Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1121

"By the way ~ one more thing."

Before leaving, Lucius remembered another thing: "did you collect any information about the child Claire?"

"Basically, there are make groundless accusations, and our bottom line is very abundant. If the child is there, it will never be missed, but the upper area is a bit of trouble. At least, the black roses can be sent to the upper level." For this matter, Loveland said it was also very difficult.

A teenager who holds a gem that can make the dragon and the devil imperceptible. Once he hides his body in this huge city, it is difficult to find him out, let alone the child was almost caught before. After learning a lesson, he should be very careful to hide his whereabouts this time. The worst case is that the child leaves the city, Once he goes somewhere else to hide his name, it\'s really like looking for a needle in the sea to find him.

"He didn\'t leave the city. I\'m sure of that!" There is only one thing Lucius can be sure of. The child never left the city, but continued to hibernate in the dark.

Yalin, located in the city of odur, has been observing the situation of the soul stone. Although Yalin can\'t get the detailed location, the general location system shows that the stone hasn\'t left the city. The child is still hiding in the city and continues to carry out his revenge plan.

In rulucio\'s opinion, it would be better if Claire really left the free city and went to live in seclusion somewhere. In this way, both himself and his majesty Yalin can let go. He is restricted by various rules and conditions in this city.

"I think he should hide in the upper area. Nine times out of ten, he may change his face or replace someone directly." Lucio analyzed it a little.

Claire\'s biggest mistake before was that he had too much prejudice against the city. He refused to integrate into the city. Instead, he wanted to destroy the city and kill his enemies as a lone ranger, but the inside information and strength of the city taught him a lesson in reality, The end result of being unable to integrate into the city is death after being completely isolated.

Claire should know what to do this time!

"Compared with being a wanted criminal who can only walk in the dark without a legal identity, it\'s easier to get a legal identity without walking in the street in fear." Leflea said thoughtfully, "even if the kid can\'t think of this, the devil attached to him will not think of it."

This will cause some trouble!

Lu Lu Xiu bit his teeth and put on his helmet again: "I\'ll solve the problem in the upper area, and I\'ll trouble you in the lower area."

"No problem ~ well, your excellency ruxiu, does your silver wing chamber of Commerce want to share in the profits of Havana tobacco?"

"This is not necessary. The profits of Yinyi chamber of Commerce in medicine alone are enough to make people jealous. Next, it\'s better not to set up more opponents."

After leaving the black rose, Lu Luxiu quickly changed into a seemingly ordinary gangster in a place where there was no one. He walked to the exit of the black street with a wandering look. Along the way, Lu Luxiu could easily notice that there was a certain order in the territory controlled by the black rose, and the Black Rose members wearing the rose badge played the role of order maintainer, Compared with other neighborhoods, it is cleaner and more prosperous, which forms a great contrast with those dilapidated areas.

Although people who travel to and from the black street are still doing all kinds of illegal business under this order, the human pursuit of beauty and comfort still makes people used to staying in the black rose territory, bound by order, rather than enjoying the freedom called disorder in other blocks.

In the final analysis, human beings are not mentally confused beasts. The freedom to kill each other like the law of the jungle is unacceptable to human mind and cognition.

In addition to the changes in some neighborhoods, Lu Lu Xiu also noticed that in today\'s black street, there are also a significant increase in spies from the free city security team and different forces. These spies are well disguised, pretending to be part of the black street and even doing all kinds of illegal activities, but some subtle actions still betrayed them, Make them seem out of tune with people who lived on the black street since childhood.

In other words, I may not have been able to observe so carefully before, but with the rapid improvement of mental power and vision brought by the dragon, I can see at a glance some imperceptible details on weekdays.

Leaving the black street, Lu Luxiu quickly changed his appearance and returned to the silver wing chamber of Commerce.

The matter of black rose is settled for the time being. Lefleur appoints musk, who seems dissatisfied with herself, to become an armed officer responsible for organizing a private army to maintain Gang order and rules. She has no dissatisfaction with musk. On the contrary, if she is lefleur, she will choose this seemingly impulsive guy, After all, under his impulse, he really put the interests of black rose in the first place. He is a rare loyal minister. It is also very appropriate for him to take charge of this important position.

However, it is a pity that the Black Knights may have a lot of holidays with musk in the future. After all, from the beginning, the cooperative script between the black rose and the Black Knights was just a betrayal play that sold the black rose to the top!

Lu Lu Xiu smiled. If the script is well played, it is only a certainty that black rose will rise to the top of the high-level area and even under the command of the big three.

As for Claire, the boy holding the soul stone, now he is not as naive as at first. With a wily devil around him, it is really difficult to find him. However, as long as the other party is still in the free city and the other party is still persistent in revenge, he will leave some clues in his actions.

The best thing to do is to set up some eyeliners around Philips Kantor, one of the big enemies of Claire, one of the big three of the big business. Claire\'s two main enemies in the free city, Filippo J, as an ordinary person, are obviously easier to start than the arena champion Geer Kate. As long as he can touch Philebus with the power of gemstones, Philebus can be solved with a letter opener.

However, Felix was not stupid. During this period, Felix was completely invisible. No one knew where Felix was hiding except his confidants, and those who tried to inquire about Felix\'s whereabouts were crowned with the crime of suspicious elements and cults and thrown into prison.

As for Philebus, Lucius didn\'t even meet him. At most, he invited him to an auction and gave him a "commodity" for free, a commodity that he didn\'t know how to deal with.

"You\'re back ~ Lord Lu Xiu!"

According to the tips given by buyani, lulushu avoided the surveillance of the Dragon grammar array and entered the chamber of commerce through the back door. When he put his helmet and cloak into the space ring, lulushu called Eliza.

"How\'s the girl I brought back from the auction last time?"

"Is it Lydia of the Harriman family in the kingdom of cressus?"

"Yes, it\'s her."

Eliza thought for a moment and said that after being brought back to the chamber of Commerce by lulushu, Lydia seemed to have a self abandoning attitude. She stayed in the room all day, reading books quietly, and seemed ready to accept what she would encounter. However, lulushu, who bought Lydia at a "big price", never paid attention to her from that day on, Even it seemed that she was almost forgotten. Lydia seemed to have finally summoned up the courage to ask if she could see Lucio.

"She wants to see me? It seems that you didn\'t report it to me." Lucio looked at Eliza with his head tilted, as if asking why.

At the same time, the elf twins in black and white maid clothes, Lola and Rona, pushed open the door and brought tea to lulushu.

"Master ~ please have tea."

Looking at the two little Loris who seemed to be under the age of 10 skillfully filled themselves with tea, Lucio nodded with satisfaction. Under the influence of Geass\'s power, the messy things taught by the twin sisters in the hands of slave traders were erased in an instant. After the color and charm inconsistent with their age disappeared, The two sisters who recovered as pure as white paper quickly became excellent little maids under the guidance of Eliza, responsible for some cleaning and daily work.

Eliza also took the black tea from the two sisters: "at that time, I went to see her. Considering that Lydia wanted to see you, she just wanted you to let her go or bring a letter to her family to redeem her, I thought reporting this kind of thing was just a waste of time, so I took you to refuse."


For a moment, ruxiu, who was drinking tea, was silent. In some ways, Eliza became more and more aware of herself. If Lydia\'s request was really these two points, he must have refused. It was obviously unrealistic to let her go directly. Anyway, he spent an astronomical price to buy her, Let her go just because of a request. I\'m afraid I\'ll be crowned with the title of fool when it comes out. Free city is not a place of fraternity. On the contrary, it\'s only treated as a fool to mention equality, fraternity and kindness here.

Even if Lydia is not so naive, but proposes to let her family redeem herself, the problem is that the Harriman family seems to have been completely evaporated. After learning about Lydia, Alisa also quietly investigated it. However, there are bad news from kreises Kingdom one after another.

Let alone Delia, in some ways, is the touchstone thrown by the big businessman filibus. If she is thrown away, it will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to the big businessman in the future.

Just then, a maid knocked on the door and came in with a badge.

"People from the kingdom of kreises ~ came to look for Lydia? It was a good time."

When he heard the news from the maid, Lu Lu Xiu smiled. This is probably the so-called saying of Cao Cao in the Federation of China.