Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1573

Qian Duoduo covered her nose. Pregnant, she couldn't help vomiting: "I'm scared to pee. I'm sick to death. 14. Let's go out. I can't stand it!"

Long Muchen looks at Qian Duoduo's sad appearance, tears are quick Biao to come out, he fiercely stares at Malte one eye, then hurriedly embraces Qian Duoduo to walk out of the study.

Duke Weiss followed and called out, "Mr. long, what do they do?"

Long Muchen only cares about his wife, where there is a mind to take care of these broken things, impatiently waved his hand, said: "Malte to you, others let go!"

Prince Weiss, surprised, rubbed the palm of his hand, and called the bodyguard of the manor to bind the blind Marte into zongzi and shut him in the basement.

Then, he asked the servants in the manor to send a letter to Marte's mother, in which Marte's eyes were slack.

There was no address or name on the letter, but Mrs. Duffin was so clever that she would know that the Black Hawk's assassination failed and her baby son was arrested.

In fact, what a smart man Prince Weiss is.

He knew that longmuchen and his wife were leaving D country tomorrow, and listening to their tone, it seemed that they would never have anything to do with him again.

So, he didn't cut Matt to pieces. Instead, he used him as a bargaining chip to force Mrs. Duffin to hand over the evidence that the duffins had sent someone to assassinate him.

With this evidence, Duke Weiss can blackmail the duffins to do anything for him, and no longer have to worry that he will be assassinated in the future!

Of course, these are afterwords!

It was the end of October when Qian Duoduo and long Muchen returned to Shanghai after nearly a month in D.

Although it's not like the snow in D country, it's also cool.

Qian Duoduo has a small potato in his stomach. Long Muchen doesn't dare to take her to stay at the airport. He calls a car and goes back to long's home directly.

"Mom, I'll come back!"

As soon as Qian Duoduo entered the door, she opened her arms and rushed to her mother. She didn't tell her in advance that she came back. She just wanted to give her a surprise.

The result - too much surprise.

Because the money mother is not the only one waiting for her to go home. You see, there is an uninvited guest - long Yutian.

This led to the fourteenth master of our family. He felt a sense of crisis in an instant. He fished the money back to his arms holding the money mother in his arms. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you here?"

His dark face is very ugly, which proves our fourteenth master's depressed mood. However, on the first day when he comes back home, he sees his rival. Can he not be depressed?

Long Yutian is not willing to be outdone. He takes Qian Mu's arm in one hand and says in a familiar and filial voice: "as soon as you go out for a month, you leave my mother here alone. She's lonely. I don't worry, so I come to see her. What's the matter?"

This words pick out is to say: you long Mu Chen is not filial to mother-in-law!

Long Muchen in front of his mother-in-law's face, also not good to lose his temper, just cold face refuted a: "you call who mother, this is my mother!"

I wonder if this dragon two little boy has been short of love since he was a child. If he catches one, he will be called ma!

Let him inherit the industry of the branch of the dragon family. He should be the president of the nursing home. He should be more dedicated and filial than anyone else. , the fastest update of the webnovel!