One Sword Reigns Supreme

461 The fairy in the sword Chapter 461: She!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In the strange look of the army, Ye Xuan walked away and disappeared not far away.

Above the city wall, the woman whispered: "The soul is separated, and the body cooperates with each other... very interesting!"

As she said, she looked at the middle-aged man, "Did you teach him?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "No!"

The woman nodded slightly, "That should be his own comprehension, a bit beyond my expectations."

With that, she frowned slightly, turned her head to look at the far end, and the next moment, she disappeared.

Mr. Bai hesitated, but finally did not choose to follow.

After a while, the woman came to a river, beside the river, a woman with a small cloth bag was painting on the water.Above the river, is a white flower, pure white!

This woman is a painter!

The painter looked at the woman who was not far away, and said with a smile: "Wei Young, meet again!"

Wei Yangtian looked at the painter in front of him with a cold expression, "What are you doing!"

The painter smiled and said, "Draw!"

Wei Yangtian stared at the painter for a long time, and finally, she turned and left.

The painter suddenly said, "Weiyang, aren\'t you going to talk to the Moke?"

Wei Yangtian sneered, "Talk? There are one hundred and eight thousand corpses in the Great Wall of Burial. Among them, there are your friends. You let me talk to them? What are you talking about?"

The painter whispered: "More will die!"

Wei Yangtian turned to look at the painter, "painter, you should ask the Moke clan to see if he wants to listen to you."

After speaking, she turned and disappeared.

By the river, the painter sighed softly, then turned to continue painting.As she drew and drew, she seemed to be a little upset, and immediately waved her right hand.


The water of the whole river evaporated instantly.

On the spot, the painter shrugged, turned and left.


In the stone house on the Great Wall, Ye Xuan sat on the ground.


Ye Xuan returned to the army stone house and began to heal his injuries.

And in his mind, is the picture of the previous battle with that man.

Ancient Secret Art!

He knew that what the other party was using was the ancient secret technique, and he had to say that this ancient secret technique was still a bit scary, especially the opponent\'s speed, which could be described as terrifying.

It can be said that the opponent\'s speed is almost the same as the speed of his flying sword!

And if he hadn\'t comprehended the trick of the soul, he would absolutely not be able to do so!


The people I met are getting stronger and stronger!

At this time, Xiaoxun\'s voice suddenly sounded, "Little Lord, can you show me that ancient secret technique?"

Ye Xuan said: "Naturally!"

With that said, he handed the ancient secret technique to the little soul.After a while, the little soul said in a deep voice: "This is not an ancient mystery at all, it can only be regarded as a general mystery. The real ancient mystery can arouse the aura of heaven and earth, the source of the galaxy, and can destroy a small world at will. And this can only be a secret technique."

Ye Xuan quickly said: "Xiaohun, do you know the ancient secret technique cultivation method?"

The little soul said: "I don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The little soul said again: "The ancient secret technique is very rare, and it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain! Although I have a high status in the Underworld, I can obtain it, but I have a sword, what do I want the ancient secret technique? Therefore, I have no , Hehe!"

Ye Xuan\'s face was full of black lines, what does this "hee hee" mean?

The little soul said: "Little Lord, you can practice this secret technique. Once you have successfully practiced it, it will be of great help to you. For example, your flying sword speed can be increased several times in a single instant! "

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Is there a backlash?"

The little soul said: "Naturally, this kind of low-level secret technique has a huge backlash. If you use the secret technique, your body will be extremely weak. At that time, you are just like an ordinary person."

Ye Xuan was silent.

Sure enough, this kind of thing still has sequelae.Because the improvement of the man\'s strength before was a bit terrifying, this kind of terrifying improvement is simply not normal.

The little soul said again: "This kind of secret technique is generally used to save life, and the person just now has a special physique. Therefore, if he uses the secret technique, his backlash will be reduced, and if the little master succeeds in practicing, Remember not to use it casually."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Is my physique very average?"

The little soul said: "It\'s not very general, it\'s very, very general!"

Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly darkened, and he now discovered that this little soul really can\'t chat!

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan frowned suddenly.

Because he still remembers when he first met a woman in a plain skirt, the woman in a plain skirt said that he was a natural Taoist body...Although he didn\'t know what physique he was, it sounded like it was of a special system. Does the soul say that his physique is average?

Moreover, no one has said that he has a good physique along the way!

Could it be that the woman in the skirt put herself

Is the physique hidden?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan felt like this more and more!

No longer chatting with this little soul who doesn\'t know how to chat, he continued to heal his injuries.

As for the secret technique, he decided to put it aside first, because he was too greedy to chew, he just wanted to cultivate his soul well.

About an hour later, Ye Xuanshang was almost recovered. Then, he went straight out of the stone house, then left the Great Wall of Burial, and went straight to the Moke Clan!

Every time others come to him, this makes him very upset!

Moreover, he is desperately eager to fight now!

Only by fighting can he find his own shortcomings, and only in this way can he better improve himself!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was the army!

The Zhanjun looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you going to the Moke clan?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The army asked, "Do you know where the Moke is?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

The Zhanjun smiled and said, "I will take you there!"

Ye Xuan looked at the army, "I\'m going to the Moke clan!"

Zhan Jun said: "If you don\'t go to the Moke clan, I won\'t go with you. Let\'s go, if we go heads-up, the Moke clan will not fight us in groups!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then said: "Go!"

Hearing this, the army grinned, "Go!"

"Did you forget me?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the two.

The two heard the sound and saw that the person here was a bald!

Bald went to the two of them and smiled: "Did you forget me?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Why? Let\'s go! Go to the Moke clan, let me see the genius of the Moke clan!

After speaking, the three quickly disappeared not far away.

Just after the three disappeared, Agui and Mr. Bai suddenly appeared on the scene.

A ghost said: "Don\'t stop?"

Mr. Bai whispered: "What are you doing to stop it? People from the Moko and foreign lands dare to come to us, why can\'t our people go to them?"

A ghost said solemnly: "That kid is a man with a temper."

Mr. Bai nodded, "It\'s really good, at least it\'s not bad. If you meet it early and cultivate it, your strength is not necessarily weaker than that of Baiyi."

A ghost hesitated to speak but stopped.

Mr. Bai smiled and asked, "What do you want to say?"

A Gui whispered: "This kid is usually very slippery, not like a sword repairman, but if he works hard, he is still very powerful."

Mr. Bai smiled: "What do you want to say?"

A ghost said solemnly: "Sir, as far as I know, many forces in Weiyang Star Territory have the idea of ​​hitting his treasure again, and I hope he will take out that treasure to fight against the Moko tribe."

Mr. Bai nodded, "Yes!"

Agui looked at Mr. Bai, and Mr. Bai whispered: "They hope the palace lord will come forward!"

Ghost asked, "What does the palace lord mean?"

Mr. Bai whispered: "The lord of the palace hasn\'t decided yet!"

Agui\'s face sank, "If the palace owner asks for the treasure, it means he will definitely die, right?"

Mr. Bai nodded.

What Ghost was about to say, Mr. Bai whispered: "Don\'t worry! Think about it, with the arrogance of the palace lord, how could she snatch the child\'s treasure? Besides, the palace lord knows very well that waiting for the treasure, if not It voluntarily follows the child, how can that child be able to survive? Besides, this treasure itself carries cause and effect, and if outsiders get it, it may be a great disaster."

As he said, he looked at Agui, "Although the palace owner has no intention of snatching that treasure, I am afraid that some people will cut it first and then play it..."

A ghost said solemnly: "How dare they?"

Mr. Bai whispered softly: "In their view, if that kid is killed, the palace lord will not avenge them for a dead person! A dead genius is not a genius and has no value, understand?"

Ghost was silent.

Mr. Bai said: "During this period of time, you secretly follow to prevent anyone from doing stupid things."

A Gui nodded slightly and left quietly.

On the spot, Mr. Bai was silent for a moment, then turned his head and looked not far away, where a middle-aged man in a black robe walked slowly.

The middle-aged man in the black robe smiled and said, "Old Bai, it\'s been a long time."

As he said, he waved his right hand and a table appeared in front of the two of them. On the table, there was a jug of wine and two wine glasses.

Mr. Bai said quietly: "I heard you went to a foreign land."

The middle-aged man nodded, "When I went to the foreign land, I have to say that some old guys in the foreign land are still very powerful."

With that, he took the wine glass on the table and faced Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai also picked up the wine glass, the two looked at each other, and then drank it.

The middle-aged man laughed, and then said: "I haven\'t played against you for a long time. How about two tricks today?"

Mr. Bai said quietly: "No hurry, there will be a chance soon. Isn\'t it?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Yes, it will be a good fight soon!"