One Sword Reigns Supreme

453 Sword Immortal Chapter 453: Jian Qi is like a needle, unpredictable!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan was overjoyed.

Because this means that his method is feasible, after condensing the Qi Sword, not only can its power become greater, but the speed can also become faster!

At least twice as fast!

Now, his Qi sword can no longer be said to be a Qi sword, it should be said to be a needle sword!

Jian Qi is like a needle, unpredictable!

Ye Xuan didn\'t stop, because the needle sword could become stronger and the speed could also become faster!

In this way, Ye Xuan tried again and again, and under his cohesion, his needle sword became smaller, as thin as a cow\'s hair, and hard to see with the naked eye!

Not only that, the speed of the needle sword has also become faster, so fast that he can only feel it through the space.


He is in the Volley Realm now, and above the Volley Realm is the Divine Union Realm!

Divine harmony means a more perfect fusion of soul and body!

God refers to spiritual power, and soul naturally refers to soul!

He had once reached the God Combination Realm, but he had not fully comprehended this realm, especially for the soul. Even now, he still doesn\'t understand the soul.

But he knows one thing, that is, his soul is definitely much stronger than the average person, because the souls of the strong guards of the World Protector League that the women in the skirt once killed were all absorbed by him, and he was also swallowed by the Zen You Ring Many souls, so his current soul should be pretty good.

What he has to do now is to tap the potential of his soul and spiritual power!

Achieve true harmony!

Ye Xuan didn\'t know who created these realms, and how these realms came from, but he knew that the person who created these realms must not be a simple person.Moreover, if each of these realms can reach the limit, it would be absolutely terrifying!

However, people always walk too fast, and there are few people who take it step by step in a down-to-earth manner!

Including him once!

Just like Kendo!

He has completely forgotten what sword intent and kendo are now. He just wants to take every step and never think about the future.

Every step of the moment is enough!

Ye Xuanpan sat down, calmly.

Feel the spiritual power!

Spiritual power is divine consciousness, and in fighting against people, in fact, most of the time we rely on divine consciousness, because some people are so fast that they are not visible to the naked eye. At this time, divine consciousness is needed to scan.

And his imperial sword relies on mind, and mind is part of spiritual power!

To put it simply, if he cultivates the Divine Harmony to the extreme, his flying sword can definitely become faster!

Moreover, the soul can also be cultivated. At that time, maybe with the help of soul power, one\'s flying sword can become stronger, or even more weird!

Sprint to the gods!

Ye Xuan decided to start with mental power, because mental power was simpler and he had more contact with it.

Soon, Ye Xuan\'s divine sense began to spread towards the surroundings, and under the perception of divine sense, everything around was clearly visible!But there is a problem, that is, the sweeping away of divine consciousness is an extremely large consumption.Especially in the case of the sword, every time the sword is a great consumption.What he has to do now is to study how to reduce this consumption, not only that, but also to help his sword become faster and stronger!

Everything, just for Feijian to be faster and stronger!

What he wants is the kind, if you don\'t have a sword, you can kill someone!

Things that can be solved with one sword, it is best not to use two swords!

Therefore, what he wants to do now is to cultivate a flying sword, a flying sword that is purely condensed by Qi!

Ye Xuan sat on the ground, surrounded by silence.

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan a needle sword as thin as a cow\'s hair. This needle sword began to move slowly. After a while, among the dense forest in the field, a piece of fallen leaves slowly fell...

It was very quiet, very quiet, and the falling leaves were silent.

That\'s it, half a month later.

In the past half month, Ye Xuan has not been out of the dense forest one step, and no one has bothered him during this time.

In the dense forest, Ye Xuan was still sitting on the ground, like an old monk entering Ding.

I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and not far away, a figure appeared. The person here was the army!

Ye Xuan slowly stood up, two hundred meters away, a leaf quietly fell down where the two of them could not see, and at the same time, an almost invisible sword light flashed quietly.

In front of Ye Xuan, the army took a look at Ye Xuan, "Isn\'t it bothering you?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "No!"

The army nodded slightly, "I came to see you this time, there is something to do."

Ye Xuan was puzzled, "Something?"

The army nodded, "Just now I got the news that there was no news after Fatty Tang and others entered the death swamp."

Ye Xuan asked, "What did Mr. Bai say?"

The Zhanjun said solemnly: "Mr. Bai, let us go!"

Ye Xuan whispered: "That

There should be something wrong."

The army nodded, "I didn\'t want to disturb you, but now, there are not enough people. Moreover, my instinct tells me that this time things are not easy, so I can only come to you."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "It\'s right to find me, let\'s go!"

After speaking, he patted the army on the shoulder and walked away.

On the spot, the army smiled, and then followed.He knew that Ye Xuan had already regarded him and Bald Zi as friends!

Soon, Ye Xuan and the bald man returned to the Great Wall. In a stone house, besides the army and bald, Ye Xuan also saw three people, two men and one woman, with similar appearances.

Baldzi looked at Ye Xuan and introduced: "These three are Tang Mu, Tang Lin, and Tang Sensen. They are three brothers and sisters."

Ye Xuan hugged the three of them, and the three of them also responded.

For Ye Xuan, although they didn\'t know him before, they had heard that this was a sword repairman, a sword repairman who could fight Fat Tang!

Bald said in a deep voice: "Mr. Bai let us go to the death swamp. There is no doubt that Fatty Tang and the others have an accident! And Mr. Bai did not take action. Obviously, this is related to the Moke clan. If I am not mistaken, Mr. Bai has already started. Gather all those outside."

Speaking of this, he paused, and then said: "The Moke tribe should be doing something!"

As the bald voice fell, Ye Xuan found that the faces of everyone around him became a little serious.

The Zhanjun suddenly said, "Let\'s go! I hope Fatty Tang and the others can hold it."

Soon, the group left the Great Wall and went straight to the death swamp.

On the way, Ye Xuan asked, "Fat Tang, what are they doing in the death swamp?"

The army said in a deep voice: "It should be hunting monsters. We are in the Great Wall. In addition to fighting against the geniuses of the Moke tribe, we also have to fight with these monsters every day. These monsters grew up in the mountains, and their fighting ability Strong, fighting with them is also a great improvement for us. The same is true for the Moke tribe, and Fat Tang and the others should be people who have met the Moke tribe."


Ye Xuan nodded slightly, he didn\'t know much about this clan!Although he had been in contact with the ghost man and the man in the blue shirt before, he did not understand the overall strength of the Moke tribe!

At this time, Bald looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, if you meet them later, don\'t underestimate the enemy!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Nature!"

With that, several people speed up.

Soon, everyone came to a swamp, in the swamp, there were monsters wriggling.

The bald said: "Don\'t entangle these monsters!"

When the voice fell, he jumped and dissipated directly to the far end.

Ye Xuan and the others also hurriedly followed. After a while, everyone came to the end of the death swamp. At the end of the death swamp was a grassland. On the grassland, Ye Xuan and others saw Fatty Tang and others.

There are a total of five people, all of whom are dying, especially Fatty Tang, his arms have been cut off!

At this moment, Fatty Tang suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw Bald and the others, he yelled suddenly, "Go!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, a cold light flashed quietly at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, Fat Tang\'s head flew out. At the same time, the heads of the remaining four people also flew out in an instant.

Blood is like a pillar!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Zhanjun and others instantly turned sorrowful, and the soldiers rushed out. However, the next moment, he retreated nearly a hundred feet in an instant.

In front of Ye Xuan and others, two people appeared.

It was the evil spirit and earth evil that Ye Xuan had seen that day!

The evil spirit is burly, and the evil spirit is wearing a black robe with his hands hidden in his sleeves.

Seeing these two people, the bald faces suddenly changed!

These two people are very terrifying existences among the Moke clan!

At this moment, a voice rang from the side, "Can Ye Xuan come?"

Ye Xuan?

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, the other party looking for himself?

Everyone heard the sound and looked, and on the right, a man in a green shirt walked slowly.

Find Ye Xuan!

The bald and the others looked at Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan was silent. He didn\'t know why he was looking for him, but according to his guess, it might be related to the treasure in his body!

The green shirt man walked up to Ye Xuan and the others, "Didn\'t you come?"

Ye Xuan said, "I am!"

The eyes of the three men in the green shirt all fell on Ye Xuan. The man in the green shirt shook his head slightly, "It turned out to be you. I knew that, so I shouldn\'t let you go!"

Ye Xuan said, "What you want is me, why kill them?"

The green shirt man smiled and said, "Are you joking with me?"

Ye Xuan\'s right hand slowly clenched, and the green shirt man smiled and said, "Don\'t kill them? If my Moke people fall into your hands, will you let them survive?"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "I am stupid! Asking such stupid questions!"

When the sound fell, he suddenly drew his sword and slashed.

Draw the sword and die!

Cut down with a sword, the man in the green shirt shook his head and smiled, "You are not qualified to fight me!"

The voice fell, the others had retreated ten feet away,