One Sword Reigns Supreme

452 The fairy in the sword Chapter 452: Can't die!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Hearing what Ye Xuan said, everyone in the field was stunned.

Admit wrong?

Everyone\'s heads are a little stunned, is this a mistake?

Mr. Bai glanced at Ye Xuan, then turned and left.

The shadow named Agui disappeared quietly.

In the field, everyone looked at each other.

Ye Xuan sat down, at this moment, he felt that his whole body skeleton was scattered!

Now thinking of the black shadow man named Agui, he has lingering fears!

The other party crushed him in all aspects!

Crush without suspense!

This kind of person is terrible!

At this moment, Zhanjun and Bald Zi walked to Ye Xuan\'s side. They glanced at Ye Xuan, and Zhanjun asked, "Is it all right?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "I can\'t die!"

The army chuckled, "It\'s fine if you can\'t die! By the way, Brother Ye, you can fight very well!"

Can fight well?

Ye Xuan shook his head, "If you can fight well, you won\'t be beaten like this!"

The look of the bald man and the army suddenly became a little weird!

Ye Xuan asked, "What\'s wrong?"

Zhanjun smiled bitterly, "Brother Ye, do you know who beat you just now?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

The army said solemnly: "A ghost!"

Ye Xuan asked, "What is the origin?"

The army smiled bitterly, "We have seen him before, and he kills the strong in the good fortune realm just like killing a chicken. Let\'s put it this way, the strong on good fortune is in front of him, and he has no power to fight back! Not only that, it is said that he was once A group of people who guarded the Great Wall buried in the sky were also the first group to fight against the Moke tribe."

As he said, his voice became softer, "Among those people, very, very few people survived!"

Bald nodded slightly, "Here, the one who can hit the most is Ghost. As for Mr. Bai, we have never seen him make a shot. Among the younger generation, the one who can hit most is Xue Baiyi, but this guy is often not here. , We rarely see him. Besides him, Zhou Shengsheng is underneath Fatty Tang. Of course, Brother Ye should be able to rank up now!"


Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "I still need to work hard!"

In a fight with Fatty Tang just now, he could feel that the opponent did not try his best!

It\'s also normal. The two of them didn\'t really work hard just now, so naturally it is impossible to expose all their hole cards!

At this time, the army said: "Brother Ye, our real enemy is the Moke Clan! They are the most terrifying!"


At this moment, Ye Xuan thought of the man in the green shirt again!

The strength of the opponent is also unfathomable!

Moreover, Agui and Mr. Bai are so strong, but in the past few years, Weiyang Star Territory has only been able to defend, and there is a little disadvantage. It is conceivable that the strong on the Moke clan are so powerful!

Here, he really felt the crisis!

At this moment, Fatty Tang and others not far away came over. Fatty Tang glanced at Ye Xuan, but did not speak, he led the crowd and turned away.

And behind Tang Fatty, those people also glanced at Ye Xuan, but there was no hostility in their eyes!

Including that Fatty Tang, although the opponent fought him before, but the opponent didn\'t have the intent to kill, there was no meaning to cause him and death!

This made Ye Xuanpo a little surprised!

As if he knew what Ye Xuan was thinking, the army suddenly said: "Here, it\'s normal to make a small fight, but once you go out, everyone is a comrade-in-arms, because everyone knows that our real enemy is the Moke clan."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and then said: "Back then, there was a super genius who was as famous as Xue Baiyi. Both of them were extremely enchanting, but that person was too aggressive, too aggressive, and also extremely talented. It can be described as horror. And the other party... was later killed by Mr. Bai himself!"

Ye Xuan wondered, "Why?"

The Zhanjun looked at Ye Xuan, "Because she was too hostile, and because she saw a person unhappy, she directly defeated the other person, not only that, but also twisted the person\'s head! Xue Baiyi stopped, she and Xue Baiyi After a day of war outside the city, Mr. Bai punished her when she came back. She refused to accept it and fought with Mr. Bai. Naturally, she couldn\'t beat him. However, she did one thing..."

"What?" Ye Xuan asked.

The army said in a deep voice, "During the fight against the Moke clan, she deliberately refused to take action, causing five of us to be beheaded by the geniuses of the Moke clan. The matter is too serious!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan was silent.

The army looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, I don\'t have much contact with you, but I can feel that you are also a temperamental person. Here, you must not do things too hard, especially to your own people."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Others won\'t kill me, and I won\'t kill me!"

He Ye Xuan is not the kind of cruel and violent person, just like the previous battle with Fatty Tang, Fatty Tang did not kill him, nor did he kill the opponent.Of course, if someone wants to kill him, then, no matter if the opponent is from the Moke clan or from Weiyang Star Region, Ye Xuan can still kill him!

The army nodded, "In

Here, we still have to unite, otherwise, after going out, it will be difficult for anyone to live."

Bald Zi said suddenly: "Don\'t worry! Brother Ye is more mindful than you can turn!"

The Zhanjun thought for a while and said with a smile: "Yes!"

He didn\'t forget Ye Xuan\'s confession!

They absolutely can\'t do this kind of thing, because it\'s too shameful!At that time, even if you are beaten, you must carry it!

But Ye Xuan was good, and directly shouted to admit his mistake...

After a while, Ye Xuan and the three left.

On the other side, Mr. Bai was standing on the city wall. He looked forward with a trace of sadness in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Beside him, there is a ghost who can\'t see his body.

After a while, Mr. Bai suddenly asked, "What do you think of him?"

After Agui pondered for a moment, then he said, "The basics are medium to upper level. Kendo is a bit special and it\'s not an ordinary path."

Mr. Bai said: "What about the character?"

A Gui was silent for a moment, and then said: "He has a bit of a grumpy temper, and he works hard. He has good melee and actual combat capabilities, and he is a cruel man."

Speaking of this, he looked at Mr. Bai, "Are you afraid that he is the second one?"

Mr. Bai nodded, "I checked his information. This person has been from Qingcheng to the present. He is very decisive in doing things. It should be said that he is cruel. He has never been merciless to the enemy. He is not merciful!"

A ghost said: "He knows how to adapt."

Mr. Bai smiled and said, "Are you talking about what he called to admit that he was wrong before?"

Ghost nodded, "I didn\'t expect it!"

Mr. Bai smiled: "I never thought of it either."

As he said, he turned his head to look at the far end of the sky, and said softly: "I hope he is not the second one..."


Ye Xuan returned to the army\'s stone house.


Sitting on the ground, Ye Xuan began to devour the Purple Origin Crystal frantically, but he was still thinking about the previous battle with Fatty Tang!

The battle with Fatty Tang made him understand that he still has some shortcomings, especially melee and physical body. Although his physical body has been trained in dragon blood, it is still much worse than Fatty Tang, let alone Fatty Tang. , He can\'t even compare to the army!

The bodies of these people were all trained here!

And what his physical body lacks is this kind of temper!

In addition, he found that his flying sword was not strong enough!Just like before, although his flying sword can break through Tang Fatty\'s defenses, it is not very deadly!

The power of Feijian needs to become stronger!

An hour later, Ye Xuan\'s body was almost recovered. He looked at the army, "Is there a place to practice?"

The army shook his head, "No..."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you looking for a place where no one is?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The army thought for a while, and then said: "A hundred miles away from the inner city to the east, there is a mountain range. It is quiet there. You can go there for cultivation!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood!"

After speaking, he got up and walked outside, seeming to think of something, he pointed a little bit, and a Na Jie fell in front of the army, and there were 100,000 Amethyst Crystals in Na Jie!

The Zhanjun was shocked and was about to speak. At this moment, Ye Xuan had disappeared.

The army shook his head and smiled, looking at the bald man, "This guy..."

As he said, he seemed to think of something, and said seriously: "Bald, did you say Brother Ye did his best just now?"

Bald glanced at the army, "Are you talking nonsense? Neither he nor Fat Tang did their best!"

The army chuckled, "You said, which of them is better?"

The bald man was silent.

The Zhanjun whispered: "It is said that sword repair is extremely powerful. I didn\'t believe it before. Now when I see Brother Ye, I don\'t think there is anything wrong with this! When I think of Ye Xuan and Tang Fatty before, the sky is full. My sword spirit makes me feel numb!"

Bald also nodded slightly, the battle between Ye Xuan and Fat Tang was full of sword energy, and Ye Xuan\'s sword was so fast that few people could escape it!

After a while, the bald man said solemnly: "Go hard!"

The army also nodded. Everyone can feel the great pressure here!

Because the people around you are better than the other!


Ye Xuan left the Great Wall and moved towards the east. After a while, he saw the mountain range the army said!

After entering the mountain range, Ye Xuan glanced around, and finally, he came to a dense forest, he found a clearing to sit down!

At this moment, the scene of the ghost beating him came into his mind.

At first, he thought that Ghost was fast, but he finally discovered that Ghost was not only fast, but also because the other party seemed to know what he was going to do next!


Ye Xuan knew that this was fighting consciousness!

Only those who have experienced countless life and death battles have this