One Sword Reigns Supreme

451 The fairy in the sword Chapter 451: Give up struggling!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Suddenly silence in the field!

Zhanjun and Baldzi were shocked, neither of them expected Ye Xuan to make a sudden move.

In their impression, Ye Xuan was a quiet person with a gentle temper.

Not far away, Fatty Tang put down the leg of lamb in his hand, he looked at Ye Xuan, his face was expressionless, and his expression was very calm.

He Ye Xuan is not a person who likes to cause trouble, but he is very clear that in this world, the strong is respected.

Only the strong can be respected!

Just like the world, if a person is incapable, let alone outsiders, it is his relatives and relatives who look down on him first.

And when the three of them came here, they were not respected!

He doesn\'t like this feeling!

Ye Xuan is like this. If you respect me, I will respect you. If you don\'t respect me, why should I respect you?

It\'s a big deal!

Fatty Tang got up and walked towards Ye Xuan. At this moment, the army and the bald man walked to Ye Xuan\'s side.

Fat Tang stared at Ye Xuan, "This stone house has at least one million Amethyst Crystals. Of course, for you, I want 10 million Amethyst Crystals."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I\'m afraid you will lose your life!"


Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, the people behind Tang Fatty laughed suddenly, laughing exaggeratedly, as if they had encountered some big joke.

At this moment, a spatial rule suddenly appeared between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows, and the next moment, a Qi sword quietly pressed against the eyebrows of the man on the right. This man was the one who laughed loudest before!

At this moment, the scene is quiet!

The smiles on those people\'s faces also converged at this moment!

Ye Xuan looked around at everyone, "Is it funny? Is it funny?"

The man who was held by Ye Xuan\'s Qi sword stared at Ye Xuan, his face was extremely ugly, because just now, he was very relaxed, almost defenseless, because of this, he would be held by a sword!

In front of Ye Xuan, Fatty Tang looked at Ye Xuan and was about to speak. Ye Xuan suddenly looked at him, "Are you fighting here or outside?"

Fat Tang said with a smile: "Naturally it is here!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly blasted Ye Xuan\'s door!

At the moment when this punch was blasted, Ye Xuan suddenly felt a powerful force enveloped him, and this punch force gave him an irresistible feeling!

But this feeling disappears as soon as it appears!

Ye Xuan suddenly drew his sword!

Draw the sword and die!

At the moment the sword was released, a powerful sword force instantly blocked Tang Fatty\'s fist. The next moment the sword made a direct contact with Tang Fatty\'s fist.


Ye Xuan retreated tens of feet in an instant!

Fat Tang didn\'t move at all, but in front of his chest, there was a sword of Qi. The sword did not penetrate deeply, but it still penetrated.

The field is quiet again!

At this moment, the faces of the people behind Fatty Tang suddenly became serious. Fatty Tang\'s strength and physical body were very clear to them. They didn\'t expect that Ye Xuan\'s sword was so fast that Fatty Tang couldn\'t dodge it!

A sword of this speed can already pose a great threat to them!

Zhanjun and Bald were also a little frightened. They didn\'t know much about Ye Xuan\'s strength. They only knew that Ye Xuan was a sword repairman, but now that Ye Xuan had a sword, they realized that this guy in front of them was better than they thought. Much more powerful!

Fatty Tang pulled out the Qi sword in front of his chest, and the next moment, he held the Qi sword and slammed at Ye Xuan.


A tearing sound suddenly sounded in the field!

The Qi sword stopped as soon as it arrived in front of Ye Xuan. The next moment, it turned around and slashed directly at Fat Tang not far away. At this moment, Fat Tang rushed forward and punched out.


The Qi Sword instantly broke!

Fat Tang\'s fist did not stop, and he blasted Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan didn\'t stop either. The moment the Qi Sword flew out, the others suddenly disappeared. The next moment, countless Qi Swords appeared in the field, and these Qi Swords slashed towards Fat Tang not far away from various angles.

For a time, the sword spirit is in the field!

Ye Xuan didn\'t choose to be tough with Fat Tang, not that he didn\'t dare, but that he knew his strengths and weaknesses!He will not be stupid enough to use his own disadvantages to face each other\'s advantages!

Fat Tang is extremely powerful. Every punch can smash Ye Xuan\'s qi sword. However, Ye Xuan\'s qi sword depends on qi. If there is qi around, his sword will be endless. Therefore, every time Fatty Tang smashes into pieces. After Ye Xuan\'s qi sword, countless qi swords will be cut towards him!

The most terrifying thing is that these Qi swords can break Fat Tang\'s body!

After fighting for a while, Fatty Tang was suppressed by Ye Xuanfeijian, at a disadvantage!

But soon, Fatty Tang suddenly stamped his right foot, and a powerful force swept out of him. Then, his right hand stretched forward, and the next moment, he slammed his punch upwards.


The entire sky trembled violently, and in an instant, Ye Xuan\'s countless flying swords turned into nothingness!

Same as this

At that time, Fat Tang suddenly jumped and slammed into Ye Xuan in the air!

In the air, Ye Xuan folded his hands together, and countless qi swords quietly condensed in front of him. The next moment, these qi swords suddenly flew out, and in an instant, Fat Tang rushing over was directly submerged by these qi swords!

There was a moment of silence.


Those Qi swords burst into pieces, and then, a fist came to Ye Xuan\'s face, and blasted Ye Xuan\'s chest!

Ye Xuan didn\'t evade, holding a Qi sword and slammed at Fat Tang\'s head.

Life for life?

Below, everyone\'s expressions changed. Is this killing?

In the air, Fat Tang’s fist hit Ye Xuan’s chest, and Ye Xuan’s sword was also cut on Fat Tang’s head. However, at this critical moment, Fat Tang’s head tilted and his head escaped the deadly sword. But Ye Xuan\'s sword slashed directly on his shoulder.



The two separated instantly!

Ye Xuan violently retreated nearly a hundred feet away, Tang Fatty retreated more than ten feet, but he just stopped, a Qi sword suddenly inserted into his chest, and another Qi sword wiped his throat, but he was pinched by his right hand. However, an air sword appeared silently from behind him, extremely fast, and instantly inserted into his back. At the same time, countless air swords continued to appear from the space around him...

Seeing this scene, everyone not far away saw the scalp tingling!

The speed of these flying swords is unpredictable!

At this moment, Fatty Tang suddenly roared not far away. The next moment, an illusory golden armor appeared on his body. With the appearance of this golden armor, Ye Xuan\'s flying swords suddenly slashed on this golden armor. Dissipated one after another.

Seeing this scene, the faces of those who followed Fatty Tang not far away sank.

They didn\'t expect that Ye Xuan in front of them would force Fat Tang to display one of his trump cards!

In the distance, Ye Xuan didn\'t make any more moves. He looked at Fat Tang, "Do you use foreign objects?"

When the voice fell, a sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

Soul Sword!

When this sword appeared, the corner of Fat Tang’s eyes jumped slightly, and behind Fatty Tang, a man suddenly stood up and stared at Ye Xuan, “Fatty Tang didn’t use foreign objects. This golden armor is a magical power. He cultivated it, not a foreign object!"

Ye Xuan pondered slightly, and then put away the Soul Suppression Sword. Really, if he used foreign objects, he would be sure to kill the opponent instantly!

Of course, it\'s not that he is strong, but the soul-suppression sword is strong!

This sword is too weird, even for him, there is no way to deal with this sword!

Seeing Ye Xuan put away the soul-suppressing sword, the man not far away heaved a sigh of relief. This weapon, Nima, was at the level of good fortune. If Ye Xuan used this kind of treasure, it would really kill him. Up!

"Why didn\'t you fight?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

Hearing this voice, everyone\'s complexion changed, everyone turned their heads and looked, and a man in white stood not far away.

Mr. Bai!

Seeing this person, Fatty Tang and the others hurriedly gave a polite, "I have seen Mr. Bai!"

Ye Xuan was not stupid, and he also gave a quick bow, "I have seen Mr. Bai!"

Mr. Bai glanced at Fat Tang and Ye Xuan, "Keep on fighting!"

Fat Tang didn\'t dare to speak, Ye Xuan smiled, "Just learn from each other!"

Mr. Bai looked at Ye Xuan, "Learn from each other?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes, just learn from each other!"

Mr. Bai nodded slightly, "It\'s okay, Ghost, learn from him!"

As soon as Mr. Bai’s voice fell, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan’s face changed and flashed backwards. However, as soon as he retreated, the black shadow appeared in front of him again. The next moment, he felt his abdomen. There was a sharp pain, and the whole person flew directly towards the rear.

As soon as he flew a few feet away, Ye Xuan felt that his right foot was caught by someone. The next moment, he just fell into the air, and finally fell heavily on the city wall.


The entire city wall trembled violently. At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that his whole body was about to be shattered!

However, the matter was not over yet, he felt that he was being lifted up. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly roared, and in the next moment, countless Qi swords appeared around him. Soon, the dark shadow disappeared, and Ye Xuan\'s heart suddenly became loose. , But the next moment, that black shadow appeared in front of him again, and the Qi swords around him had disappeared without a trace!

Ye Xuan drew his sword abruptly!

The sword fell, directly cut the air!

That dark shadow had appeared behind him at some point, the next moment, he felt like a hammer hit his back, and the whole person flew directly forward!

And at the moment Ye Xuan flew out, several Qi swords slashed behind him, the extremely fast Qi sword, when those Qi swords came in front of the black shadow, the black shadow suddenly disappeared, and when they reappeared, they were already in Ye Xuan. before.


Ye Xuan flew out again, and at this moment, the black shadow appeared dozens of meters away, holding three flying swords in his hand!

It was the Qi sword that Ye Xuan released just now!