One Sword Reigns Supreme

462 The immortal sword chapter four hundred and sixty second: death!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!After Ye Xuan and the three people crossed the vast plain, they soon saw a huge gorge. At the gate of the gorge, two high mountains spanned like two gates. Inside the two high mountains, a magnificent hall was vaguely visible.

Ye Xuan looked at the hall and whispered, "Moke?"

The army nodded, "However, this should not be their lair. As for where their lair is, only the palace owner may know."

Bald Zi whispered: "Although it is an enemy, I have to say that this clan is indeed admirable, because since I came here until now, I have never seen any fear of death in their clan."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Let\'s go!"

Soon, the three came to the bottom of the canyon.

And along the way, Ye Xuan found that a number of divine consciousness swept them three, but no one came out to stop them!

Under the canyon, Ye Xuan looked into the distance, smiled slightly, "Please die!"

The sound is like thunder, shaking the world.

Please die!

Beside Ye Xuan, the corner of the army\'s mouth twitched slightly, "Brother Ye, is it too arrogant?"

Ye Xuan said sternly: "You must first shout out your momentum, understand?"


The Zhanjun thought for a while, and then said: "It seems to be too..."

On the top of the mountain, a man suddenly appeared, beside the man, there was a black unicorn.

The evil unicorn glanced at the Ye Xuan trio below, eyes full of hostility, and it was about to rush down. At this moment, the man gently stroked its head, and it suddenly fell down.

The man smiled slightly, then looked at Ye Xuan below, and whispered, "Sword repair?"

At this time, Zuo Qing, Tian Sha and Earth Sha also came behind the man. In addition to this, there was a woman with short red hair, her eyes like a knife, and she was extremely cold.

Zuo Qing whispered, "I will meet him?"

The man shook his head. He turned to look at the opposite side. On the opposite side of the mountain, there were three people, two women and one woman. The leader was a man in a black robe. Around him, there was a strange breath floating.

Behind the man, the red-haired woman said coldly: "I don\'t like these foreigners!"

Tian Sha said: "I don\'t like it either."

Zuo Qing shook his head and smiled without speaking.

The man whispered: "Leave the sword repair to them!"

The red-haired woman snorted coldly, "That Jian Xiu has a treasure in his body, why should I give it to them?"

The man glanced at the red-haired woman and said with a smile: "Afeng, do you think a treasure is important, or is the important matter of the whole family important?"

A woman named Afeng said solemnly: "We Moke people don\'t need to rely on outsiders!"

The man whispered: "Need it!"

Everyone looked at the man, and the man whispered, "Everyone in the world only knows that Weiyang Heavenly Palace Master is invincible in the Weiyang Star Territory. In fact, there is one other person in the Weiyang Star Territory who is also very powerful."

Afeng asked, "Who?"

The man whispered: "Paintist. If my clan wants to completely occupy the Weiyang star field, it must defeat two people. One of them is Palace Master Weiyang and the other is this person!"

A Feng was expressionless, "They are just born earlier than us. If they are contemporary, why should we fear them?"

The man smiled and said, "What you said...It\'s not without reason!"

At this moment, Zuo Qing said suddenly: "They have taken action!"

Everyone looked down, and below, a man had appeared in front of Ye Xuan\'s trio.

However, it was not the black-robed man named the leader, but another man holding a spear.

The spearman walked in front of Ye Xuan\'s trio, and the Zhanjun and the bald retreated aside.

The man shot out suddenly, the gun was as fast as electricity, and pointed directly at Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows!

And when his spear was still a few inches away from Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows, Ye Xuan suddenly turned sideways, and then sprinted forward. At the same time, he drew his sword.


The sound of swords resounded, shaking the world.

The sword was slashed, and the tip of the spear man’s toes lightly tapped the ground. He fluttered backwards, and Ye Xuan’s sword fell into the air. At this moment, the spear man suddenly jumped and smashed his spear. On top of Xuan\'s head!

Ye Xuan flashed sideways, and the man shot it in the air, but soon, with a flick of his right hand, the spear swung towards Ye Xuan\'s position.

Ye Xuan raised his sword to block.


In one shot, Ye Xuan retreated again and again, and the man was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but at this moment, his face changed drastically, and he instinctively raised the gun.


An explosion sounded, and the man retreated suddenly!

But before he stopped, Ye Xuan appeared in front of him, and then Ye Xuan cut down with a sword.

The man\'s pupils shrank slightly, and his right hand held the gun violently to thrust it towards the ground.


The earth trembled, and the next moment, a powerful spear shot up from the ground and directly enveloped Ye Xuan. At the same time, he kicked his right foot backwards and shot out!


The tip of the gun

, The space is directly torn apart!

This time, Ye Xuan didn\'t choose to dodge this shot. When the spear came in front of him, he cut it down with a sword.

The tip of the needle is to the wheat!

The tip of the gun collided with the blade--


A blast resounded loudly, and at the same time, the two retreated back and forth, but the next moment, the two rushed toward each other again.

On the top of the mountain, the man beside Zuo Qing whispered, "He is practicing!"

Zuo Qing nodded, "What do you think of him?"

The man smiled and said, "I haven\'t seen his true strength, so I won\'t comment on it!"

As he said, he looked at Zuo Qing, "How did you feel when you played against him?"

Zuo Qing was silent for a moment, then said: "His sword is very fast."

The man smiled and said, "Nothing else?"

Zuo Qing chuckled, "This is enough."

The man nodded slightly, "Yes."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan below and said softly: "Actually, I would like to meet the woman who was known to be invincible at the same level."

Hearing this, Tian Sha\'s expression on the side changed suddenly.

The man said: "Tian Sha, Zuo Qing and Ah Feng, I were all cultivating outside back then. Only you have been in contact with her. What kind of person is she?"

Tiansha was silent for a moment, and then said: "He is a person who makes people fearful!"

The man chuckled, "That\'s a shame."

Tiansha shook his head and said nothing.

Soon, there were explosions from below, and the battle between Ye Xuan and the spear man was already in full swing.From the perspective of the battle, the two are on the same level.


At this moment, Ye Xuan and the spear man suddenly separated!

After the spearman stopped, he looked at Ye Xuan not far in front of him, with an extremely cold expression, "You are using me as a sparring partner!"

Ye Xuandao: "Don\'t you mind?"

The spearman stared at Ye Xuan, "I mind!"

The sound fell, and the spear in his hand suddenly trembled violently, as if he was about to use some big move, and at this moment, a faintly unsearchable sword light flashed from the field!

Seeing this scene, the face of the man with the spear changed drastically, he stopped quickly, and held the spear in front of him!


The man with the spear retreated violently. This retreat was directly tens of feet away. Before he stopped, Ye Xuan had already appeared in front of him. Ye Xuan drew his sword abruptly. The man with the spear changed his face and he was about to fight back. , But at this moment, a ray of sword light passed through his eyebrows silently.


The man\'s body became stiff, and at this moment, he realized that Ye Xuan\'s sword had not been pulled out.

At this moment, he realized that drawing a sword is false, and flying sword is true!

Ye Xuan pulled off the ring on the man\'s finger, then looked up, "Is there anyone else?"

On the top of the mountain, the man beside Zuo Qing smiled and said, "Something interesting!"

Zuo Qing said solemnly: "His sword is faster than before!"

Behind the two, a woman named Afeng suddenly said, "I\'ll go!"

With that, she was about to go down, but was stopped by the man.

Afeng looked at the man, "Mo Xie, I don\'t allow the people of Weiyang Star Territory to be so arrogant in front of our door."

Mo Xie whispered: "Get out!"

The woman named Afeng snorted coldly, turned and left.

Zuo Qing shook his head and smiled, "This temper!"

Mo Xie looked at the opposite side. On the top of the mountain, the black-robed man and the woman behind him remained silent.

Mo Xie smiled and said: "Brother Nanli, if you don\'t do anything, if my Moke clan makes a move, what he has on his body belongs to my Moke clan!"

On the opposite side, the black robe man looked at Mo Xie without speaking. After a while, he suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already in front of Ye Xuan.

Seeing the man in the black robe, Ye Xuan\'s heart trembled, and he secretly guarded himself.

The black-robed man whispered: "Let me see how fast your sword can go!"

The voice fell, and the other person suddenly disappeared.


There was a tearing sound in the field.

The flesh tears the space!

In front of Ye Xuan, every inch of space shattered, terrifying!

The strong!

Experts will know if there is any!

Facing the black robe man, Ye Xuan didn\'t dare to make any contempt. He slammed his right foot, and the whole person turned into a sword light and burst out.


In the field, a loud noise resounded loudly.

A figure flew out directly!

It is Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan retreated a hundred feet away in an instant, and before he stopped, the black-robed man appeared in front of him again, and Ye Xuan pierced out with a sword. The black-robed man did not evade, letting Ye Xuan\'s sword cut in Above his head.


The sword trembled violently, and the black robe man had nothing to do, not only