One Sword Reigns Supreme

450 Sword Immortal Chapter 450: I am so angry!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!The ghost was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he came to the three of them, and at this moment, the bald rushed out and smashed it down.

The ghost didn\'t dodge and slammed his punch on the heavy ruler of Bald.


Under the feet of the two of them, the ground broke directly, and at the same time, the two of them retreated violently at the same time.

Ye Xuan was about to take action, and the army suddenly said, "Let them fight!"

Ye Xuan looked at the army, and the army said solemnly: "You can\'t let the Moke people look down upon us."

Ye Xuan: "..."

Not far away, Bald grinned and his smile was a bit sullen. The next moment, he jumped. At the same time, the giant ruler in his hand suddenly turned red, and the ghost opposite him suddenly rushed out, with a very fast speed. , The space wherever he went was directly trembling, terrifying!

Soon, the two of them approached, and the bald slammed down with the heavy ruler in both hands, and fell down, and a terrifying flame swept down from the ruler.

And the ghost didn\'t dodge, he punched!

Pure physical power!

One punch, the space is shaking!


This punch directly shattered the flame, and at this time, the heavy ruler in Bald\'s hand slammed into the ghost\'s fist.


The surrounding space trembled violently, and the two retreated violently.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan\'s expression on the side became serious.

The strength of this bald man and this ghost is really beyond his expectations!

At this moment, he also understood one thing, that is, he is not the strongest among the young generation of Tianyu, and the genius of the entire Weiyang Star Region may be here.

This is really a gathering place for evildoers!

And most importantly, these evildoers are extremely capable in actual combat!

At this moment, the ghost man not far away suddenly slapped his hands on the ground, and the whole earth trembled. Then, under the feet of the bald, a thorn of soil rose into the sky!

Bald’s face changed, his right foot slammed and pulled backwards, and before he landed, another soil thorn rushed out of the ground, and a hideous flicker flashed in Bald’s eyes, and he slammed down with a heavy ruler in both hands. One hit.


That soil thorn instantly snapped!

At this moment, the ghost man suddenly appeared in front of Bald Zi. He slammed his fist on Bald’s chest. Bald flew out in an instant. However, at the moment when he flew out, his hand slammed into On the chest of the ghost.


The ghost also flew out in an instant.

The two landed almost at the same time, and the ground where they landed broke apart!

In the distance, the ghost man was about to get up after struggling on the ground. Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan\'s face sank, because the ghost man\'s whole body was already cracked, and the other party was still going to fight?

Not far away, the bald man also slowly got up. The ghost looked at bald with no expression on his face, only killing and fighting in his eyes!

Just when the ghost was about to make another move, a voice suddenly rang from the side, "It\'s okay."

Hearing this voice, the ghost man quickly stopped.

But Ye Xuan and Zhan Tian\'s complexion changed, especially Ye Xuan, his brows were deeply frowned, because he didn\'t feel anyone coming!

Ye Xuan and Zhan Tian turned around. Not far in front of them, there was a man standing. The man was about 20 years old. He was wearing a blue shirt and long clothes with his right hand behind him. He carried a calm and indifferent temperament.

And on the left behind the man, there is an extremely burly man standing with his upper body naked, his arms folded, his whole body muscles bulging, full of explosive power; and on the right behind the man in the green shirt, there is a man standing , The man\'s figure is completely opposite to the burly man on the left. This man is particularly petite, just like a woman\'s figure. He is wearing a large robe with his hands hidden in the robe.

Seeing these three people, the army\'s expression beside Ye Xuan sank, and the bald face also became difficult to look at in an instant.

Ye Xuan said softly: "Know?"

The army stared at the two men behind the Qingshan man, "These two are the Moke Clan\'s Tiansha and Earthshakes. The two are extremely strong. Usually, the dragon can\'t see the end."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "Both of them have the ability to kill the good fortune realm! Moreover, this was a year ago, as for now..."

Kill the good fortune realm!

Ye Xuan\'s expression became dignified, and he looked at the two again, they both looked very young, about the same age as him, and the other party was already able to kill the creation realm!

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan looked at the man in the green shirt in front of the two of them, "So who is this person?"

The army shook his head, "I don\'t know!"

At this moment, the man in the blue shirt walked in front of Ye Xuan\'s trio. His eyes fell on Ye Xuan, "Sword repair?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, the other party actually knew he was Jian Xiu!

The man in the green shirt was about to speak. At this moment, he turned his head to look at the distant sky. He frowned soon, and after a while, he turned and walked away.

On the side, Sha Disha and Guiren quickly followed.

Not long after he left, the man in Qingshan suddenly stopped. He turned and looked at Ye Xuan\'s trio. The next moment, his right foot stomped lightly.


The space around Ye Xuan\'s trio broke apart, and in an instant, Ye Xuan\'s trio retreated nearly a hundred feet away.

After the three of Ye Xuan stopped, the corners of the mouths of the war army and the bald man suddenly overflowed with blood, but Ye Xuan was fine.

The green shirt man\'s eyes fell on Ye Xuan, a little surprised, "You have some meaning."

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared not far away.

Going in a hurry!

Looking at the direction in which the man in the green shirt and others disappeared, Ye Xuan\'s expression was also solemn. At that moment, he felt the power of the opponent\'s space, but the opponent\'s speed was so fast that he hadn\'t had time to use the space way. Then, the space around him has already cracked!

This is not the point, the point is that the opponent can shatter the space so easily!

Not only fast, but also extremely powerful!

At this time, the army beside Ye Xuan suddenly said in a solemn voice: "Another genius has appeared in the Moke clan, and the strength of this person is obviously higher than that of the evil spirit and the earth evil. I just don\'t know if it is the legendary Moxie. !"

Aside, Bald said in a deep voice, "No matter what, I have to go back and tell Fatty Tang about this matter. This time the Moke clan has been silent for too long, it is really abnormal."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The army looked at Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

On the way, Ye Xuan felt a bit heavy.Before that, he felt that his opponent was the older generation, and the younger generation basically had no opponents. But after coming to the Great Wall, he found that among the younger generation, there were too many strong people, just like just now. The man in the green shirt, he was not sure to defeat the opponent.

However, he was not discouraged!

Only fighting spirit!

Endless fighting spirit!

He Ye Xuan does not want the younger generation to be invincible, but wants the younger generation to be undefeated!

After a while, Ye Xuan and others returned to the Great Wall of Burial, and the army left directly. Bald and Ye Xuan returned to the stone house. In the stone house, Bald sat on the ground and began to heal.

Ye Xuan did not choose to disturb the other party, but soon he discovered a problem, that is, when the bald heals his injuries, he uses ordinary spirit stones instead of purple source crystals!

Ye Xuan asked, "Why not use Purple Origin Crystal?"

Bald looked at Ye Xuan, "No!\'

Ye Xuan pointed a little, and a Na Ring fell in front of Bald Zi. Bald Zi glanced, and there were 100,000 Purple Origin Crystals in Na Ring.

Bald shook his head, "I know, you just came here and you have some stock on your body, but this stock will not last long in this place, because soon you will find that there are too many places that need to use the purple source crystal, so, Keep it for yourself!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "You use it first, and then it\'s not enough!"

Bald wanted to refuse, but Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Bald, if you think I\'m worthy of friendship, just accept it!"

Bald glanced at Ye Xuan, he hesitated, and then put away the ring.

One hundred thousand amethyst crystals, for him, just enough to relieve his urgent need!Especially now, he has been suspended by Mr. Bai. Therefore, these 100,000 purple source crystals are still very important to him!

Bald began to absorb the purple source crystals. He glanced at Ye Xuan, "Here, there are two people who can\'t offend, the first is Mr. Bai, and the second is Fatty Tang. We will see them later, understand?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Is there a struggle here too?"

Bald shook his head, "There is not much struggle, but people here are very arrogant, do you know what I mean?"

Ye Xuan nodded, he naturally understood that all the top evildoers here, and as the evildoer, he must be very arrogant!

At this moment, the Zhanjun came in, he glanced at Ye Xuan and both of them, and then said, "Fatty Tang wants to see you!"

Bald frowned slightly, and after a while, he got up, "Let\'s go!"

Ye Xuan nodded and followed.

After a while, Ye Xuan, the battle army and the bald man came to a stone house, which was very large, several times larger than the battle army\'s stone house.

After entering the stone house, a scent of meat floated.

In the stone house, there were seven people, five men and two women, and the leader was a fat man who was very big.

Ye Xuan knew that this person should be the Fat Tang.

Fatty Tang was sitting on the ground, eating a leg of lamb. His mouth was full of oil and there was no image. Several people next to him were also sitting, all eating!

The Zhanjun walked over, "Brother Tang, here comes my brother!"

Fat Tang didn\'t even care about Tang Jun, still gnawing the leg of lamb in his hand.

The army was a little embarrassed, he smirked, and then looked at Ye Xuan and the bald son, "Wait!"

Bald nodded, but Ye Xuan did not speak.

In this way, under the gaze of the three of them, Fatty Tang finished eating the leg of lamb, but at this moment, he picked up the leg of lamb in front of him again and started chewing.

Seeing this scene, both Zhanjun and Bald\'s faces sank, but neither of them said anything.