Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1556

"Dor, DOR? What's the matter with you? "

Looking at the woman in her arms, frowning, silent and unconscious, long Muchen felt that her blood had been condensed.

With red eyes, he turned his head and yelled at Feng Mengmeng: "what did you do to her?"

Feng Mengmeng was also stunned, and his tears pattered: "I, I don't know - sister dor just jumped and fainted -"

Weiss turned his eyes twice, and said: "Mr. long, the most important thing now is to take his wife to the hospital first!"

Yes, no more running, the police will come up!

Long Mu Chen this just returned to a God, astringed the fierce spirit on the body, horizontal embrace money to blossom, ran out of the restaurant.

Duke Weiss sighed with relief, turned his head and looked at Martel who was still in shock on the ground. He snorted and laughed with glee: "don't blame me for not warning you. Mr. long is not the one you can afford. If I hadn't interceded for you, Martel would be a dead body now!"

(little potato pretends to be dead: you son of a bitch, can you have some old faces? I was scared to cry when my unfortunate mother jumped, which attracted my father's attention. What's the matter with you

Malte was just pinched by long Muchen and humiliated. He was afraid of the power of the red haired man and did not dare to speak.

But it doesn't mean that he can show off in front of his own eyes.

"Wes, don't be a bully here. I'm a vegetarian today. I don't agree with you. On the 30th, I'll see with my own eyes how you died, Mr. long and the smart woman!"

Weiss was in a daze, No.30 -

he had long suspected that it was the Dafen family who wanted to take his life in previous assassinations, but there was no evidence.

I didn't expect that this mentally handicapped Malte was so young that he couldn't keep a secret.

Weiss's lips, across a treacherous / deceitful smile: "hum, the best number 30 can kill me, otherwise, I let you turn into a lump of ash, even the crematorium do not have to enter!"

With that, he straightened his windbreaker and walked out of the restaurant. However, as soon as he went out, Duke Weiss immediately turned into Li Lianying.

"Don't worry, Mr. long. Just slow down and I'll drive!"

Duke Weiss overtakes all the way, changes lanes and speeds to 180. Within 20 minutes, he arrives at the top hospital in D country.

The hospitals are dedicated to the royal nobility, and Wes has arranged everything in the car.

So, as soon as Qian Duoduo entered the door, she was pushed into the examination room, and several experts gathered to check her body.

Longmuchen fidgeting around the door of the examination room, Weiss on the side, endless comfort him.

It's all nonsense about "Lady Long's good fortune" and "she'll be safe.".

Long Mu Chen glanced at him and gave him a "shut up" look. Weiss immediately bowed his head and said nothing.

Our fourteenth master thought, of course, the Regent Princess of the kingdom of shengchen is lucky and prosperous. Do you still use a yellow haired monkey to chat here?

Seeing that Qian Duoduo has been pushed into the examination room for 20 minutes, long Muchen can't wait to see his daughter-in-law. , the fastest update of the webnovel!