One Sword Reigns Supreme

500 Sword Immortal Chapter 500: Patriarch's breath!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Jianzong!

When he saw these two characters, Ye Xuan was stunned.


He once saw these two words in a new world, where there was a sect, also called Jianzong!

Is there any connection between these two sword sects?

After a while, Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the Emperor Dog, "Is this God\'s Domain?"

The Emperor Dog glanced around, then said: "Maybe...maybe...maybe it is!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Emperor Dog smiled, "It\'s all here, let\'s take a look."

Ye Xuan was speechless, this guy definitely led the wrong way.

This is not God\'s Domain at all!

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked into the distance. The huge sword in the distance stood so tall in the starry sky, very majestic, giving people the feeling of a way to pierce the sky.

Moreover, it also carries an extremely powerful sword.

Ye Xuan quietly felt the momentum, this sword force was a bit like a turbulent ocean wave, as if it could destroy everything.

not simple!

After a while, Ye Xuan said, "Go and see!"

After that, he brought the Emperor Dog to the giant sword, standing under the giant sword, the sword power became stronger, and it was a little hard to breathe.

The Emperor Dog glanced at the giant sword, and then said in a deep voice, "This place is not easy!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "It\'s not easy, go, go in and take a look!"

As he said, he took the Emperor Dog around the giant sword. In the starry sky behind the giant sword, there stood a huge incomplete hall. Above the hall, seventy-two flying swords hovered over. In addition, around the main hall, swords sounded from time to time.

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, someone?

However, he did not feel the breath of life!

Ye Xuan speeded up, and soon, he and the Emperor Dog came to the front of the hall, and just before the hall, several flying swords shot at him and the Emperor Dog like lightning.

Ye Xuan was expressionless, not dodge or avoid, the two flying swords broke directly in front of him, and at the same time, two swords appeared in front of him, one black and one white.

But at this moment, a sword sound suddenly resounded from the hall, and soon, a sword light suddenly rose from the hall and went straight into the air.

Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog looked up, and they didn\'t know when thousands of swords gathered in the air, and these thousands of swords kept circling in the air.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of swords suddenly turned their blades upside down, and all the blades pointed at Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan\'s face sank, is this sword formation controlled by someone?

Before Ye Xuan had time to think about it, the ten-thousand-handed sword in the air suddenly shot down, extremely fast, and instantly came to the heads of Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog.

The Emperor Dog was about to make a move, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I\'m coming!"

The voice fell, and he turned his fingers slightly.


The sound of two swords suddenly resounded. Then, two sword lights suddenly appeared in the field, one black and one white. With the appearance of these two sword lights, the sound of cutting suddenly sounded in the field. Ten thousand handle swords were all turned into a pile of fragments!

Aside, the Emperor Dog couldn\'t help but glance at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan\'s flying sword was much faster than before!

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked not far away. The next moment, someone else appeared directly in front of the hall, and the hall was empty and there was no one!

Ye Xuan frowned, no one?

But at this moment, a sword light suddenly appeared in the hall, and this sword light slashed directly at him!

Ye Xuan pointed out that the front is just one point.


At this point, that sword light shattered directly!

Ye Xuan looked up. On a stone platform in the hall, there was a wooden figure holding a long sword.

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, was this guy made that sword light just now?

At this moment, the wooden man suddenly jumped, and with this jump, he jumped directly in front of Ye Xuan. At the same time, the long sword in his hand pierced Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows like electricity.

At the moment when the wooden man took out the sword, Ye Xuan also suddenly took out the sword, faster and directly pierced the wooden man\'s chest.

However, just

Stabbed in front of the wooden man\'s chest, Ye Xuan\'s face changed, because his sword did not pierce the wooden man in front of him. On the contrary, the sword of the wooden man in front of him had already reached a few inches between his brows.

Ye Xuan tapped his toes and retreated, and at this moment, the wooden man\'s sword speed suddenly increased.


When Ye Xuan retreated ten feet away, a drop of blood slowly fell from where he was standing.

Ye Xuan gently touched his eyebrows, where there was a small sword mark.

Ye Xuan raised his head to look at the wooden figure in the distance. At this moment, there was a touch of solemnity on his face!

The speed of the wooden man\'s sword just now, the first speed was actually a scam, and the speed that suddenly accelerated at the end was the wooden man\'s real sword speed!

Be overcast!

To be precise, he underestimated the enemy!

In the distance, the wooden figure held a sword and gently tapped at Ye Xuan, which was self-evident.

Not far away, the Emperor Dog suddenly laughed, and when he saw Ye Xuan deflated, he felt happy inexplicably.

Ye Xuan walked towards the wooden man with a sword, but at this moment, the wooden man did not pull out the sword, but stood so quietly.

When Ye Xuan walked half a foot in front of the wooden figure, the wooden figure suddenly shot out a sword.

A little bit of coldness now!

And almost at the same time, Ye Xuan also made a sword.

The tip of the needle is to the wheat!

However, after a short while, Ye Xuan retreated ten feet away, with a deep sword mark on his right arm.

But the wooden figure in the distance still stood in place, without moving anything.

Not far away, Ye Xuan\'s expression was a bit ugly.

At that moment, he and the wooden man made swords at the same time, and his sword speed was no slower than the wooden man.

However, he lost!

Because the wooden man made not one sword, but two swords, and in the left hand of the wooden man, there was another sword!

This wooden man uses double swords!

Not far away, the Emperor Dog also put away his smile, and there was also a dignified look in his eyes.

If Ye Xuan was grossly underestimating the enemy at the beginning, then this time, Ye Xuan was really defeated!

And Ye Xuan\'s kendo attainments are very clear. This wooden person can let Ye Xuan eat twice in a row. It can be said that this is a bit scary.

Not far away, Ye Xuan was silent.


Why did you lose just now?

Is it just because the wooden man produces double swords?

Actually not exactly!

There is another reason, that is, his own sword speed is not fast enough, and his reaction power is not enough, because when the opponent made the second sword, he has not yet reacted!

This is already speed and consciousness suppression!

Ye Xuan looked at the wooden figure in the distance, and he was a little confused, is this really a wooden figure?

At this moment, the wooden man suddenly pointed at Ye Xuan with a sword, and motioned to Ye Xuan to continue coming!

Ye Xuan walked towards the wooden man with his sword, and aside, the Emperor Dog suddenly said, "Be careful."

It can be seen that this wooden man has deadly moves and does not mean to show mercy.

Ye Xuan nodded, and then walked to the wooden figure. This time, the wooden figure did not make a move, and Ye Xuan did not make a move.

One person and one piece of wood stood like that, and this station actually stood for half an hour!

After half an hour, Ye Xuan did not make a move, nor did the wooden man make a move.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly took out the sword, and the moment Ye Xuan took out the sword, the wooden man also took out the sword!

The sword came out very fast, and it was a double sword!

And at the moment when the wooden man took out his sword, the two flying swords quietly cut towards the wooden man’s head. However, what Ye Xuan did not expect was that as soon as his flying sword appeared, he was knocked into the air by the wooden man. At the same time, the wooden man One of the swords came directly to his brow.

Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly, and he flashed back quickly, and just as he backed away, the wooden figure suddenly pierced him with a sword from the air, and a sword pierced out, and four shadows holding long swords suddenly appeared around Ye Xuan. !

Before Ye Xuan could react, the four swords had already come to every key point in his body. At this moment, two flying swords suddenly appeared around him. Soon, sword lights appeared beside him, almost In an instant, his whole person was surrounded by these sword lights.

In the sword light, Ye Xuan\'s expression was solemn.

The four shadows around him, the sword is too fast, so fast that his flying sword can barely resist!

On the side, the Emperor Dog\'s face was also a bit solemn.

Ye Xuan\'s flying sword has been seen before, but the speed of the four shadows in front of him is even faster than Ye Xuan\'s flying sword!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly slashed forward with a sword.

With this sword, he slashed directly at the shadow in front of him. However, as soon as his sword slashed, the sword of the shadow suddenly pierced the point of his sword.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, because he discovered that the power of his sword had disappeared at this moment!

At this time, the shadow bullied himself up——


Ye Xuan suddenly retreated nearly a hundred feet!

In front of Ye Xuan, the sword light disappeared, and the four shadows suddenly returned to the wooden figure.

The wooden man did not continue to shoot, it returned to its original position, the long sword pointed diagonally at the ground, without any breath.

Ye Xuan glanced at his body. At this moment, there were no less than thirty sword marks on him!

These thirty sword marks are all left by the previous shadow!

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at the wooden figure not far away. At this moment, he was suddenly a little confused. Is a wooden figure so powerful?

From the beginning to the end, this wooden figure did not use any sword skills, only pure sword skills!

He was defeated by the opponent\'s swordsmanship!And after using the flying sword!

In front of this wooden man, he was completely suppressed by the opponent regardless of his sword speed, strength, or skill!

At this time, the Emperor Dog walked to Ye Xuan\'s side, "Do you still fight?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Of course!"

The voice fell, and he walked towards the wooden figure.

Soon, Ye Xuan and the wooden figure fought again, but after a while, he was completely defeated!

But fortunately, the wooden man will not pursue it. As long as he leaves the hall, the wooden man will stop. Therefore, although he is defeated, as long as he exits the hall, there is no danger to his life!

In this way, Ye Xuan went to find Mu Ren again and again, but he was defeated every time!

The only difference is that the time of defeat has become longer.

Three days later, Ye Xuan was able to support half an hour under the wooden sword.

And five days later, Ye Xuan was able to support an hour!

Ten days later, Ye Xuan had the power to fight...

Fifteen days later, Ye Xuan came to the wooden man again, this time, he was confident to defeat the wooden man!

He walked in front of the wooden man, but at this time, unlike usual, the wooden man did not wait for him to take out the sword, but suddenly took out the sword first...

Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, and he was about to draw a sword. However, the wooden man seemed to know that he was about to draw a sword. This first sword pierced his wrist directly. With this thorn, Ye Xuan had to retreat, because if he If the sword is out, it is equivalent to using the wrist to block the wooden man\'s sword.


Ye Xuan\'s reaction was also extremely quick. After he took a step back, he drew his sword.

Draw the sword and die!

However, as soon as the sword was halfway out, the wooden sword had already reached half an inch between his eyebrows!

Ye Xuan had to stop and withdraw again!

After half a breath, Ye Xuan had retreated to the door, and this time, the wooden figure suddenly stopped and retreated.


Ye Xuan\'s head was terrifying, and after the wooden man first took the sword, he was instantly defeated!

At this time, the wooden figure not far away suddenly said, "The ancestor has said, and then he will use the sword, pay attention to the unchangeable, find its flaws, break the ten thousand magic with one sword, and kill with one move!"

Ye Xuan looked at the wooden man and asked, "Where do I get the sword first?"

Mu Rendao: "Sword first, be preemptive, seize the opportunity and win by surprise."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Who is your ancestor!"

Wood humanity: "You have the breath of the patriarch..."

Ye Xuan: "......"


PS: Are your tickets still available.....