One Sword Reigns Supreme

428 The fairy in the sword Chapter 428: Ghost Gate!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In the field, the old man\'s face was ugly to the extreme.

Beside him, the woman\'s face was also extremely ugly, "No wonder he suddenly wants to withdraw!"

After that, she looked at the old man, "This person is so deceiving me Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, we..."

The old man shook his head, "Fine. This time, we are stupid."

The woman was a little angrily said: "Is it just that?"

The old man whispered: "Don\'t worry, someone will come to clean him up. All we have to do now is to wait and see."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and said: "If the order continues, no one can provoke this madman."

After speaking, he turned and disappeared in place.

On the spot, the woman was silent for a moment, and then whispered in a low voice: "If the order continues, it will be said that Ye Xuan has been backlashed and his strength has dropped, and now it\'s just a change of Qi!"


What Ye Xuan did in Wanbao Chamber of Commerce quickly spread. At this moment, almost everyone knew that Ye Xuan had arrived in Weiyang City.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that Ye Xuan has a treasure!

A treasure on the top of the interstellar reward list!

The most important thing is that Ye Xuan was backlashed, and now it was just a change of Qi!

For a time, countless strong men were ready to move.


Weiyang Palace.

Weiyang Palace is located in the very center of Weiyang City. This is one of the most dangerous places in the Weiyang Star Region, because here, the lord of Weiyang Palace lives.

There is a garden deep in Weiyang Palace, and the whole garden has only one kind of flower: snow lotus!

Snow lotus, snow white all over, with branches and leaves like crystals, very beautiful!

But the whole garden only has this snow lotus, and it looks white at first glance.

In the path among the flowers, a woman walked slowly, and on her shoulder, was sitting a small bird. The bird was dark and blood red.

The woman walked slowly. At this time, a woman in white armor suddenly appeared beside the woman. The armored woman knelt on one knee, "Palace Master!"

The woman was expressionless, "Say!"

The armored woman said in a deep voice: "The Moke tribe has been moving quite a bit recently, but the purpose is not clear."

The woman walked slowly towards the front, and the woman in armor quickly got up and followed.

After a while, the woman said: "I heard that there is a genius from the Moke tribe?"

Hearing this, the armored woman\'s expression suddenly became solemn, "Yes, it\'s called Moxie. This person is only twenty years old, but he is already in a holy realm, and his body is strong enough to tear apart dragons of the same level. In addition, it is said that this People have already practiced the Moko’s supreme mental method "Moko Boundless" to the extreme. And this is only what we know from the surface. We still don’t know how strong this person is. However, we should know soon. Now, because he has already set off from the Moke clan and rushed to the Great Wall to be buried. At that time, he will fight against the geniuses of our Weiyang Star Territory."

The woman was silent for a moment, and then said, "Where is Ye Xuan?"

The armored woman was shocked, and then quickly said: "According to the information we have received, the Dugu family was destroyed by him. The ancient family should not have been destroyed by him, but it is related to him. And he has been to Beiwuzong, Beiwuzong did not dare to move him! After arriving in Weiyang City, he had friction with Baixiao Pavilion, but Baixiao Pavilion did not move him. In the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Wanqiu, the chairman of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, took action, but was stopped by the monster beside him."

Speaking of this, she paused slightly, and then said: "The origin of that monster is unknown, and its realm should be in the holy stage, but its strength is far superior to humans in the holy realm of the same stage! And the power behind him is temporarily unknown. However, it is certain. Yes, that treasure is on him."

The woman said: "Are there any shots in the Holy Land?"

The armored woman shook her head, "Nothing happened yet!"

The woman nodded slightly, "Continue to observe."

The armored woman hesitated, and then said: "Palace Master, if this treasure is in the hands of the Palace Master, why should I fear the Moke Clan in the Weiyang Star Region? The subordinates suggest that the Palace Master take the action personally..."

The woman suddenly glanced at the armored woman coldly, and the latter\'s expression changed and she knelt down on one knee.

The woman looked directly at the armored woman, "Do you know why the Holy Land didn\'t take action?"

The armored woman hurriedly said, "Subordinates don\'t know."

The woman said: "The Holy Land did not take action because they knew that the treasure was not worth it! This thing represents great chance and great cause and effect. If they force the treasure, it means that they will take it. The cause and effect of this treasure. And until they have not figured out the cause and effect of this treasure, they will definitely not attack Ye Xuan."

The armored woman hesitated, then said: "Palace Master, is that treasure really powerful?"

The woman whispered: "What do you mean?"

The armored woman whispered: "But Ye Xuan is just breaking the air, so why can he still live well after getting this thing?"

The woman slowly closed her eyes, "That\'s because there was someone behind him, and that person forcibly stopped most of the cause and effect of this thing for him."

The woman in armor lowered her head slightly, "Subordinates understand."

The woman whispered: "Have you found out the whereabouts of his sister?"

The armored woman said in a deep voice: "His sister was rescued by a mysterious man when she was taken back to the ancient house by a strong man in the ancient family. This person should be a ghost."

The woman frowned slightly, and after a while, she whispered: "Continue to investigate!"

The woman in armor nodded, "Yes!"

The woman said: "Go down."

The armored woman bowed slightly and quietly retreated.

After the woman in armor left, the woman looked up at the end of the sky, not knowing what she was thinking.


In the restaurant, in the room.

Ye Xuan looked at the pile of Na Jie in front of him, with a bright smile on his face.

These were obtained by him in Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Among them, there are more than 36 million Ziyuan Jing, plus what he originally had, he now has almost 70 million Ziyuan Jing!

In addition, there are three holy-rank treasures and a few others.

He still felt a bit pity, because it was too rushed and he didn\'t take away all the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, otherwise, there must be more than that.However, he has earned it.

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan waved his right hand and the nine Yin Lingqi sword appeared in front of him.

When these nine Yin Lingqi swords appeared, a cold atmosphere suddenly appeared in the field, like being in an ice cellar.


Ye Xuan thought for a while, still shook his head.

If he swallowed these nine Yin Spiritual Qi swords, he would definitely be able to get a great improvement, but in this way, he would have no more swords to use.

The sword at the top of the tower cannot be used, and the soul-suppressing sword also has restrictions. What he can use now is the Yin Lingqi sword and the fairy sword!

At this moment, the spirit of the Soul Sword suddenly said, "Why didn\'t the young master merge these nine swords into one sword?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan was shocked, and then said: "Yes?"

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "Yes, I can help the young master, but I have a small request, and I hope the young master will agree."

Ye Xuan quickly said, "What\'s the requirement?"

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "Because of the special body of the sword, I need to absorb my soul to nourish myself. If the little lord kills someone in the future, the soul must not be destroyed. Can it be handed over to me? If the opponent has good strength, I can also provide free The young master refines the ghost."

Ye Xuan froze, then nodded quickly, "Of course it\'s okay!"

At this moment, he felt that the spirit of the Soul Sword was too damn good!

What a sword!

It would be great if the sword on the top of the tower was also so empathetic!

At this time, the spirit of the soul-suppressing sword said: "The little lord can start to fuse them now. I will use my soul power to help the little lord. The problem should not be big!"

Ye Xuan nodded, he began to operate the nine-handed sword, and soon, under his control, the nine-handed Yin Spiritual Qi sword began to blend slowly!


Right from the beginning, Ye Xuan felt extremely strenuous, because these nine Yin Ling Qi swords are all condensed with Yin Ling power, and Yin Ling power is very difficult to control, especially for these nine swords. Fusion into a handle.

Fortunately, the spirit of the Soul Sword began to help, and a powerful soul power gathered in front of him...

With the help of the Soul Sword Spirit, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

In this way, time passed bit by bit, about a day later.


A sword sound suddenly sounded, but disappeared instantly.

Sitting on the bed, Ye Xuan slowly stood up, and at this moment, there was a sword floating in front of him.

Yin Lingqi sword!

And this Yin Lingqi sword domain was different before, this Yin Lingqi sword was a bit larger than the previous nine-handed swords, and the aura it exudes was more than several times stronger.

The spirit of the Soul Sword Sword suddenly said: "Little Lord, this sword is now considered an immortal, but it\'s still a bit worse than your set of the gods. Of course, it\'s not much worse. Now you use it, just right."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "The little master is polite."

Ye Xuan said, "By the way, how do you call you?"

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "The previous master called me a little soul, and the little master can also call me a little soul. By the way, the fifth floor of the tower is very dangerous... the little master should respond early! "

Fifth floor!

Ye Xuan\'s face sank.

Jane Zizai is so powerful that he is only on the fourth floor. One can imagine how terrifying this fifth floor is!

At this moment, he missed the woman in the plain skirt so much!

With her in the tower, he feels at ease!

The problem is that the woman in the plain skirt still doesn\'t know where...

After a while, Ye Xuan shook his head. After finding Ling\'er, he had to find Dao Ze!

These guys are also afraid of Taoism!

Dao Ze!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly sat up, he almost forgot one thing.

Since having the Sacred Sword, he has rarely used the sword of the earth and space!

And Tao can imprison these terrifying existences, and its ability is definitely more than that!

Must study hard and dig hard!

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened and Duguxuan walked in, "Here is Baixiao Pavilion!"

Ye Xuan quickly said: "Please!"

Soon, an old man walked in, and the person coming was the Muzhou of Baixiao Pavilion.

Mu Zhou walked to Ye Xuan and said in a deep voice, "Young Master Ye, we have found out who took Ling Mei away."

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "Who!"

Mu Zhou hesitated, and then said: "Ye Gongzi, you have to be mentally prepared. The one who takes away the younger sister should be a ghostly person. This ghostly person likes to find someone with a special physique to refine into a ghost. Extremely cruel, this..."

Ye Xuan stood up suddenly, and in an instant, an evil sword intent spread all over the room.

Mu Zhou\'s face changed drastically, and he retreated repeatedly...