Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1557

The door of the examination room was pushed open at this time.

Inside came an old professor in a white coat with eyes.

As soon as he opened the door, he felt a gust of wind blowing, and then a handful of his old bones were carried out like a chicken.

Long Muchen carried the old professor in mid air and asked urgently, "how's my wife? How can you suddenly faint? "

Thinking of DOR's abnormal behavior of eating, sleeping, nausea and retching these days, he was very worried.

The old professor's glasses were all tilted to one side by long Muchen, but because of Duke Weiss's friends, he still accompanied with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. long -"

but before the old professor finished, long Muchen threw him aside.

The fourteenth master suddenly blew his hair: "you quack, my daughter-in-law is lying in it, sleepy. Are you here to congratulate me?"

The old professor's face was full of tears, and he was very wronged to wipe his tears: "Mr. long, you misunderstood me. Congratulations to your wife. She has been pregnant for nearly a month, and you are going to be a father!"

"Dad? ——”Long Mu Chen silly Leng repeated a side, brain temporarily short circuit, have no reaction come over, feel these two words only, how so familiar?

However, this short circuit lasted only half a second, and he suddenly jumped up like a loach that had been shocked, and lifted the old professor from the ground again.

He grabbed his shoulder and shook it as a sieve: "Dad, Dad - do you mean dor is pregnant? I'm going to be a father? "

He thought that it would take a year and a half to recover after taking care of his body. Unexpectedly, the little potato was so competitive.

He felt that the whole world was brilliant, amazing and incomparable.

The old professor was shaken by him, the old bones are about to fall apart, he said with great difficulty: "yes, and mother and son are safe."

Longmuchen face of joy, more and more heavy, his hand, can't help shaking: "peace is good, peace is good. By the way, the child is male or female?"

The old professor is crying. Mr. long, can we let go first?

You strangle me like this, still keep shivering, your arm is not tired, I am tired of breathing.

Also, what's your strange question? The fetus is only one month old. How can you tell whether it's a man or a woman?

The old professor coughed: "the fetus is still small, still a small bud, can't see the gender.".. But Mrs. Long is awake now. Would you like to go in and have a look at her? "

Long Mu Chen suddenly ordered to nod, where still have the mind tube in front of old professor.

At random, the poor old professor was thrown aside as a snot.

Duke Weiss walked up to the old professor with a look of envy: "Professor, you are very lucky now!"

The old professor almost spat out half of his blood. He glanced at WES plaintively and said, "I'm so old that I'm almost broken into a nunchaku. How about this blessing?

When long Muchen pushes open the door of the examination room, Qian Duoduo is sitting on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

As soon as she heard the voice, she turned her head and cried, "fourteen, what's wrong with me? How could you faint? "

Long Mu Chen swallowed to swallow saliva, nervous of continuously rub a palm, just of excitement matchless, unexpectedly in see money a moment, become at a loss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!