Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1122

The badge brought in by the maid was recognized by Eliza. It was found that it was actually the badge of tastorov family in kreises kingdom. This family is a family that Eliza knows very little. It seems that it can be traced back to the founding period of kreises Kingdom like Harriman family. It can be said that it is an ordinary figure at the senior level.

"I once heard from my father that if the Harriman family of kreises kingdom is a civil servant family, the tastorov family is a martial family. Some people in the family have served as generals, marshals and other important positions in the army of kreises kingdom for generations. It is even said that the head of tastorov family once served as the leader of the royal guards Shuai, in the kingdom of kreises, he is loyal to the royal family. However, compared with the Harriman family, which is a civil servant, who often visits countries on behalf of the royal family, tastolov rarely appears in public. I don\'t know much about this family. "

Listening to Eliza\'s introduction, lulushu had to shake his head and sigh: "it is conceivable how loyal the family can be in exchange for such trust if he can be delegated by the royal family as the commander of the guards, but now he will directly rebel against the current king. It can be seen how stupid and incompetent such a new king is."

"I feel the same, your excellency Lu Xiu."

Eliza also agreed that she could force two famous founding fathers\' families on the mainland to rebel. His majesty, the king who framed his sister\'s accession to the throne, in terms of incompetence, may be comparable to the idiot Prince silvado of belrama kingdom.

"Can you confirm the authenticity of the emblem?"


Alisa smiled bitterly in embarrassment: "I\'m sorry, Lord ruxiu. I\'m not sure about this. I\'m just a little impressed with the emblem of the tastolov family. If you want me to inquire, I can give you an accurate answer."

Lu Xiu waved his hand: "it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s true or not. Since each other can find here, there should be no fake. Besides, it doesn\'t matter if it\'s a fake. If you want to take Lydia away without paying a price, it\'s no longer within my permission."

At first, for lulushu, Delia in his own hands was like chicken ribs. The food was tasteless and it was a pity to abandon her. Considering that filibus could not abandon her for a while, he had planned to see if he could take advantage of Lydia\'s identity as the daughter of the Hariman family, a famous aristocrat in the kreises kingdom, Get some benefits in a country that is turbulent because the incompetent king comes to power. If it\'s really not possible, use Geass to make Lydia feel at ease as a maid from now on, just like the twin sisters Lola and Lorna.

But now it doesn\'t seem to be necessary. People in the kingdom of kreises are really good people. They just send pillows when they want to sleep.

In that case, as the vice president of Yinyi chamber of Commerce, how can I not meet each other.


The staff who got the order outside the chamber of commerce also quickly guided the two guests to the rest room. There were five people on the other side, but only a 60 year old man and a young man stepped into the chamber of Commerce, and the other three were faithfully waiting by the carriage, although they were wearing common clothes, However, the three bodyguards all gave people a feeling of extraordinarily vigorous from their energy and spirit.

The identity of the visitor is not trivial, which has almost become the common view of the duty personnel of the chamber of Commerce.

The old man and the bodyguard who were led to the lounge did not touch the tea given by the maid. After entering Yinyi chamber of Commerce, the old man secretly observed the layout of the chamber of Commerce, and the result was a very not simple chamber of Commerce, whether its founder, a 17-year-old, or the miracles created by the chamber of Commerce after its establishment, This chamber of Commerce and the young Lu Xiu who established it are not simple.

Not to mention seeing a silver haired swordsman in a black windbreaker on the road. Although he just brushed by, the other party\'s eyes had an indescribable sense of aggression. It was obviously a habit he had developed long ago to look at his own strength. For him, fighting simply is an instinctive habit in his life. He is generally eager to fight and fight with more powerful people, And he himself revealed the kind of fierce momentum, all of which showed that his strength was unpredictable.

A chamber of Commerce has such a powerful guard.

The old people began to believe that the president of the silver wing chamber of Commerce, rulucio lampeki, was the Royal descendant of the once extinct perlas empire. Otherwise, it was difficult to guess where he came from because of his wealth, vision, temperament and even such powerful subordinates.

The descendant of overlord garserik... This identity can be said to be a blessing of luck and a curse of bad luck.

No matter what the identity of the president of Yinyi chamber of commerce is, the most important thing is whether he can give himself the Miss Lydia he bought, or whether he is willing to let his side redeem Miss Lydia.

Ten million lihn bought Miss Lydia, which was not a small amount. He even let himself look for the wrong goal for a long time. As a result, he finally heard some clues from the staff of the bought auction. After a long investigation, he finally locked the president of silver wing chamber of Commerce, rulucio lampeiji, from the four lists.

"I\'ve been waiting for two people for a long time. I\'m Lu Xiu lampei, President of Yinyi chamber of Commerce."

Just then Lucius opened the door and came in with Eliza.

Seeing Lu Luxiu walking into the house, although he had been prepared for it, seeing Lu Luxiu\'s too young appearance, the old man was still surprised at the teenager who was just like a minor child. Such a young teenager really took his sister to this weak meat and strong food city, and took root here and established his own chamber of Commerce.


Seeing Lu Xiu coming, the old man also introduced himself.

Taral tastorov! The former head of the tastolov family, an old aristocrat of the kingdom of kreises, and now a general of the kingdom of kreises. According to Eliza\'s inexplicable and somewhat surprised supplement, lulushiu learned that the old man had personally taken command of the battlefield in the battle with the karsermon Empire not long ago and defeated the offensive of the karsermon empire, And cooperate with Princess lindis to almost backhand encircle the main force of the karsermon empire. If it was not betrayed by King Calvin later, even the worst result of the border conflict between the two countries should be a draw between the two countries, rather than the defeat of the kingdom of kreises by one side.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Taylor." After taking his seat, Lu Xiu shook hands with the old man.

As for the reason for the visit of the old general of the kingdom of kreises, lulushiu had already understood, so he didn\'t want to say useless polite words. As a soldier, old general taral obviously didn\'t like to say such polite words. After introducing himself, both sides immediately cut to the point. The process was blunt and direct, which made Alisa, an "old" businessman, feel uncomfortable.

The content to be discussed is basically well known to each other. Therefore, lulushu directly admitted that he was indeed the person who bought Lydia that day. As for why he stubbornly spent 10 million lihn to buy Lydia, lulushu said that it was because of some "special" reasons. As for why, Taylor didn\'t need to ask so much.

And Taylor doesn\'t intend to discuss the other party\'s privacy. Whether the other party recognizes Miss Lydia\'s identity as the daughter of the Harriman family, or because she was only motivated at that time and had to redeem Miss Lydia at a price of more than 10 million lihn, even if the other party wants a lion to speak, I\'m afraid she can only bear to negotiate as much as possible.

Tarale proposed to meet Lydia first. For this request, lulushu said that he could see her at any time after the negotiation, and guaranteed that Miss Lydia was intact now, of course ~ in several ways!

Later, the two sides began a tug of war on the transfer conditions of Lydia. In order to redeem Lydia, taral has fully prepared 20 million lien. However, for lulushu, he does not lack funds, but needs some other things, the most important of which is sufficient reputation and influence, And as far as the current situation is concerned, I can\'t let Lydia leave for the time being. At least I need to pass the test in filibus.

Although recently, because of Claire\'s affair, felibers learned that the boy who had a grudge against him was colluding with the devil and was ready to kill himself, facing the threat of the devil, a monster that only existed in legend, the big three became invisible. No one knew where his trace was except the other two big three, But although Philebus himself disappeared, he still controlled many things in the free city through remote control. He was no less energetic in searching Claire than himself and yunojia.

In this way, the big slave merchant did not forget to continue to pay attention to the silver wing chamber of Commerce. The pharmaceutical order for the silver wing chamber of Commerce was sent soon after Lu Luxiu participated in the auction. In addition to the amazing quantity required, the order also included an invitation to invite Lu Luxiu to a banquet held by filibus at the end of the year.

The recent actions of such a big slave merchant have been constant, and they are strengthening the vigilance around him. Obviously, the emergence of Claire and the devil has caused him a lot of mental pressure.

"Lord Taylor, I hope you can understand that I am not short of money now. At that time, the reason why I bid for Miss Lydia was only a small accident. In fact, I have a better way."

"Please speak, Lord Lucius."

Taylor wondered that in this long negotiation tug of war, the young man showed no less language talent and analytical ability than any old businessman, and the female assistant around her was also very powerful, making up for any possible loopholes for him.

Lu Luxiu said with a sincere expression, "the main commodity of Yinyi chamber of commerce is medicine rather than population. If you can, I hope to reach an agreement with Mr. Taylor. I promise I will return Miss Lydia directly."