One Sword Reigns Supreme

499 Sword Immortal Chapter 499: Jianzong!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!After Ye Xuan bid farewell to the army and the bald son, he left the Weiyang star field and came into the vast starry sky.

In the starry sky, Ye Xuan stood quietly, and in his hands was the Emperor Starship.

Ye Xuan figured out how to activate the emperor starship after pondering for a long time.

Ye Xuan held the Emperor Starship and read a few words silently. Soon, the Emperor Starship in his hand trembled. The next moment, the Emperor Starship suddenly turned into a white light and appeared not far away.

At this moment, the Emperor Starship was nearly a thousand feet long, and there was a stream of light all over it.


This is Ye Xuan\'s first feeling!

Standing on the emperor starship, Ye Xuan had to say that this emperor starship was very magnificent, and was completely different from that kind of cloud ship.Not only that, there are various formations on the Emperor Starship, defensive and offensive. As long as the Purple Origin Crystal is enough, he can activate these formations.

At this time, the Emperor Dog appeared beside Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog, and the Emperor Dog whispered: "Let\'s go!"

Ye Xuan said, "Come on!"

The Emperor Dog nodded slightly, and soon, the Emperor Starship started and flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

Very slow at first!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked down. From this position, he could still vaguely see the Great Wall of Burial. However, the Great Wall of Burial was getting smaller and smaller because the speed of the Emperor Starship was getting faster.

Soon, Ye Xuan couldn\'t see the Great Wall of Burial at all.

At this moment, the speed of the Emperor Starship had reached its peak, and its speed shocked Ye Xuandu.

Because at this moment, the speed of the Emperor Starship has surpassed the speed of his flying sword!

What a terrifying speed!

In a short while, Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.


Shortly after Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog left, a group of people suddenly came to the Great Wall of Burial.

Under the Great Wall, headed by a woman, the woman is wearing a silver armor and a ponytail, looking very heroic.

Beside the woman, there are one woman and two men.

These four people are Jiang Jiu and Mo Yunqi, Bai Ze and Ji Anzhi!

Mo Yunqi suddenly said, "Nine Princesses, do you think we are far behind the Bandit Ye?"

In front, Jiang Jiu said calmly: "It\'s not too big, don\'t you know when you see him?"

Mo Yun chuckled, "This is for sure!"

As he said, he looked at Bai Ze beside him, "Big guy, you will come first!"

Bai Ze glanced at Mo Yunqi, "I don\'t know if I can beat Bandit Ye, but I will definitely be able to beat you!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Yun sneered twice, with a look of disdain.

Bai Ze said softly: "Do you want to try now?"

Mo Yunqi was about to speak, and at this moment, Jiang Jiu in front of him suddenly stopped, and a man stood in front of them.

This person is the army!

The Zhanjun glanced at Jiang Jiu and others, "You are?"

Jiang Jiudao: "Ye Xuan is here?"

Ye Xuan?

The army was stunned, and then said: "You are?"

Jiang Jiudao: "His friend."


The guard disappeared in the army\'s eyes, and he smiled: "You are late! Ye Xuan has already left!"


Mo Yun jumped to the front of the army, "Where did he go?"

Zhan Jundao: "I don\'t know the details, but he will go to Shenwu City in the future!"

Shenwu City!

Mo Yunqi and the others looked at each other. Finally, Jiang Jiu said solemnly: "Is it far?"

The army nodded, "Very far!"

With that, he looked at Mo Yunqi and waited for others, "What are you looking for?


Mo Yun stood up and said, "Hit him!"

The army looked at Mo Yunqi with a strange expression.

Mo Yunqi was a little dissatisfied: "What is your expression...what, do you look down on me?"

Zhanjun smiled and said: "It doesn\'t mean that, but... Brother Ye is very strong now!"

Mo Yun started to pat his chest, "Do you know who I am?"

The army looked at Mo Yunqi, and Mo Yunqi said seriously: "Back then, he was rubbed on the ground by me!"

Battle Army: "..."

Mo Yunqi wanted to say something, Bai Ze on the side suddenly said: "Are you shutting up, I\'m hitting you!"

Mo Yunqi: "..."

At this time, Jiang Jiu suddenly said, "Go to Shenwu City!"

Ji Anzhi nodded, "Go to Shenwu City!"

Jiang Jiu looked at the war army, "How do I get to Shenwu City?"

The army hesitated, and then said: "You shuttle in the starry sky, it is very dangerous, so let\'s go! I will take you to see Mr. Bai, and let Mr. Bai send someone to escort you."

Jiang Jiudao: "Thank you so much."

Zhanjun smiled and said: "You are his friends, that is my friend, you are welcome! Come with me!"

Soon, Zhanjun brought Jiang Jiu and others to see Mr. Bai.

An hour later, a Nebula ship set off from the Great Wall of Burial...

On the Nebula ship, it was Jiang Jiu and others, and there was one more army.

The goal of a group of people is Shenwu City!

On the Nebula ship, Mo Yunqi suddenly shouted, "Shenwu City, I am here, tremble!"

At this moment, Bai Ze kicked Mo Yun up...


In the starry sky, the Emperor Starship shuttled quickly, ignoring any black holes and space rocks wherever it passed.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Ye Xuan looked at the stars in the distance and whispered softly: "Brother Emperor Dog, are the people of the Protoss proud?"

Emperor Dog said: "Not so arrogant! You have to be mentally prepared!"

Ye Xuan said, "Brother Emperor, does the Protoss have any treasures? That kind of particularly powerful treasure, um, I just ask."

The Emperor Dog whispered: "This is your real goal!"

Ye Xuan said sternly: "You think me too badly! How come I, Ye Xuan..."


The Emperor Dog suddenly said: "Don\'t talk to me about this, you know who you are!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Emperor Dog suddenly said: "My Protoss has a treasure."

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "What?"

The Emperor Dog said solemnly: "The Throne of God!"

Ye Xuan asked, "What is that?"

Emperor Dog said: "It\'s just a chair!"

Ye Xuan asked, "What\'s the effect?"

Emperor Dog said: "I don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched slightly, "You don\'t know? How could you not know?"

The Emperor Dog said angrily: "I haven\'t sat down, how do I know?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Emperor Dog said again: "This God Throne is the treasure of my Protoss. Only the patriarch of the Protoss can sit. As for how strong it is, I don\'t know."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Is there a strong tower like me?"

The emperor dog whispered: "What are you talking about? Are you settling this tower? If you die in the future, this tower will definitely kill you!"

Speaking of this, it paused, then said: "Boy, where did you get this broken tower?"

Ye Xuandao; "Sent from others."

Emperor Dog: "..."

After chatting with the Emperor Dog for a while, Ye Xuan handed the Emperor Starship to the Emperor Dog.

, And then go back to the room.


During this period of time, he has been practising the principles of dreams every day!

To be precise, he is now studying these three principles every day, and he hopes to fully develop the power of these three principles.

Especially this dream rule, he is more fond of this dream rule!

Because the way of dreaming is combined with his flying sword, it is really perfect!

A sword in a dream!

In the following time, Ye Xuan practiced frantically every day.

Five days later, the Emperor Starship suddenly trembled. In the room, Ye Xuan quickly got up and came to the cloud board. He looked up and saw that at this moment, they were shuttled in a black hole in space.

Around, powerful forces continued to hit the Emperor Starship.These powers are so strong that he is a little jealous.If it is a Nebula ship, I am afraid it has already been crushed!

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog aside, "This is?"

Emperor Dog said: "Black hole!"

Ye Xuan said, "We have traveled through many black holes before, and it\'s not like this!"

Emperor Dog said: "Black holes are also divided into strengths and weaknesses! Don\'t worry, this Emperor Starship can stop them."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "How long will it be?"

The earth hesitated, then said: "I don\'t know either!"

Ye Xuan looked at the Emperor Dog, shocked, "Are you not kidding?"

The Emperor Dog smirked, "I haven\'t come back for a long time! The road record is not so clear!"

Ye Xuan\'s face was full of black lines, "Aren\'t you kidding me?"

The Emperor Dog smiled, "Anyway, it\'s in this direction, there can be no mistake."

Ye Xuan: "..."

In this way, about an hour later, the Emperor Starship passed through the black hole and came to a star field.

The Emperor Dog quickly looked around and watched, his brows frowned.

Ye Xuan asked, "What?"

Emperor Dog said: "It seems a bit familiar!"

Ye Xuan said: "Is this here?"

The Emperor Dog said solemnly: "Walk around first!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and then he urged the Emperor Starship to fly forward.

Ye Xuan found that the surrounding starry sky was very quiet, and there was no aura of life, not only that, the aura of this star field was very thin.

At this time, the Emperor Dog beside Ye Xuan suddenly said, "After the Protoss accident, the Ming Clan took the opportunity to enter, and I was also trapped in the Infinite Purgatory... After all these years, God\'s Domain should have been too. Earth-shaking changes have taken place, and I hope that the Protoss still has its people..."

Ye Xuan said, "An accident happened to the Protoss, is it because of Jian Zizai?"

The Emperor Dog nodded, his face a bit bitter, "If the patriarch did not do things too terribly, my Protoss would not fall, and she would not hate the Protoss like that. Not only would it kill all the strong of the Protoss, but also Protoss Ancestral Temple...Ah!

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "I think women are also very good at doing what patriarchs do."

Among the women he knew, women seemed to be stronger...

I just don’t know if the sixth floor is male or female. If it’s female, then the matter may not be particularly serious!

The Emperor Dog said again: "The old guys from the Protoss are too stubborn."

Ye Xuan nodded, just about to say something. Suddenly, Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog looked up at the same time and looked not far away. In the starry sky, there stood a giant sword that stood tall and stretched for thousands of feet. In the stars.

The giant sword does not have a tip, and the tip of the sword seems to have been cut off!

On the front of the sword body of the giant sword, there are two large black characters engraved: Jianzong.
