One Sword Reigns Supreme

429 The fairy in the sword Chapter four hundred and twenty-ninth: all to Laozi die!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!evil!

Mu Zhou looked at Ye Xuan in horror, what kind of sword intent was this?

At that moment, his mind was filled with evil thoughts, and his whole mind was affected!

Mu Zhou looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief. At this moment, he realized that he had greatly underestimated the young man in front of him!

Ye Xuan faced Muzhou, "Where is the ghost gate!"

Hearing what Ye Xuan said, Muzhou came back to his senses, he hesitated, and then said: "Ye Gongzi, I know you are eager to save your sister, but I have to remind you that this ghost is not easy."

Ye Xuan whispered, "Senior only needs to tell me where the ghost door is."

Muzhou sighed in a low voice, and then said, "The ghost gate is on a ghost mountain three thousand miles north of Weiyang City!"

Ye Xuan got up and was about to leave, Mu Zhou suddenly said: "I wonder if Ye Gongzi can listen to me!"

Ye Xuan stopped and said, "Senior, please say it."

Mu Zhou said solemnly: "Ghost gates are not simple. Although they are not as famous as the Dugu Family and the Gu Family in the universe, it is only because of their hidden strength. You think they can steal from the ancient family silently. People, do you think they will be simple?"

Ye Xuan whispered, "If there is anything senior wants to tell, I will listen to it with all my heart, and I will keep this in mind!"

Mu Zhou glanced at Ye Xuan, what he was waiting for was Ye Xuan\'s words, and then said: "Ye Gongzi, Weiyang Palace and the Holy Land are the forces on the surface, and among them, Weiyang Palace is naturally the first. The ghost gates are the forces in the secret ground. Among the dark forces, they are second only to the White Clothes Sect. In other words, they are equivalent to the Holy Land. Of course, the true strength is unknown."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "Furthermore, they also do business. Of course, they are all dead people\'s businesses. Even Weiyang Palace is doing business with them, including my Baixiao Pavilion!

Ye Xuan asked, "What business?"

Muzhou said solemnly: "Buying and selling souls, or shaping souls...refining corpses, shaping ghosts, etc...In short, they are also extremely influential."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Understood."

After speaking, he turned to face Duguxuan, "You stay!"

Duguxuan wanted to say something but stopped, and finally, she nodded.

Ye Xuan whispered: "Senior, I\'m tired."

Muzhou glanced at Duguxuan, and then said, "Don\'t worry, Baixiao Pavilion will protect her!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Thank you!"

After speaking, he took the Emperor Dog and disappeared directly into the room.

Mu Zhou looked at the direction of Ye Xuan\'s departure, pondering, not knowing what he was thinking.


Outside Weiyang City, Emperor Dog suddenly said, "Are you not afraid that Baixiao Pavilion will be disadvantageous to her?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "If I were alive, they wouldn\'t dare!"

Emperor Dog said: "Someone is following around."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Baixiaoge should want to see my hole cards, not only them, many forces want to see my hole cards."

The Emperor Dog looked at Ye Xuan, "Big Brother, what is your trump card? Can you give me a bottom?"

Ye Xuan said, "Are you scared?"

The emperor dog said angrily: "Follow you, can you not be afraid? From the beginning to the present, how many people want to kill you?"

At first, it felt that there was nothing to do with Ye Xuan, and it could leave after three years.But now it found that things are not that simple.This kid is too troublesome!Fights almost every day!Moreover, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, more and more, if this continues, I am afraid that I will be scammed by this guy!

Ye Xuan whispered: "Don\'t worry, Senior Dog, I have a backstage!"

The Emperor Dog glanced at Ye Xuan, "She has already left, do you have any other cards?"

Ye Xuan said, "Senior helps me, I remember it in my heart."

The Emperor Dog sighed in a low voice, "Boy, during this period of time, I have found that things are getting more and more difficult, and there are too many ideas for you! Now secretly, there are at least thirty powerful Saints!

Speaking of this, it hesitated, and then said: "Or, would you call her back?"

She naturally refers to Jane Zizai!

Ye Xuan was speechless, I want to call it too!The question is where to call it?

Ye Xuan said sternly, "No, if this little thing bothers my sister, then I\'m too unpromising!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the Emperor Dog, "You will be despised by her too!"

Emperor Dog: "..."

After a while, Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog came to Ghost Mountain.

Eerie and desolate!

This is Ye Xuan\'s first feeling!

The whole ghost mountain is not very big, but the surroundings are very gloomy, because on the whole ghost mountain, there are tombs everywhere, one by one, densely packed, and it is very shocking at first glance.

Moreover, the top of the entire ghost mountain is also covered by a dark cloud, which makes the entire ghost mountain even more gloomy.

The wind gusts, extremely biting!

The Emperor Dog glanced around, "It\'s not easy here."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, he raised his head to face the ghost mountain, "In Xia Ye Xuan, I want to ask someone from the ghost sect."

After a moment of silence, a voice rang from the top of the mountain, "Go!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the Emperor Dog, "Blow up the mountain!"

The Emperor Dog slapped on the ground with a slap.


The whole ground trembled violently, and then, the ground began to crack and spread towards the distant Ghost Mountain. When it spread to the foot of the Ghost Mountain, a phantom appeared quietly, and the phantom\'s right foot was gently stamped.


The ground trembled again, and the power released by the Emperor Dog disappeared instantly.

Xu Ying put his hands behind him, "Ye Xuan, my ghost has never provoke you, what are you going crazy?"

Ye Xuan said, "My sister should be in the hands of Guimen, right?"


Xu Ying said: "Your sister?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I, Ye Xuan, have no intention of being an enemy of Guimen, and I also ask Guimen to return my sister. I am grateful."

Xu Ying was silent for a moment, and then said, "Is that little girl your sister?"

Hearing that, Ye Xuan\'s right hand slowly clenched, and sure enough, Ye Ling was in the opponent\'s hand.At the moment, he nodded, "Exactly, please return my sister to the ghost door, I am so grateful to Ye Xuan!"

The virtual shadow whispered: "You are late! We have refined it into a ghost, let\'s go!"


Ye Xuan was silent.

Not far away, Xu Ying said: "You don\'t believe it? I\'ll show it to you!"

The voice fell, and he waved his right hand, and a little girl appeared in front of him.

This person is Ye Ling.

Ye Ling\'s body was stiff, his face turned blue, his eyes closed tightly, and there was no breath of life.

Ye Xuan stood quietly, tears gushing out in his eyes like a bank burst.

Not far away, Emperor Dog\'s face sank, he knew that something big was about to happen.

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly raised his head, he opened his eyes abruptly, and two swords shot out in his eyes.

In the distance, phantom and pointed.


Those two sword lights blew to pieces!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan had already rushed in front of him, and in the next moment, a sword was cut from the top of his head.

Xu Ying\'s expression changed, and he raised his hand horizontally, a black light directly blocked Ye Xuan\'s sword light.

In the air, Ye Xuan suddenly roared, his sword pressed down.


The black light jumped to pieces in an instant, and the phantom retreated violently!

And Ye Xuan was holding Ye Ling on the ground. However, when he hugged Ye Ling, Ye Ling disappeared illusoryly!


Ye Xuan was stunned. The next moment, he raised his head to face the phantom in the distance, roaring like a beast, "Give her to me!"

The voice fell, and he disappeared directly in place!


In the field, every inch of the space where Ye Xuan passed!

In the distance, the phantom said in disbelief: "What kind of monster are you..."

At this moment, he was extremely shocked, it should be said that it was shock!

He is the pinnacle of the holy realm, but Ye Xuan\'s sword shocked him back just now. Not only that, Ye Xuan was able to tear the space so easily, this was only possible in the supreme realm!

And Ye Xuan is just a change of Qi now!His strength is completely incompatible with his realm!

Not only the phantom was shocked, but even the Emperor Dog beside him was a little shocked. The strength that Ye Xuan showed was really inconsistent with his realm!

In the distance, when Ye Xuan appeared in front of the phantom, the phantom suddenly disappeared, and Ye Xuan did not turn his head back and there was a sword. After the stab, a phantom was directly torn apart by his sword. , But the next moment, countless ghosts appeared around Ye Xuan!

In the distance, the Emperor Dog\'s complexion changed and he was about to take action. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared numerous Qi swords around him, and the next moment, countless sword lights criss-crossed around him!

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Countless cutting sounds suddenly sounded in that piece of space!

The Emperor Dog was stunned.

At this moment, a phantom in the distance retreated violently, and with this retreat, it retreated to a hundred feet away from the opposite side of Ye Xuan!

Some unbelievable voice sounded from the phantom, "Qi actually use the qi to such an extent...what the hell are you!"

Ye Xuan didn\'t have any nonsense, he suddenly held the sword and stuck it between his brows. The next moment, three Qi swords appeared in front of him. The Qi sword was solid, as if it were real.

In the surroundings, a sound of exclamation suddenly sounded, "Qi change... actually using the Qi to such an extent... It\'s really a monster!"

"It\'s true... to be able to cultivate such a genius, the forces behind this person must not be easy!"

"Nonsense, otherwise how could the Dugu family and the ancient family be destroyed? Especially the ancient family, that\'s a big family!"

"Look, let\'s see what other cards Ye Xuan has! If there are only so many cards, he will still not survive today!"


In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly took a step forward. With this step, the three Qi swords in front of him suddenly disappeared, and when they appeared again, they were already in front of the shadow!

Shuttle directly through space!

Xu Ying\'s face changed, he slammed forward, and a black light leaned out from his palm. However, at this moment, the three swords suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a sword suddenly appeared on the left and right sides and behind him. , The next moment, the three-handed sword suddenly passed through the body of the phantom!

The phantom retreated a hundred feet back, and he raised his head to face Ye Xuan in the distance, "I have to say, I underestimated you! But, do you really think that a mere qi sword can kill the Holy Realm? You..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of him, and the next moment, a sword was cut straight down.

Xu Ying sneered coldly and blasted out a punch.

And when he punched out, his face changed drastically!

Because Ye Xuan\'s sword didn\'t know when to change it!

A black sword!

This sword slashed on Void Shadow\'s fist, and for an instant, Void Shadow\'s body directly stiffened in place. At the same time, a black light flew out of Void Shadow\'s body and was then sucked into Ye Xuan\'s sword.

Ye Xuan grabbed Xu Ying\'s head and twisted it sharply.


Xu Ying\'s head was abruptly twisted off by him, Ye Xuan carried the bloody head and rushed towards the distant Ghost Mountain, "All to Lao Tzu, all have to die, all have to die, ah ah ah... ....."


PS: Also.