Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1639

"According to Princess Ben, you are not so much the loyalty of shengchen kingdom as the running dogs of his Fanyu kingdom!"

The ministers kneeling on the main hall were all shivering. They were originally greedy for life and afraid of death. Now they are so scared that they just sweat and dare not say more.

In particular, the princess also said chiselly put the heavenly power of shengchen and the majesty of the emperor in front of her eyes, which is the implementation of their accusation of unfaithfulness and inhumanity.

They thought that Prime Minister Yang would take the lead to test the pressure on the emperor, but they did not expect that such an accident would happen in the back and forth of the road -

"Pa Pa Pa --" there was a sudden applause in the hall.

Long Yutian stood up and looked at Qian Duoduo's eyes, full of praise and Gratification: "those who know me, the Regent princess also!"

Then, he pulled rong'er into his arms and gently stroked her hair. Xiao rong'er was tickled by his touch. He raised his head and laughed.

That put his life and all, all at ease in the hands of long Yutian, such unreserved trust, let his heart suddenly warm.

Long Yutian's haze eyes swept the silent ministers: "who else wants to be loyal to the admonishment, do everything possible -"

then, he waved his hand across the table. His powerful internal power made one corner of the table crumble in an instant: "however, the Regent princess is right, you are so loyal, I will seal you a general, follow the high general Let's go out together

From the beginning to the end, long Yutian didn't intend to compromise with these selfish and fearless officials.

This is not only related to the fact that he can't bear the slightest harm to rong'er, but also related to the dignity of the king of his country!

If even these little things have to be coerced by the important officials, then he, the emperor, is better to go home and coax the children than to talk about dominating the world!

Who dares to say more nonsense? The emperor's meaning is very clear. Either die or shut up!

What a simple multiple-choice question, after choosing to shut up, you can go home to eat!

Long Yutian looked at these noisy guys and finally became honest. He was very elegant with a smile: "very good, since you have no opinion, then you can prepare to fight against the army of Panyu! "

" however, I don't want to happen again today. If there is another time, I don't mind the trouble. I'll send you back to your hometown by hand - Prime Minister Yang, do you understand? "

The rising intonation sounds melodious, but it has broken Prime Minister Yang's viscera.

At this moment, he finally understood that the 24-year-old man above the constellation of dragons could not be controlled by them.

In particular, behind him, there is such an inviolable existence as long Muchen.

Money out of a lazy body, touching the round little belly, complaining: "starved to death, since all the votes passed, let's go down to eat first!"

All the ministers nodded their heads and tears rolled in. Yes, emperor, you'd better let us go home for dinner!

Long Yutian took rong'er's hand, and the favorite arc at the bottom of his eyes was pulled very deep: "Xiao rong'er, will your father take you to dinner?"

Xiao rong'er nodded his head. Just as he wanted to reach out for long Yutian's embrace, he saw Qian Duoduo's eyebrows and said, "rong'er, come here and go with your mother!"

Rong'er ran to Qian Duoduo's side, rubbed his thighs and called sweetly: "mother, father!"

(PS: it's 6:00 today, Calvin)

it's time for me , the fastest update of the webnovel!