One Sword Reigns Supreme

501 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 501: The Undrawable Sword!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Patriarch breath?

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

Mu Rendao: "Patriarch breath!"

Ye Xuan asked again, "What is the breath of the Patriarch?"

Mu Rendao: "Patriarch breath!"

Ye Xuan was a little speechless, he could understand it.

This wooden man should really be just a wooden man, not a living body.

At this time, the emperor dog on the side suddenly said: "This wooden man should be a kind of existence similar to a practitioner!"


Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog, and the Emperor Dog nodded, "My Protoss once had a similar existence. They are not life forms, but they have extremely powerful fighting consciousness and fighting skills. Their function is to inherit and teach. The wooden man in front of you should be too. However, this guy is much stronger than the kind of practitioners of my Protoss. The person who wants to set it up should be an extremely powerful sword repairer!"

Ye Xuan nodded. He still admired this wooden figure, because the opponent\'s swordsmanship was really strong!

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan looked at the wooden man, "I, Patriarch breath?"

Mu Rendao: "Patriarch breath!"

Ye Xuan walked in front of the wooden man. This time, the wooden man didn\'t use the sword, but he still didn\'t dare to be careless, because if the opponent suddenly used the sword, he would not be 100% sure to stop it!

But this time, the wooden man did not make a move.

Ye Xuan walked to the wooden man, and he lightly touched the wooden man with his right hand. It was pure wood, not a special material!

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Follow me!"

Mu Rendao: "Patriarch breath!"

Ye Xuan smiled and took the wooden man back into the world prison tower. When he first arrived at the world prison tower, the wooden man was about to resist. At this moment, it suddenly looked up, and the next moment, it slowly walked over. The top of the tower.

At the top of the tower, the wooden man walked to one of the swords, and it stood there, motionless.

Outside the prison tower, Ye Xuan frowned slightly, this wooden figure is related to the owner of the tower top sword?

After a while, Ye Xuan didn\'t think about this question anyway, in his opinion, now this wooden man belongs to him!

When you are all right, you can use the wooden man to accompany you for training. If you encounter a powerful enemy, this wooden man is also a super assistant!

Ye Xuan retracted his thoughts and raised his head to look at the distant hall. The hall was a bit dilapidated, and a thick layer of ashes had been cast around it.

Emperor Dog whispered: "What disaster should this place have experienced."

Ye Xuan nodded, and then said: "Let\'s go and see if there are any treasures!"

Emperor Dog: "..."

Ye Xuan strolled around, but didn\'t find any valuable treasures.In addition, he did not find anyone.

Not even the soul body!

In the end, Ye Xuan decided to leave, but just as he was about to leave, a sword sound suddenly sounded in a mountain range behind the hall!

Ye Xuan was shocked, and then quickly said: "Go, there is a baby!"

After speaking, he disappeared not far away.

The Emperor Dog\'s face is a bit ugly, really want to take the guy to the Protoss?

Now, it hesitated a little!

If this guy goes to the Protoss... he can\'t imagine.

The Emperor Dog sighed in a low voice, and then followed.

After Ye Xuan came to the back mountain, he came to a bamboo forest according to the source of the sword sound. Inside the bamboo forest, there is a bamboo house, beside the bamboo house, there is a water pool.

Ye Xuan walked to the bamboo house, which was empty and there was no one.

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, where did that sword sound come from?

After a while, Ye Xuan walked into the bamboo house. On the wall of the house, a sword with a sheath was hanging.

Other than that, there is nothing else!

Ye Xuan walked to the sheathed sword. At this moment, the sword trembled slightly, and the sound of a sword rang from the sword.

Ye Xuan held the sword with his left hand and the hilt with his right hand.

Pull gently.

However, the sword did not move at all.

Ye Xuan froze, and then pulled it hard, the sword still remained motionless!

Ye Xuan frowned, he circulated the profound energy in his body, and then pulled out abruptly.

The sword is still intact!

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog, and the Emperor Dog said, "I\'ll try it!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and handed the sword to the Emperor Dog. The Emperor Dog held the scabbard with one paw, and pulled the hilt with the other.

However, the sword still doesn\'t move!

At this moment, both Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog\'s expressions were a bit solemn.

The Emperor Dog said solemnly: "This sword is not easy!"

With that, it handed the sword to Ye Xuan.

After Ye Xuan took the sword, he took a close look at the sword. The scabbard was very ordinary, like an ordinary iron, and the hilt was also very ordinary, without any conspicuousness!

"What sword is this?"

Ye Xuan played with the sword in his hand, somewhat puzzled.

Although this sword looked ordinary, he knew very well that the sword that he and the Emperor Dog couldn\'t draw was definitely not an ordinary sword.

At this moment, the sword suddenly trembled.

Ye Xuan held the hilt, the hilt trembled violently, as if thinking of it!

Ye Xuan drew again, but the sword was still intact!

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "This sword is a bit weird!"

Emperor Dog nodded, "I\'ll study it later, we have to go."

Ye Xuan nodded and put the sword away. He glanced around, then turned and left.

Soon, Emperor Dog and Ye Xuan left the sword sect. Ye Xuan suddenly stopped in the starry sky. He looked back at the sword sect in front of him, and whispered, "This used to be a very powerful sect!"

Emperor Dog said: "My Protoss is more magnificent than here, but still..."

As it said, it looked at Ye Xuan, "In the past few years, I have understood a truth. On the day when a powerful force will perish, no force will last forever."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Let\'s go!"

After speaking, he turned and left with the Emperor Dog.

And just after Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog left, a black-robed man and an old man suddenly appeared and stood on the huge sword.

The black-robed man coldly looked at the direction where Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog were leaving, "Is that Ye Xuan?"

The old man nodded, "It\'s this person!"

The black-robed man said solemnly: "Why did you stop me from taking action just now?"

The old man said: "The star master just wants us to follow him."

The black robe man said coldly: "This person is so weak, why not just kill him now?"

The old man looked at the black-robed man, "So weak? In the first battle in the Weiyang star field, the star lord\'s clone fell, and all allied forces were wiped out. All this is because of this person. Do you think he is weak?"

The black-robed man narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

The old man whispered: "The star master only needs to follow me. Now the star master is healing, we must not act rashly and break the star master\'s plan."

The black-robed man was silent for a moment, then he turned to look at the sword sect behind him, "Do you know what power this sword sect used to be here?"

The old man shook his head, "I don\'t know."

Heipao said: "Shenwu City also has a Sword Sect. I wonder if this Sword Sect is connected with that Sword Sect."

The old man looked at Jianzong in the distance and shook his head, "I don\'t know, this place is too remote."

The black-robed man said coldly: "Before that Ye Xuan was in this sword sect, I am afraid that he will have another adventure. If you let it go, this person will definitely become a big trouble in the future."

The old man said solemnly: "The star master means..."

The black-robed man sneered, "I naturally know what the star master meant, but if we kill him now, get the treasure, and then give the treasure to the star master, do you think the star master will blame us? And, this person’s The purpose is to go to Shenwu City. Once you enter Shenwu City, you and I will never have a chance to shoot again. Therefore, I want to take a risk. If I can kill the best, if I kill

No, with the strength of both of you and me, it’s not a problem to retreat all over, I..."

At this moment, a ray of sword light flew out of the sword sect in the distance.

The black robe man\'s voice stopped abruptly. The next moment, his head suddenly tilted and fell from his neck.

Beside the black robe man, the old man was already stunned. The next moment, he turned and ran, disappearing into the starry sky in the blink of an eye.

Above the giant sword, a bloody head slowly fell...


On the Emperor Starship, Ye Xuan asked, "Brother Emperor, do you know the way?"

After leaving Jianzong, they have been shuttled in the starry sky for several hours, and shuttled back and forth.

Not far from Ye Xuan\'s side, the Emperor Dog glanced around and was a little confused, "It should be this area, how can there be no?"

Ye Xuan raised his head to look around, the starry sky around was silent, only the stars flickered.

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Could there be a formation that hides the position of God\'s Domain?"

The Emperor Dog was stunned, and then suddenly realized, "Why didn\'t I think of it!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Let me see!"

As he said, his eyes slowly closed, and soon, his sword intent spread to the surroundings.

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly pointed a little, and a ray of sword light broke through the air.

Thousands of feet away, the space there suddenly rippled like water waves.

Soon, under the gaze of Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog, an illusory long black flag suddenly appeared in that space!

Seeing this scene, the Emperor Dog hurriedly said: "The Great Unreal Array, this is the Great Unreal Array of my Protoss. Someone from my Protoss must survive..."

Before he could say anything, an old man suddenly appeared in front of them.

The old man was a little tall, he looked at Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog coldly, "Humble human?"

Humble human?

Both Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog were stunned.

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog, "Brother Emperor, I will give you face, come on!"

The Emperor Dog suddenly angrily said: "Despise your mother..."

At this moment, the old man suddenly looked at the Emperor Dog, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Where did the beast come from, dare to speak out here, are you tired of living? You..."

The Emperor Dog suddenly jumped and slapped the old man.

The old man smiled coldly and threw a punch.


The Emperor Dog was shaken back to the original place abruptly, but the old man also retreated a thousand feet away!

The old man looked at the emperor dog with a slight brow, "Unexpectedly, you beast is a little capable!"

Beside the Emperor Dog, Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, "He doesn\'t know you?"

Emperor Dog said: "I haven\'t transformed."

Ye Xuan was shocked, and then said: "You are transformed!"

The Emperor Dog\'s face was a little ugly, "It can\'t change yet!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Not far away, the old man suddenly said: "Low humanity, the old man gives you a chance to immediately take this beast out of my Protoss territory, otherwise..."

At this moment, between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows, a word "dream" quietly appeared.

After a short while.

Ye Xuan had appeared in front of the old man, and his sword was also in the old man\'s eyebrows.

The old man was full of disbelief. The next moment, he said angrily: "Humble human beings, you are against the god..."

At this time, Ye Xuanjian suddenly pierced the old man\'s mouth, and then gently twisted it.

The old man’s tongue smashes directly!

The old man\'s eyes were wide open, his eyes were full of hideous colors, but he didn\'t dare to move, because Ye Xuan\'s sword had already pierced his throat, and when he went down, he would die.

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog, "Is the superiority of the Protoss inherent?"

Emperor Dog hesitated, and then said: "Actually, he is already low-key."

Ye Xuan: "..."