One Sword Reigns Supreme

459 Sword Immortal Chapter 459: Eat evil thoughts, devour people's hearts!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Blast!

Ye Xuan was silent, as if a tide was surging inside.

He hadn\'t seen the scene back then, but he can imagine how tragic the scene was in the Moko clan back then.

Mr. Bai whispered, "Moke people, the most terrifying thing about them is their faith and blood."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Ye Xuan, "And this is what our Weiyang Star Territory lacks."

Ye Xuan hesitated, and then said, "Sir, let me say something that may be naive. Can\'t both parties sit down and talk?"

Mr. Bai smiled slightly, "Not naive, because we had thought about it that way back then. Unfortunately, some things are destined to be impossible to talk about."

Ye Xuan wondered, "Why?"

Mr. Bai smiled and said: "You are pregnant with a treasure, and some people want your treasure. Do you think you can talk to them?"

Ye Xuan was silent.

Mr. Bai also said: "Man is in the world, many times he can\'t help himself. And many times, there is no right or wrong, only different positions."

After speaking, he took out a wine bottle and poured it gently in front of the tomb, then turned and walked away.

Ye Xuan followed.

On the way, Mr. Bai said again: "Do you know why many powerful forces did not attack you and snatch your treasures when you were in the Weiyang Star Region?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Mr. Bai whispered: "The palace lord suppressed those forces! And she asked you to come here, one is to protect you, and the other is that you are in Weiyang City, and the other is that you will stir up conflicts between the various forces."

Palace Lord!

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "I don\'t know her!"

Mr. Bai smiled: "Maybe she knows you!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Maybe!"

Mr. Bai continued to walk forward, while Ye Xuan slowly followed.

After a while, Mr. Bai stopped and smiled: "Almost forgot to do business!"

As he said, he pointed to a big tree a hundred meters away, "From here to there, a hundred meters, a hundred meters away, let me see how fast your sword is!"

Ye Xuan groaned slightly. The next moment, his fingers lightly joined, and in a flash, a leaf quietly fell on the tree a hundred meters away.

Mr. Bai whispered: "The extreme of qi, the extreme of space...Your sword, in the same level, is indeed fast, but it is still not enough, you can go faster!"

Ye Xuan hurriedly said, "Sir, please enlighten me!"

Mr. Bai said: "Soul!"

After that, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Above is the Divine Soul Realm, and this realm is about soul and spiritual power. You should have just come into contact with these two powers, and you haven\'t thoroughly understood them, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded, admiring him, the other party saw through him in one glance!

He is indeed just beginning to study spirit and spiritual power!

Mr. Bai smiled and said: "The talent of Zuo Qing is not necessarily higher than you, but there is one thing you don\'t have, that is, when he is practicing, from the beginning to the back, he will be given to him by a strong Moko clan. Undoubtedly. Just like this divine soul, ordinary people may take three or four years to study and understand, but for them, if someone gives pointers, it may only take one day!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly pressed one hand on Ye Xuan\'s shoulder, and then lightly raised it, just like that, Ye Xuan\'s soul was directly separated from the flesh!

Ye Xuan, who had become a soul body, was stunned. It should be said that he was a little flustered, because he found that he did not have any power now!

Mr. Bai whispered: "Under normal circumstances, the human soul is very fragile and cannot be easily separated from the body at all. Otherwise, the soul will be destroyed by the various energies in this world. However, you are special because your soul is extremely powerful. "

Ye Xuan looked at Mr. Bai, "Sir, after my soul is separated from my body, I..."

Mr. Bai said: "The soul is still the soul, you are still you, and your ability has not disappeared. If you don\'t believe it, try it!"

Ye Xuan nodded, then spread out his palm. Soon, a Qi sword quietly condensed from his palm. The next moment, his palm spread out and the Qi sword suddenly disappeared. A hundred meters away, the big tree was covered A ray of sword light passed by.

But it is a bit slow!

Ye Xuan looked at Mr. Bai, and Mr. Bai whispered: "You are only using soul power and spiritual power. Therefore, the speed of your sword is not as fast as when your body and soul are fused. What you have to do now is to practice well. Your soul power and mental power should be cultivated separately. Because if you don\'t separate, your physical body can be said to be a restriction on them."

Ye Xuan whispered: "I understand."

Mr. Bai said: "Don\'t worry about practicing. No one will bother you here."

After speaking, he turned and left.

On the spot, Ye Xuan began to practice.

After Mr. Bai walked to the other side, Agui appeared behind him.

A ghost said solemnly: "Mr. wants to train him?"

Mr. Bai nodded, "Although Zhou Shengsheng is not weaker than Zuo Qing, he has to deal with the evil spirits and the evil earth, and this Zuo Qing can only let him come."

A ghost said: "That Mo Xie..."

Mr. Bai whispered: "I can\'t see through this person."

A ghost said solemnly: "What\'s the chance of winning the white clothes compared to him?"

Mr. Bai said: "40%, maybe even lower!"

Agui\'s face changed slightly, "Why?"

Mr. Bai said: "Because there is an evil unicorn beside him, this beast eats evil thoughts, devours human hearts... Its combat power is not weaker than a strong creation realm, and this beast is still in its infancy. If it grows up to adulthood..."

As he said, he shook his head slightly, "I don\'t know how he subdued this beast."

Ghost was silent.

At this time, Mr. Bai said again: "If she is still..."

Agui was silent.

she was!

Back then, the most enchanting existence on the Great Wall of Burial, even the painter was amazed by it, and he wanted to accept disciples!


Mo was too worried and believed in Bai Yi."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Agui turned his head to look at Ye Xuan who was still practicing swords not far away, "Why do I trust this kid more..."

With that, he shook his head, turned and left.


In the distance, Ye Xuan used his soul to start cultivating crazily, and after his soul was separated from his body, he also discovered that it was indeed different!

That is, his divine consciousness and spiritual power are stronger than when he had a physical body!

However, the overall strength is not as strong as the body, only the soul and spirit are stronger!

Moreover, when there is no physical body, he always feels empty and a little unreliable.

As he practiced, a thought suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan\'s mind, and his right hand suddenly spread out, and the next moment, the Soul Sword appeared in his hand.

At the moment when he held the Soul Suppression Sword, Ye Xuan immediately felt as if he had taken a reassurance pill, and his whole body was extremely calm. Not only that, he also felt the continuous spirit power in the Soul Suppression Sword in his hand spread towards him go with!

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "Xiaohun, is this?"

The little soul said: "Little lord, this is the soul power that I swallowed. These soul powers can be used by the little lord!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan was stunned.

what does this mean?

It means that he has a steady flow of soul power that can be swallowed!

And swallowing these soul powers, his soul can become stronger!

At this time, the little soul said again: "It is best for the little master to absorb more. These souls are not pure souls. If they absorb too much, the little master may have negative emotions, which is a split personality. At that time, the situation will become Very serious!"

Ye Xuan asked, "How serious is it?"

After the little soul was silent for a moment, then he said: "It may give the little master multiple personalities and thoughts."

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan\'s expression became solemn.

The little soul said again: "Of course, as long as the little master does not absorb uncontrollably, there is no problem. With the little master\'s current realm and strength, it can absorb up to ten thousand souls. After absorbing these souls, the little master\'s soul power can become even greater. Strong. In addition, if the young master holds me in the state of a soul body, I can better exert my power. However, if there is no physical sustenance, the power of the young master\'s soul is not very strong. Hey, this is A contradiction!"

After Ye Xuan was silent for a while, he said, "Is there any perfect way?"

The little soul said: "Yes, that means the little lord\'s soul has been cultivated to a certain level, the soul is as strong as the body, and the soul and the body have reached a perfect balance. Unfortunately, with the current situation of the little lord, this is simply impossible."

Ye Xuan whispered: "If you don\'t try, how can you know if it will work?"

After speaking, Ye Xuan began to devour the soul in the sword soul!

Most of these souls were his former enemies, so he did not feel any guilt when absorbed!

As those souls were continuously absorbed by Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan felt that his soul began to change, a subtle change.

About an hour later, Xiaohun\'s voice suddenly sounded, "Little Lord, it\'s okay!"

Ye Xuan stopped quickly, he took a deep breath greedily, the feeling of devouring the soul is really wonderful!He still wanted to continue to absorb, but he still forcibly stopped this idea!

People often die of their own greed!

Ye Xuan stood up, he held the soul-suppressing sword in front of him with a slash, slashing it down, the space was as crisp as paper, and it was instantly torn apart!

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan jumped and cut with a sword.

One sword sets the soul!

This is the sword skill that the woman in the skirt gave him!

The sword fell silently, without any movement!

Ye Xuan was stunned.

The little soul whispered: "This strong!"

Ye Xuan\'s face was full of black lines, "Xiaohun, you hurt me again!"

The little soul said: "Little lord, you are wrong! Don\'t look at your sword at all. It\'s because your sword is only aimed at the soul. If there was a person in front of you before, your sword plus my particularity , You can hold the soul of the opponent with one sword. This sword only hurts the soul, not the body. This sword skill and I are simply a match made in heaven, even if the face is made