, don't drink, don't be angry, come to eat some fruit!" Long Muchen was afraid that Qian Duoduo was not happy. He immediately put down his glass, peeled a banana and handed it to Qian Duoduo's mouth.

Long Yutian is used to the love between them, but he hasn't seen them for half a year. He can't help but make fun of them.

"Duo'er, uncle 14, this is the fourth cup. What's the matter? He's famous for not getting drunk. What's more, even if he's drunk? Are you worried that he won't be able to serve you at night? "

Qian Duoduo instantly threw a banana skin on long Yutian's face and yelled: "long ah San, how come your position is getting higher and higher, but your face is getting thicker and thicker? In front of rong'er's face, you even say this? Do you want to be shameful? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!