Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1572

The old man was relieved and said, "yes, we know that from now on, we won't trouble Duke Weiss any more."

Long Muchen sneered: "no, you can't find him. It's your business. It has nothing to do with me. He just helped my wife, and I promised him to stay and protect his life. Now he and I have nothing to do with each other. As for the future grudges, you can solve them by yourself. I will never interfere!"

Then, long Muchen turned to Duke Weiss and said coldly, "Duke Weiss, I'm not familiar with you, so you can bully others with my name in the future. Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Long Muchen this life, is most dislike this kind of timid, but also the person of the powerful.

In particular, relying on their own reputation, they are tyrannical outside. They are like 250000 or 80000!

(Qian Duoduo squints: 14, are you talking about me? /Dragon 14: daughter in law, I'm praising you! /Qian Duoduo grinned: I knew you were praising me

Duke Weiss was in a cold sweat with fright. Even in the air-conditioned room, he could not help shivering.

How can he forget that long Muchen is a cold-blooded and merciless guy?

According to the meaning of long Muchen, no matter who is assassinating himself in the future, he will stand idly by?

Master 14, watch! As soon as you leave, where do you want me to find another god like you!

In fact, after this failure, the Sao Bao boss will no longer trouble Duke Weiss. This is their biggest shame since the Black Hawk's debut.

Sao Bao boss shook his head, very Ah Q spirit ignore this shame: "these gentlemen, what do you have to order?"

Long Muchen's eyes narrowed. "I want Marte. Duffin

His voice through the night sky, with a strong deterrent, very clear to the ears of Malte who is still sitting on the helicopter.

The failure of the assassination has already made him a little scared. Now when he heard long Muchen calling for him, Marte was so scared that he cried out: "what are you doing here, looking for death? Don't drive the plane away, drive away!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, long Muchen, who was still standing in the study, suddenly flew up from the window like a ghost, stepped on the helicopter pedal, lifted Marte's shoulder, and dragged him into the study.

All the people, can't see how long Muchen moves, how to take off at all, just look at Malte kneeling at the foot of long Muchen.

Marte staggers on the ground, grabs a sniper gun and shoots randomly, with red eyes and yelling: "I'll kill you, kill you!"

Long Muchen opened a shield cover and flicked away the bullets. He rolled them up in the air. The bullets on the ground seemed to be full of strange power. They scattered into a circle and hit Marte at his feet.

In less than five seconds, Marte, who had just been insane, immediately sat on the lotus throne of Guanyin Bodhisattva like the legendary "red child" and was stunned by several bullets.

Marte subconsciously turned to run, but his legs were already scared to become soft noodles, and there was a "light rain" between his crotch.

(PS: tomorrow, duo'er will return to Shanghai, and then to shengchen) , the fastest update of the webnovel!