Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1120

There is a huge power generation gap between mortals and extraordinary people in this world. In a power based world, wealth and power can play an extremely limited role. In the face of the overwhelming violence of extraordinary people, mortals can be said to be slaughtered on the battlefield, Now the extraordinary people hide their identity and walk among the mortals, rather than have brutally forced themselves to enslave the mortals as rulers, thanks to the precise operation system of the world.

The supernatural is monitored by the gods above the sky, because they need the belief of mortals to maintain their own gods. They will never ignore the wanton killing and enslavement of mortals by the supernatural. After all, the number of beliefs is directly related to the safety of gods\' lives. When their lives are threatened, even the merciful gods will become less merciful.

Suppose... If the world does not have this complex \'ecosystem\' running, then ordinary people can only be slaughtered among the extraordinary.

Zero, the leader of the Black Knights, is also ruxiu of the silver wing chamber of Commerce. After coming to this strange world to have an in-depth understanding, he realized how cruel and ruthless the world is. What he has to say is even crueler than his own world. Although the Brittany Empire exploited the colonial people as inferior nations, But at least it gives them the opportunity to work and live, but in this world, if the extraordinary have no bondage, they can treat mortals as slaves, and they don\'t have to worry about their resistance at all.

The hidden extraordinary people in the high-rise of the free city, whether it is the Black Dragon Prince crosaid, the female demon yunojia or the philole with some wrong sexual orientation, as extraordinary people, they still hide themselves and act according to the rules set by mortals, mainly because they are restricted by gods, Whether the silver wing chamber of Commerce or black rose wants to really develop to the upper level of the city, it is impossible to avoid their influence.

As the president of the silver wing chamber of Commerce and the leader of the Black Knights, I have entered the eyes of these extraordinary people. It is only a matter of time for these extraordinary people to stare at the same flourishing black rose. Instead of slowly adjusting to adapt when that day comes, I might as well start to adapt now and prepare for the future.

"The great pressure that the so-called transcendent brings to mortals is really stronger than expected."

In the headquarters of black rose, after all the idle people have been driven away in the VIP lounge, in order to entertain today\'s distinguished guests, lefleur took out a bottle of collected sandenberg wine, which was originally produced in toscara City, Cordoba kingdom in the west of the mainland. It is really right in taste and taste, and has the reputation of water drop of God.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Just a little..."

After confirming that there were no others around, Lu Xiu also took off the mask representing zero\'s identity and took a long breath.

A little bit of frozen red wine was poured into the wine glass. After pouring another glass for herself, lefflan smiled and said, "Your Excellency, don\'t you have enough wine?"

"Well, in the past, I wasn\'t a drinker and didn\'t know how much I could drink, but now I\'m afraid of wasting. For people who will never get drunk, wine is no different from sweet juice." Lu Xiu shook his glass and drank it.

Reincarnation into a giant dragon not only brings unparalleled strength and physique, but also brings some subtle side effects. For example, alcohol is difficult to make people feel drunk. If you want to intoxicate a giant dragon, you must at least prepare a ton of wine. In addition, after the giant dragon turns into a giant dragon, your food intake also increases greatly. It\'s OK to maintain human form at ordinary times, If you restore the dragon form or fight too hard, you will feel very hungry. You need to eat a lot of food to eliminate this hunger.

After the last confrontation with yunojia, lulushu found that he had a good appetite and ate the amount of food he usually had to eat for a week.

"If you count it down, sir, you have played three roles alone. As zero of the Black Knight order, how many people do you have now?" Lefflan asked, sipping her drink.

"There are only three people plus me."

"Ha ~" in the face of this funny answer, leflea shook her head and said with a smile: "it\'s not the same as those leather bag chambers of Commerce in the free city. It\'s done by one from the president to the subordinate staff."

Rulu Xiu is noncommittal about this. There is no way ~ the Black Knights are still preparing, because considering the confidentiality, there are no suitable candidates except the mage trust and crystal dragon buyani who come from odur city. A large part of the direct personnel from odur city need to be the guards of the pharmacy workshop and chamber of Commerce, Most of the companions from odur have already appeared in this city. It\'s really hard for them to become members of the Black Knight order.

Any existence that can reach the extraordinary field will become extremely powerful and sharp in spirit. To hide their spiritual perception, it is not easy to cover a hole with a mask.

In the end, his own party has three rings that can be used to change his appearance and hide his breath. He originally wanted to get some more rings with great use from Yalin, but only the number of 80 makes Yalin tremble subconsciously. It can be seen that this ring is not a decimal in the cost, The idea of building a black knight order with rings can only be eliminated.


Although the Black Knight order can only be regarded as a "leather bag" Knight order, it still has great potential. After all, the head and the tentative thug No. 1 are both dragons, and thug No. 2 is at least a high-level mage with ice, fire and talent. In terms of personnel, Lu luciu decided to absorb some valuable local people from the free city through the black rose, Lu Lu Xiu doesn\'t think it is very difficult for this. The city is too distorted and cruel. With the accumulation of countless blood and corpses for thousands of years, there are many people in the bright city who have suppressed the idea of resistance and revenge, as long as they can point out a way for them, These people forced by injustice and cruelty will explode like a powder keg.

Of course, the result of the complete outbreak is to usher in a complete repression. Lulushu doesn\'t want to challenge the final bosses behind the scenes, not to mention the Black Dragon Prince croside and the female demon yunojia, that is, Lawrence and filibus, as mortals, can easily crush the newly established Black Knight order.

Although it is said that the armed personnel of black rose should be trained, in fact, Lu Luxiu is not prepared to train them in force. After all, Lu Luxiu is also a commander and commander rather than an instructor. He knows how to build and command the army and how to let a group of militia bury the elite regular army through traps and tricks, However, he is not good at training an ordinary person to be an invincible warrior, let alone facing a group of small gangsters at the bottom of society. It is better to expect them to grow up to fight against the extraordinary than to choke on an olive when the other party eats. Such a probability may be higher.

Instead of training Black Rose\'s personnel to carry out direct armed confrontation, they should train these personnel how to deal with extraordinary people. When interacting with extraordinary people in the future, Black Rose\'s members should know how to walk among these extraordinary people or avoid them, Know how to figure out each other\'s psychology, and deal with problems with extraordinary people with the help of "potential" rather than direct "force".

Lu Luxiu has discussed with leflea about the training of black rose members for a long time. Even the arrogant crafty witch who works at scheming has to admit that now both Yinyi chamber of Commerce and black rose must act according to the rules of the city, unless one day she can be strong enough to become a rule maker, For this reason, leflea doesn\'t want to see a few indecisive lengtouqing in her black rose to provoke the extraordinary people in the city and bring disaster.

"Although they are called extraordinary, they are also divided into three, six and nine grades. Some people who have just stepped into the extraordinary field are actually no different from ordinary people. If they are only a little stronger in personal combat effectiveness, they can kill them with skilled cooperation and traps."

In the original District 11, the black knight regiment led by rulucio once defeated the army of the Brittany Empire and fought a classic battle of winning more with less. As long as the gap is not too big to make up, even if the Brittany Empire has super pilots beyond the specification of pivot rosefinch, He can still restrain him through the calculation and arrangement of the battlefield, but when there are more super drivers at the level of rosefinch, he can\'t restrict the other party by relying on arrangement and traps.

Leflea also said thoughtfully, "maybe we can try to win over some extraordinary people. I believe that his Highness the prince and yunojia should not control the extraordinary people in the whole city."

"If all they can control should be under their command, the rest are probably some unruly people. They don\'t want to be bound by kloside and yunojia. Naturally, they don\'t want to be bound by us, let alone our strength is too inferior to kloside and yunojia."

It\'s a good idea to win over the extraordinary, but the extraordinary\'s character is too changeable and arrogant. It\'s very difficult to really get their loyalty. After all, who is willing to be a subordinate when they get the power to do whatever they want in front of ordinary people. After all, it\'s not a brainless NPC who can\'t leave the map. The strong at level 10 of the previous map can be a overlord, As a result, the strong at level 20 of the next map would rather be a doorman than a local emperor.

Moreover, even if you want to surrender, you have to choose the one with the thickest thigh to hold, while the black rose and the Black Knights are obviously not!

I\'m afraid we\'ll have to think about it in the long run.