Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1554

"Sister dor, I like cherry balls. Please don't black her!"

Qian Duoduo:...

forget it, anyway, for such a man, she has always been sneering at him, even more lazy to spend more time on him.

"Mengmeng, let's go. Now you have graduated and come back to China with your sister. You can choose a man with two legs. Catching any one is 100 times better than this parasite like pit father, and you don't have to face this ferocious mother-in-law like a tiger!"

How confident Qian Duoduo is, isn't she? She is the president of the gilded family. She doesn't have too many Gao Fu Shuai, OK!

Mrs. Duffin is not as calm as Martel. She is called a female tiger by name. She is so angry that she has endocrine disorder. She picks up a tea cup on the table and smashes it at the back of Qian Duoduo's head.

"Sister dor, be careful!"

After seeing this, Feng Mengmeng subconsciously pushed Qian Duoduo aside to avoid the attack of the teacup.

However, after Qian Duoduo scolded and fooled a scum man, he was elated. He was suddenly pushed by Meng Meng and almost fell down.

Fortunately, at the moment when she bent over, a strong arm sprang out from the side and directly brought her into her arms. Otherwise, she would be a member of the "big / dung" family now.

"Dor, are you ok?"

As soon as long Muchen came out of the bathroom, he saw a woman attacking Qian Duoduo with a teacup. He was so scared that he rushed out and finally hugged her when she fell down.

He turned his head and glared at Feng Mengmeng fiercely. His fierce eyes made Feng Mengmeng shrink his head.

Qian Duoduo was not happy. He pouted and twisted his arm: "fourteen, why are you so fierce? This is my little sister. If she didn't push me aside in time, my head would be beaten into a water curtain hole!"

"If you really want to avenge me, go and teach that old witch who is delusional of attacking me!"

Money is not guilty of fanning the flames, hum, dare to attack her, live tired of crooked!

Longmuchen saw the woman smashing the cup with her own eyes. He would not have spared her. Now, as soon as his wife opened her mouth, he couldn't be merciful.

He straightened the folded shirt which was grabbed by Qian Duoduo, and then went to Dafen with his chin raised and elegant steps.

The words and deeds seemed so calm and casual, but from his body, gradually filled with a frightening spirit, so that Daphne and his son could not help shivering.

Almost unable to withstand the pressure, he fell on his knees with a puff.

"You, what do you want? This is d country. I'm a royal family. Don't mess around

Mrs. Duffin raised her head haughtily, but when she opened her mouth, her trembling voice revealed her panic.

Because in the eyes of this red haired man, she saw a touch of fierce and cruel.

Long Muchen suddenly said: "I've never beaten a woman in my life. You're very lucky - but your son, unfortunately, will pay a heavy price for what you just did!"

With that, he stretched out his hand and picked up Marte, who was standing beside him.

Malte's neck seemed to be strangled by an invisible force. His feet were suspended in the air and he kept struggling in mid air. The feeling of severe suffocation made his face pale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!