One Sword Reigns Supreme

460 The fairy in the sword Chapter four hundred and sixtieth: Yang!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Under the moonlight, Ye Xuan was cultivating quietly by himself. When he started to cultivate his soul, Ye Xuan discovered the real power of the little soul!

The damage of the little soul to the soul is too great!

Especially with the addition of his one sword to fix the soul, it can be said that he has the confidence to be a good fortune realm in an instant!

Of course, he will not despise anyone!

Ye Xuan became more excited as he practiced, because he discovered that the separation and combination of soul and body had many wonderful things.

For example, when he draws a sword, the soul suddenly leaves the body. It was originally a physical hand, but it can be instantly replaced by a soul. In this case, you can hit the opponent by surprise.

Of course, there is also a problem, that is, after the soul is separated, the body must be carefully destroyed by others!

Therefore, he must be faster, and the opponent who wants to fight has no strength to fight back!


This is his core point!

In this way, day by day passed.

And half a month later, more and more powerhouses came to the Great Wall of Burial, all of them came from the Universe Star Region.

In addition to this, another person came.

That is Dugu Xuan!

In the mountains, when she saw Ye Xuan, a smile suddenly appeared on Du Guxuan\'s face.

Ye Xuan walked to Duguxuan and smiled slightly, "Mother!"

His heart knot has long been untied!

In this world, he has only two relatives left.One is my sister, and the other is the woman in front of me.

He didn\'t want to hurt anyone, especially his relatives, because of his willfulness!

Duguxuan gently stroked Ye Xuan\'s cheek, and whispered, "Have you suffered a lot?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "It\'s nothing."

Duguxuan smiled slightly, then said softly: "Ling\'er she..."

Ye Xuan said: "Ling\'er has nothing to do, now cultivate the soul in my sword!"

Du Guxuan nodded, "I understand. You continue to practice!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and continued to practice.

Duguxuan sat on a rock and looked at Ye Xuan who was cultivating in the distance. Her face was full of smiles. She seemed to think of something. She gradually reduced her smile and said softly, "Yang, have you seen it? He is excellent. ....."

With that said, she took out a green jade pendant and looked at the jade pendant in her hand, her eyes gradually became silly.

After a long time, Du Guxuan put away the jade pendant and whispered, "Where are you..."

Du Guxuan did not notice, the jade pendant in her hand trembled suddenly.


On the Great Wall, a woman stood quietly somewhere on the wall. The mountain breeze hit her, and her long skirt floated gently, graceful and graceful.

Beside the woman, there is a middle-aged man.

This person is Mr. Bai!

Mr. Bai whispered: "People from foreign lands have also participated!"

The woman looked at the far end of the sky, "Come for him?"

Mr. Bai nodded.

The woman whispered: "What happened to him!"

Mr. Bai said: "The talent is good, and the strength has increased a lot."

The woman nodded slightly, and then looked towards the far end. At that end, it was the Moko tribe.

Mr. Bai suddenly said: "She is the painter?"

The woman whispered, "We could do it without her."

Mr. Bai nodded, "No matter what, it\'s time to end."

The woman suddenly looked down, and not far below, a man was walking towards the Great Wall of Funeral.

Mr. Bai said: "A foreigner! He should have come to him!"

The woman nodded slightly. Suddenly, her brow furrowed slightly. Mr. Bai looked at the man below, and soon his brow wrinkled slightly.

Below, the man walked under the city wall. He raised his head to look at the Great Wall of Burial, and smiled slightly, "Is Ye Xuan here?"

The sound was not loud, but it seemed to have a magical power, which was almost heard by the people in the Great Wall.

Ye Xuan heard it too!

On the wall, the woman was expressionless, "This person is practicing ancient secret techniques."

Mr. Bai nodded, "This stranger is here for real."

Soon, many people appeared on the wall.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped off the city wall. This person was the army. The army looked at the man. The man was wearing a large cloud-colored robe with some unknown patterns embroidered on the robe.

The man glanced at the army and shook his head, "You are not Ye Xuan!"

The army said in a low voice: "You are endless? Just stare at one person to fight? Come on, I will fight with you!"

When the voice fell, he was about to make a move, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the side, "I\'m coming!"

When the army heard the sound, Ye Xuan walked slowly not far away.

The army nodded, "Be careful!"

After speaking, he stepped aside.

Ye Xuan looked towards

Man, the man smiled slightly, "I heard that your sword is fast!"

Ye Xuan didn\'t have any nonsense, and he stomped lightly with his right foot.


His whole person turned into a black line and disappeared in the same place. In the distance, the man\'s eyes narrowed slightly. The next moment, his palm was spread out, and a talisman suddenly flew out, and the next moment, a golden talisman shield appeared in front of him.

At this time, Ye Xuan\'s sword just arrived.


This golden rune shield trembled violently, and Ye Xuan retreated violently!

At this time, the man made a strange handprint, and the next moment, he pulled his hands to the side, "Open the gate of heaven!"

The voice fell.


In front of Ye Xuan, the space suddenly cracked, and in an instant, countless dark energy swept out from the cracked space. These dark energy was like a black hole, and it swallowed everything as soon as it came out.

In the distance, Ye Xuan retreated again and again. After retreating a hundred feet, he found that the space around him suddenly cracked, and immediately afterwards, countless dark energy flooded toward him!

Ye Xuan stopped, his right foot stomped lightly, and the space between his eyebrows quietly condensed, the next moment, Ye Xuan drank softly, "Close!"

The sound fell, and the cracked spaces around him suddenly healed.

Seeing this scene, the man frowned slightly, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly came to him, the man\'s pupils shrank slightly, and did not choose to resist, he whispered: "God!"

When the sound fell, the others disappeared directly into a light.

Ye Xuan frowned, because at this moment, he couldn\'t even feel the other party.Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he turned and cut with a sword. Before the sword fell, a palm was already printed on his chest.


Ye Xuan retreated violently, and at this moment, a light flashed past him.

What a fast speed!

Ye Xuan knew that he couldn\'t hide at this moment. At the moment, his soul suddenly left his body, and at this moment, a palm was placed on his physical chest, but his sword was slashed.


One arm flew out directly!

A hundred meters away, the man suddenly appeared. At this moment, his face was extremely pale.

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s soul returned to the body. As soon as he returned to the body, a touch of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.He looked at the man not far away. The opponent\'s speed was too fast. The sword he just made was directed at the opponent\'s head. Unfortunately, the opponent\'s speed was too fast and only cut off the opponent\'s arm!

Somewhere on the city wall, the woman glanced at Ye Xuan and whispered, "The body is separated from the soul...something interesting!"

Mr. Bai said softly: "Indeed."

The man glanced at Ye Xuan. At this moment, there was a slight dignity in his eyes.After a moment of silence, his left hand suddenly clenched, "Qianjun!"

The voice fell, and he suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, with a punch!

Punch out.


The space around Ye Xuan split instantly!

What a terrifying power!

Ye Xuan was shocked, he dared not to be careless, he drew his sword abruptly!

Draw the sword and die!

Cut down with a sword.


Ye Xuan retreated a hundred feet away, and before he stopped, the man reappeared in front of him, and then, another punch came towards him.

With this punch, the space around Ye Xuan cracked into a spider web shape!

No refunds!

Ye Xuan didn\'t even think about retreating, because the speed of dealing with him was far faster than him.Therefore, Ye Xuan chose to fight hard with the opponent!

Ye Xuan drew his sword and slashed. However, just as the sword was about to slash on the man\'s fist, his soul suddenly separated. Upon seeing this scene, the man\'s eyes shrank slightly, and he quickly closed his fist because a sword had already reached his eyebrow. between!

The sword is longer than the fist!

If he didn\'t stop, he could blast Ye Xuan\'s body with a punch, but Ye Xuan could pierce his brow with a sword.

He did not choose to fight Ye Xuan dead, because it was not worth it. He was not majoring in soul. If Ye Xuan\'s sword were to penetrate between his eyebrows, he would most likely die, and Ye Xuan had no physical body at best!

The man fist closes the rung.


Ye Xuan cut down with this sword, and the man retreated violently.

Above the city wall, the woman suddenly shook her head, "That man lost! What a pity this ancient secret technique!"

Mr. Bai looked down. After being cut back by Ye Xuan with a sword, Ye Xuan\'s soul suddenly returned to the body. The next moment, someone else had appeared in front of the man and was cut with a sword.

The man raised his arm again.


The man retreated violently, but at this moment, Ye Xuan appeared in front of him again. Then, he drew his sword abruptly. At this moment, the man\'s face changed and he was about to block, but at this moment, a ray of sword light quietly disappeared. Appeared behind the man.


That ray of sword light penetrated the man\'s brow instantly!

Then your body stiffens!

Ye Xuan appeared in front of the man, and the man stared at Ye Xuan, "Drawing a sword is false, but flying sword is true!"

Ye Xuandian