Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1574

As soon as Qian Duoduo saw that the two men were about to fight each other when they met, she rubbed her eyebrows, pointed to the calcium tablets and blue bottles on the table, and cut in to change the topic.

"Mom - why are there so many supplements?"

However, haven't waited for money mother to speak, long Mu Chen directly darted to the table, in the mouth still crackling of recite a lot.

"Mom, if you are short of something, just talk to him. If you can't, you can also tell me directly that duo'er and I will accompany you to buy. Now many of these supplements are fake. We can't accept other people's things indiscriminately. What should we do if we eat badly

As he said this, he reached out to carry the gift boxes and threw them all at the door.

Hum, long Yutian, a cunning man, flatters his mother-in-law while the king is away. He wants to be beautiful!

However, as soon as the tonics were thrown to the ground, he Bo at the door screamed: "Yo, old lady, you just bought the tonic from outside. You also said you were going to send it to relatives. Why did you throw it out?"

Long Muchen originally wanted to scold long Yutian, but after hearing this, he kept his hands fixed in the air, and forgot to draw back.

Long Mu Chen Leng Leng God, turned his head and looked at the money mother dully.

Qian Duoduo scratched his head and asked, "Mom, did you buy these?"

Qian's mother looks at long Muchen innocently, stares at the tonics that are thrown on the ground with her eyes, and nods.

Long Mu Chen full dull half minute, this just put away a facial embarrassment of facial expression, softly coughed two, graceful of stride, walked toward the door.

He bent, personally picked up the gift boxes that he had thrown out, turned and put them back on the table, one by one in order.

Then, turning his head, he said solemnly, "so do you, he Bo. Why didn't you say that my mother bought this health care product earlier? I thought it was the servants who used it to fool the old lady. "

After a pause, he poured a glass of water and handed it to the money mother. The words he said were as sweet as they were.

"Mom, you have a good eye. You see, these gift boxes are all hung with small blue hats, which have been tested by the national food and drug administration, quality control, supervision and management, and the Council. Otherwise, ginger is still spicy."

With that, he immediately turned to Qian Duoduo and winked, "duo'er, our mother is really hot eyed, don't you think?"

Money Duoduo Leng Lengshen, pregnant a month of her, seems to have dull, finally, or looking at long Muchen keep blinking at her, she just ignorant ah.

However, in response, she wanted to shrink her head into her neck.

This man, who has just lost his mother-in-law's things, how can he boast about the old lady's fiery eyes?

Compared with his own ability, this is really deceiving the dead!

Qian Duoduo touched his nose: "that, mom, I'm hungry."

Long Mu Chen immediately laughed to open a flower: "we go to have a meal now, daughter-in-law, want to eat what?"

Qian Duoduo didn't bother to think about it, so he said directly, "hot and sour."

Long Muchen immediately ordered he Bo to go down to prepare, and then took his daughter-in-law and took a proud look at long Yutian: "long Yutian, now that Duoer and I have come back, we won't bother you to come here and see my mother." , the fastest update of the webnovel!