One Sword Reigns Supreme

463 Sword Immortal Chapter 463: Secret Technique!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Ye Xuan\'s body and soul were almost at the same time out of the sword, and the two swords fell, like a sword!

Cut it down with one sword!

A powerful sword force instantly stopped the powerful force in the air, and there was a moment of silence--


That power jumped to pieces instantly!

A sword light soared into the sky, approaching the black-robed man.

In the air, the man in the black robe clenched his right hand into a fist, which was a punch downward.


The world trembled, and the black robe man retreated several tens of feet. At this moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and his arms slammed forward to block!

A ray of sword light came to him at some point.


The black robe man\'s arms trembled with fear, and the people backed back again and again, and just as he backed away, another sword light came!

Strangely fast!

The black robe man punched out!


The powerful fists instantly shattered this ray of sword light, but it was another sword light!

It\'s almost seamless!

The black-robed man had no time to make a second punch, and was cut directly in front of his chest by this sword.


The black-robed man instantly retreated to a hundred feet away!

After stopping, the black-robed man suddenly raised his hands to the sky, "Yu!"

The sound fell, and a huge light shield suddenly appeared around him!

At this time, ray of sword light came quietly.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

In the field, a series of explosions continued to resound.

Countless sword lights continued to slash on the shield of the black-robed man like a violent storm. For a time, it was extremely spectacular.

On the top of the mountain, Zuo Qing\'s face was low.

Mo Xie was also silent.

After a while, Zuo Qing whispered: "The speed and power of this sword...If it is a group battle, he will kill in secret, very terrifying!"

Mo Xie nodded slightly.

Now Ye Xuan is singled out with the black robe man, so Ye Xuan\'s flying sword is not particularly scary, because it is a Ming sword!But once the group fights, Ye Xuan hides in the dark and puts the dark sword, few people in the field can win it!

Even Zuo Qing is extremely jealous!

If he was fighting with Ye Xuan upright, he was not afraid, but if Ye Xuan was playing yin in the dark, he would still be very jealous!

At this time, Mo Xie whispered: "Are you sure to deal with him?"

Zuo Qing said solemnly: "I can only treat him alone!"

Mo Xie nodded slightly, "That\'s enough!"

Zuo Qing looked at Mo Xie, "Can\'t someone from a foreign land solve him?"

Mo Xie whispered: "It depends on whether they are willing to pay their money."

Below, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed to the man, but those flying swords were still not broken!

When Ye Xuan came to the black robe man, he cut down with a sword.


The light around the black-robed man burst into pieces instantly!

At this moment, the black robe man blasted Ye Xuan with a punch!

Ye Xuan didn\'t dodge or evade, stabbed out with a sword.


The two retreated violently, but when Ye Xuan retreated violently, countless flying swords suddenly slashed on the black-robed man.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The black-robed man retreated frantically, and with this retreat, he retreated hundreds of feet!

After he stopped, the black robe burst into pieces, and under the black robe, there was a pure black armor!

A treasure at the level of good fortune!

In the distance, Ye Xuanshen exhaled, "Playing with equipment!"

For a long time, he didn\'t want to use the Soul Suppression Sword easily!

It’s not arrogance, but he hopes that he will not rely too much on these foreign objects, because the Soul Sword is too powerful.

Not his own strength.Of course, if someone else uses foreign objects, he will certainly not be so stupid to use it!

In the distance, the black robe man stared at Ye Xuan, "I underestimate your sword!"

Ye Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned, "Come on, keep fighting!"

As the voice fell, he directly rushed towards the black-robed man not far away with his sword.


He only has this idea in his mind now, so he can fight hard!Because he found that he kind of likes this kind of battle!

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s sword rushing, the black-robed man\'s expression instantly became savage. He was about to make a move, and at this moment, a sword light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The black-robed man\'s eyes shrank slightly, and he raised his hand with a punch.

The punch out, like a river bursting a bank, a powerful force instantly shattered that sword light!

At this moment, another sword light appeared in front of him, and he had no time to make a second punch, so his arms crossed and he slammed forward to block.


Ye Xuan slashed on the black robe man\'s arms, and the latter retreated violently in an instant. At this time, another sword light slashed. With a very fast sword, he had not had time to respond. It was cut on him.


The sword light shattered, and the black robe man retreated violently again, this retreat directly violently retreated hundreds of feet away, and before he stopped, Ye Xuan appeared in front of him again.The black robe man snapped his hands together and shouted, "Yu!"

The sound fell, and the space in front of him suddenly condensed, forming a thick space barrier.

Ye Xuan\'s sword slashed directly on this space barrier. The entire space barrier trembled suddenly, and Ye Xuan\'s arm was numb. When he wanted to shoot again, the black robe man had retreated two hundred meters away.

Three hundred meters away, the speed of his flying sword can\'t reach the extreme!

Ye Xuan stopped, and in the distance, the black robe man wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. He stared at Ye Xuan firmly, holding his right hand tightly.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Don\'t you fight anymore?"

The black-robed man said coldly: "You seem very proud."

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "I don\'t want to fight with you, in a word, fight or not!"

The black robe man clenched his right hand, the next moment, he slammed into the ground with a punch.


The ground cracked instantly!

A powerful force swept towards Ye Xuan.

In the distance, Ye Xuan cut down with a sword.


A ray of sword light instantly shattered that power, but at this time, the black robe man backed back a hundred feet!

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan, who was about to shoot, shook his head, "It\'s boring!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

If the opponent blindly dodges, he really has nothing to do with the opponent.

Seeing Ye Xuan turned and left, the black robe man suddenly shouted, "Ye Xuan!"

Ye Xuanli ignored the other party, speeding up, and after a while disappeared into the distance with the army.

Seeing this scene, the black robe man\'s face suddenly became extremely difficult to look.

On the top of the mountain, Mo Xie shook his head slightly, "He is afraid of death!"

Zuo Qing looked at the man in the black robe below, "He?"

Mo Xie nodded, "His strength is not weaker than that of Ye Xuan. Unfortunately, he was afraid of him and didn\'t dare to die with him, so he was at a disadvantage and was suppressed by Ye Xuan."

Zuo Qing said solemnly: "If you are in close combat with Ye Xuan, how can you resist his flying sword?"

Mo Xie smiled and said: "Two methods, first, faster than him! Second, physically invincible, directly resist his flying sword."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zuo Qing, "You are different, your physique is special, if you play against him, you can play normally."

Zuo Qing nodded slightly, "Understood!"

Mo Xie said: "Let\'s go!"

Tian Sha suddenly said, "Regardless of Ye Xuan?"

Mo Xie smiled and said: "Now that we are shooting, don\'t people say that we are fighting on wheels? Don\'t worry, there will be opportunities in the future."

After speaking, he turned and left.


On the other side, after Ye Xuan and Zhanjun and others left, they returned directly to the Great Wall of Burial.

After returning to the Great Wall of Burying Heaven, Ye Xuan found that there were a few more people along the way, and these people should all have come from the Universe Star Region!

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that he found that these people looked at him with unusual eyes.

Ye Xuan didn\'t care about these people, he came to the mountain range where he often cultivated.

On a clearing, Ye Xuan sat on the ground, and he began to heal his injuries.

In the previous battle with the black robe man, I have to say that it was a bit thrilling at first, because at the beginning, he was pressed by the opponent and almost didn\'t fight back.It\'s a pity that the opponent finally feared his Feijian and didn\'t dare to kill him. It was precisely because of this that he finally came back and suppressed the opponent.

In this fight, it often depends on who is more cruel and who is more desperate!

An hour later, Ye Xuan\'s body was almost recovered, and he took out the secret technique!

In the secret technique, four secret techniques are recorded: Shenxing, Qianjun, Guiyuan, Thunder Punishment.

The four secret arts represent the four attributes, speed, power, defense, and thunder.

He has already learned the man\'s divine action and Qianjun, as for the return to the original and thunder punishment, the opponent was beheaded by him before he could display it.

Ye Xuan decided to practice this magical action first!

He really needs speed!

What his Feijian pays attention to is the word\'fast\', the sooner the better!

Before practicing, Ye Xuan asked, "Xiaohun, what should I pay attention to when practicing this secret technique?"

The little soul was silent for a moment, and then said: "Be careful!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

After a while, Ye Xuan began to practice.

After starting to practice this secret technique, Ye Xuan discovered that this secret technique was stronger than he expected!

For example, if he succeeds in cultivating this magical action, his speed can be increased by at least several times in a short time!

What is the concept of multiples?

Especially his flying sword, if the speed is increased several times, it will be so fast that he can\'t even sense it!

Ye Xuan\'s blood boiled at the thought of that kind of scene.


Ye Xuan began to practice frantically, but because it was the first time he practiced secret arts, he was very cautious and didn\'t dare to mess around!Moreover, he found that, as the little soul said, this secret technique did have some sequelae. Once it was used, the whole body would feel like being drained and sink into fatigue.It can be said that this secret technique cannot be used under normal circumstances. It is either used desperately or used to escape!

No matter what, it is a means of life-saving.

On the Great Wall, Wei Yangtian stood quietly on the wall.

Behind her, there are Bai Xiaoxian, the master of Baixiao Pavilion, and Mr. Bai, Li Changfeng, master of the ghost gate, Mu Xiuran, the master of the holy land, and Xue Jing, master of the white clothing gate. Old man.

It can be said that the top powerhouses in Weiyang Star Region are all here.

On the side, Holy Land Holy Master Mu Xiuran glanced at Wei Yangtian, and then said: "Palace Master, as everyone knows, Alien has never had a bad relationship with my Weiyang Starland, but now, because of that Ye Xuan, Alien has already joined forces with the Moke Clan. !"

Everyone looked at Wei Yangtian.

Weiyang Tian was expressionless, "What do you mean?"

Mu Xiuran said quietly: "Either the palace owner himself obtains the treasure and uses it to fight against the Moke tribe, or surrenders Ye Xuan to relieve the wrath of the alien.

Hearing this, the scene suddenly became quiet.


PS: Happy May Day!It is strongly recommended not to go out for a long trip today, it will block you and crash!

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