One Sword Reigns Supreme

498 Sword Immortal Chapter 498: Both are!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Dao Ze!

Ye Xuan came to the second floor. In the second floor, the way of dreams was still there.

Among the three principles, he still hasn\'t mastered the dream.

The reason why he didn\'t touch this dream rule before was because his strength was not enough. He didn\'t grasp the control of this self-conscious dream rule, but now, he wants to try it.

His current strength is not a little bit stronger than before.

Ye Xuan walked towards the Tao of Dream, and at this moment, the Tao of Dream suddenly trembled slightly.

When Ye Xuan walked in front of Meng Zhi Daoze, he drew his sword abruptly.


Jianguang tore down.


There seemed to be something broken in the field.

When the sword fell, Ye Xuan was still standing in front of the Dao of Dreams, and there was nothing in the Dao of Dreams.

At this moment, Ye Xuan cut down again with a single sword...

In this way, Ye Xuan drew his sword ten times before stopping!


The moment he came in just now, he had already entered a dream without knowing it, and it was not a dream, but a dream!

Although this dream has been broken, Ye Xuan still has some palpitations!


He had once experienced the horror of this dream principle, and the opponent\'s ability might have caused him to die in a dream silently.

Even now, he still maintains a twelve-point vigilance, because he is afraid that if one is careless, he will understand the Tao of the Dream!

After a while, Ye Xuan grabbed this dream rule with his right hand!

He finally decided to force it to subdue!

For such treasures, it is impossible for the other party to surrender willingly.

Come hard!

After Ye Xuan caught it, the way of dreaming suddenly turned into a light and plunged into Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows!

Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, but he found that nothing happened!

what happened?

Ye Xuan frowned, he glanced around, and the surroundings were very calm.

Is it a dream again?

Thinking of this, he slashed with a sword.

Sword over.


A ray of sword light flashed across the field, but the surroundings were still extremely calm, without any strangeness.

Ye Xuan sat on the ground and calmed down quietly. After a while, his sword intent spread towards the surroundings.

This time, he no longer looked at the world with his heart, but with sword intent!

Because the heart can deceive people sometimes!

In this way, time passed bit by bit, and under the feeling of his sword intent, everything around him was so real.

However, the more so, the more solemn his face became.

He didn\'t believe that this dream would surrender him so easily!

After a long time, Ye Xuan left the prison tower and returned to the stone house. At this moment, Ye Ling walked over. As usual, Ye Ling walked quickly to him and grabbed his arm. He smiled: "Brother !"

Ye Xuan was silent.

Ye Ling whispered: "What\'s wrong, brother?"

Ye Xuan took Ye Ling out of the stone house. Outside the stone house, everything seemed so normal.

However, the heart in his heart told him that all this is fake!


This idea has always been there, and it will linger no matter what!

I know it is fake in my heart, but everything in front of me is so real!



Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Ye Ling beside him, Ye Ling smiled, his smile extremely bright.

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Fake is also true, true is also false...True is true, false is false...It\'s a dream rule."

The sound fell, and the space around him trembled, like water waves, but it quickly returned to normal.

And Ye Ling was still by his side, everything around him was no different from before!

Perceiving this scene, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He originally thought that everything in front of him was still an illusion, but Ye Ling was so real.

Ye Ling!

The appearance of Ye Ling made him understand that all this in front of him was not entirely an illusion.Because Ye Ling is real, there is no illusion in this world that can use Ye Ling to fool him!

Ye Ling is real, but everything around is fake!

This made him understand that the illusion in front of him was half-truth!

If he killed Ye Ling with a sword, not only would he not be able to break the illusion, he would regret it for life!

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows suddenly condensed a small word "dream".

At the same time, Ye Xuan felt the principles of dreams.

At this moment, he felt that the Tao of Dreams had established a certain connection with him, just like the Tao of Space and the Earth before!

The Way of Dreams!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, this way was finally used for him.

Ye Xuan turned his head and gently rubbed Ye Ling\'s little head, "Brother, go and practice!"

Ye Ling blinked, "Okay!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Do you want to go together?"

Ye Linggang wanted to nod, but as if thinking of something, she shook her head again, "I\'ll come to see brother later!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Okay!"

After speaking, he turned and turned into a sword light and disappeared into the sky.

On the city wall, Ye Ling looked at the end of the sky in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Xuan came to a dense forest, and with a wave of his right hand, the Mo Ke Sword was suspended in front of him.

What he has to do now is to merge the dream of the Tao with the Kendo!

Ye Xuan discovered that the most terrifying part of the way of dreams is to create illusions, and it creates illusions silently, which makes people fall into the illusion without knowing it.

Moreover, multiple illusions can be created!

This ability combined with flying sword can be said to make many people not know how they died!

In the next time, Ye Xuan began to frantically study this dream rule.

Because of the cooperation of the Tao of Dreams, he did not have any difficulty in studying.

Ten days passed in a flash. In the past ten days, Ye Xuan had been practicing almost every day.

And in these ten days, many things have happened in Weiyang Star Region.

One of the biggest events was the reconciliation of Weiyang Star Territory with the Moko tribe, and the Moko tribe officially settled in Weiyang Star Territory 1

Regarding this point, Weiyang Star Territory has no objection, nor dare to oppose it, because both the artist and Wei Yangtian have agreed.

Therefore, the Moke clan is now also a member of the Weiyang star field.

On this day, the painter and Wei Yangtian came to the dense forest. Ye Xuan who was cultivating got up. He walked up to the two women. The painter took a look at Ye Xuan, "Cultivation?"

Ye Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "The two seniors came to see me, but something?"

The painter nodded, "We are leaving!"

go away?

Ye Xuan froze, then said: "Where to go?"

The painter smiled and said, "I don\'t know for now!"

As she said, she looked at Ye Xuan and said with a serious face: "You have a treasure in your body. Many people will definitely not let you go, because the temptation is too great! So, you must be careful."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I will be careful!"

The painter suddenly smiled and said, "You still promised me one thing, you shouldn\'t forget it?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Naturally! Senior should go in now?"

The painter looked at Wei Yangtian, "Go in together?"

Wei Yangtian hesitated, then nodded.

In this way, the two women entered the world prison tower.

Inside the tower.

The two women looked around curiously, and their eyes were full of curiosity.


The two have always been very curious about this treasure, but now they are still a little shocked after seeing it!

A sense of oppression!

Standing in front of the tower, the two felt an invisible sense of oppression, as if to suffocate.

After a while, the two of them left the prison tower, they looked at each other, and finally the painter looked at Ye Xuan and said in a deep voice, "You treasure, not a vulgar thing."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I know."

The painter whispered: "You take care."

With that, she pointed a little, and a ray of white light fell between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows.

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, "This is?"

The painter said: "Our spiritual consciousness, you can contact us through this object, if you need help in the future, you can contact us directly!"

Ye Xuan\'s heart warmed, and he gave a slight bow, "Thank you!"

The painter smiled and said, "There will be a period!"

After speaking, she turned and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Wei Yangtian looked at Ye Xuan, "Fate is the most important thing."

After speaking, she turned and disappeared.


Ye Xuan looked at the end of the sky and whispered softly: "You guys have to live well too!"

At this moment, An Lanxiu and Lian Wanli came suddenly, and the two women walked up to Ye Xuan, and Lian Wanli said, "I heard Ling\'er say, what kind of protoss are you going to visit?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes! Are you going together?"

Lian Wanli shook his head, "This time, I want to tell you that we are going to Shenwu City first. Not only us, but also Ling\'er and your mother."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Why?"

An Lan Xiu said: "Xuanmen will escort us!"

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Ling\'er is afraid to be with me!"

Lian Wanli smiled and said, "She took the initiative to come with us!"

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, and Lian Wanli suddenly said, "She has grown up! She said that she must learn to be independent and cannot rely on you all the time."

Ye Xuan shook his head, "This silly girl."

Lian Wanli smiled and said, "If she can think like this, you should be happy! After all, she is so talented. If she cultivates well, she may not be worse than you in the future!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "This is also!"

Lian Wanli said: "We are leaving now!"

Ye Xuan was shocked, then said: "So anxious?"

Lian Wanli nodded, "It\'s quite far to Shenwu City, the sooner you depart, the better!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Then I will go and tell Ling\'er!"

As he said, he turned around to leave, and Lian Wanli suddenly said, "No need!"

Ye Xuan looked at Lian Wanli, and Lian Wanli shook his head, "The girl is afraid that she won\'t want to leave after seeing you! So, she won\'t see you now, she said she is waiting for you in Shenwu City!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Lian Wanli smiled and said, "See you in Shenwu City!"

After speaking, she and An Lanxiu turned and left.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of them, and Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Safety!"

An Lanxiu whispered: "Don\'t worry, the master, painter and senior Wei Yang will personally escort us there, there will be no danger."

Hearing that, Ye Xuan\'s heart is slightly loose, the painter, Wei Yangtian, and the sect master are added together, unless the star master is present, otherwise, An Lanxiu and others should be in no danger.

Because these people combined are much better than Ye Xuanke!

It\'s safer to follow these three people than to follow him!

Lian Wanli looked at Ye Xuan and said solemnly: "It\'s you, you must be careful."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I know."

Lian Wanli nodded slightly, "See you in Shenwu City!"

After speaking, the two women turned and disappeared at the end of the sky.

In the dense forest, Ye Xuan whispered: "Emperor Dog, go to the Protoss."

Emperor Dog said: "Go now?"

Ye Xuan said angrily: "Nonsense, my woman and sister have already gone to Shenwu City, what am I still wasting time doing here? Go to the Protoss, and then go to Shenwu City!"

"Women? Those two who are your women?"


Ye Xuan didn\'t look back.

Emperor Dog: "......"


PS: Recently I saw a lot of old friends, Seventh Sister, Sprite, and the guy who has been scolding me.... scolding me, as long as I don\'t scold my relatives, I really don\'t get angry.

I write and read books, and I can understand the mood of readers.

Many times readers scold the author. In fact, they scold the author because they like it. They scold the author because they want the author to write better. On the contrary, if he doesn’t scold, it means he doesn’t read it.

I like to be praised by you, saying that Luan is always awesome, but I can also listen to readers\' opinions.

Thanks for having you!