Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1555

Long Mu Chen's wrist a tight, is like the internal force of the magnet general, take the strong attraction, pinched the Malte in the palm of the hand.

"If you dare to touch my woman, I will make you die rhythmically!"

Mrs. Duffin was stunned. She didn't recover until Marte let out a scream of "Ouch!" and yelled: "kill someone - call the police, call the police

Said, then randomly turned out the mobile phone, dialed the alarm call.

"Sister duo'er, please tell your husband to stop. If it goes on like this, people will die!"

Feng Mengmeng is a typical introverted girl. She is also a little timid. For fear of making trouble, she quickly dissuades her.

Qian Duoduo turned her lips. Although she didn't want Marte's life at all, it's not too bad for her to teach him a lesson.

Let him know that "civilian" is not something he can easily bully.

At this time, Mrs. Dafen was really frightened by long Muchen's murderous spirit. She just wanted to move forward and beg for mercy.

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"My God! Mr. long, what are you doing? Let go

Weiss and a few friends gathered in a nearby cafe. As soon as they came out, they saw several police cars parked downstairs.

The onlookers also talked about what they said. Several Chinese even beat the duffins.

Weiss subconsciously felt that the situation was not good. He ran up to see that it was Mr. long who was really showing his power.

He ran up in a hurry, just wanted to hold long Muchen's wrist, but was swept over by long Muchen's fierce and cold eyes, he was scared to shiver twice, then put down his hand, did not dare to touch him.

"Mrs. Long, please advise Mr. Martin. Dafen is a side branch of the royal family. Mr. Long's big fight has alerted the police. If they come up, it will be very troublesome! " Duke Weiss had to turn around and pray for money.

In fact, the Duffin family and their Weiss family are feuds. They all gnash their teeth and want to kill each other.

Long Muchen now hands out a lesson to Malte, Wei Si Mo innermost feelings, is absolute schadenfreude of straightforward.

However, it seems that "that day" is coming. If the police are alarmed and Mr. long is arrested for two days, who will protect his life?

Qian Duoduo listened and looked at the window. Sure enough, police cars came one after another.

She was so scared that she jumped up.

14 although in the fierce, but also just the body where the fetus, how can fight so many AK47 ah?

Thirty six stratagems: walking is the best stratagem. If you can't beat it, you'll run. It's always been an enduring stratagem for Qian Duoduo to wander in the river and lake!

She just stepped on her short legs, holding a plate in one paw to block her face, ready to drag 14 to run.

All of a sudden, Qian Duoduo felt dizzy, and then the whole person seemed to have no strength, so he fell down.

Feng Mengmeng quickly held her and saw Qian Duoduo fainting. She was so scared that she yelled: "don't fight, sister Duoer fainted!"

With the sound of this, Marte was thrown away with a bang.

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