One Sword Reigns Supreme

427 Sword Immortal Chapter 427: Insult my loved ones, then damn it!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!And at the moment Ye Xuan shot, the Emperor Dog also flew out suddenly.

Soon, screams came from all around!

After a while, the Emperor Dog reappeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Secretly, the strong men brought by the young men were all killed, and among them, there was a strong man in the holy realm.

The movement here is not small, so it quickly attracted the attention of countless strong people, but they didn\'t dare to lean over.

In the box, the young man stared at Ye Xuan, "Ye Xuan, do you know what you are doing, you..."

Ye Xuan suddenly inserted a sword into the young man\'s mouth, and the next moment, blood spattered from the young man\'s mouth.

The tongue has been crushed by Ye Xuan\'s sword!

The young man screamed hysterically. He just wanted to run. However, two sword lights were directly nailed to the back of his instep...

Aside, Yumo was completely stunned.

Ye Xuan sat down. He took the Lingcha on the table and took a sip, then smiled: "Good tea."

As he said, he glanced at the young man not far away, and the young man looked at him bitterly, looking like a devil.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Let me guess, if you came to me, it was definitely not your grandfather\'s idea. If it were him, he would definitely not send you such a puss."

The young man stared at Ye Xuan bitterly, trying to say something, but without his tongue, he couldn\'t say anything.

Ye Xuan said again: "You deliberately angered me because you wanted me to take the shot first, and then you justified me to take the shot. Not only that, I shot here, and I must have violated the rules of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. Private is reasonable. Right?"

Knowing that the young man could not answer, Ye Xuan said again: "Now, let us see if your grandfather will avenge you. By the way, tell you one thing, no matter what happens next, you will definitely die. I can assure you of this."

"is it?"

At this moment, a voice rang from the doorway in the distance, and soon a woman walked in.

The woman was wearing a lotus leaf dress with a folding fan in her hand. After she walked in, she sat directly in front of Ye Xuan, "The tone of Ye Gongzi is not so big!"

Ye Xuan suddenly pointed out that a ray of sword light hit the young man very quickly. However, the ray of sword light stopped more than ten inches between the young man\'s eyebrows because it was blocked by a folding fan.

The woman shot!

Ye Xuan turned his head to face the woman, and the corner of her mouth turned slightly, "Young Master Ye is a fast sword."

Ye Xuan whispered: "The girl is so amazing."

As the voice fell, he gently pressed his palm against the tabletop, and for an instant, a black sword light slashed the woman straight down the tabletop.

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, and pointed towards the tabletop just one point, "Stop!"

The table trembled slightly, and Ye Xuan\'s black sword light was directly stopped. However, the woman\'s face changed. She turned to look at the young man. At this moment, the young man\'s head had fallen to the ground.

The woman\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, "Does Ye Gongzi do everything so wonderfully?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "He is rude, damn it."

The woman smiled and said, "Young Master Ye, do you know how many people want you to die now?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I know, but I\'m still alive."

He said, facing the woman, "I came to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to do business, not to kill people. However, the hospitality of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce disappointed me."

The woman looked at Ye Xuan directly, "You are so arrogant, I want to kill you!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the Emperor Dog, "How many holy realm powerhouses are there in secret?"

Emperor Dog said: "Three!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Kill one first."

Ye Xuan\'s voice fell, and the Emperor Dog rushed out.

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly and was about to make a move. Ye Xuan suddenly waved her right hand and a sword was suspended beside him.

The sword at the top of the tower!

With the appearance of this sword, the woman\'s face changed drastically!

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Don\'t be nervous, if you don\'t move, I won\'t move!"

The woman was about to speak when the Emperor Dog had already walked in, and under its feet was a bloody head!

Although the Emperor Dog is also at the level of the holy realm, the general human beings in the holy realm are not its opponent at all.

When the woman saw the bloody head, her face suddenly became cold. She looked at Ye Xuan directly, and Ye Xuan got up. He looked down at the woman, "There are many people who want to kill me, and I can\'t beat so many people, but , Whoever shoots at me first, I will bite him to death. Now, I am in your Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, and that treasure is also with me. Ask, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce want it?"

The woman stared at Ye Xuan, at this moment, she wanted to make a move.

However, she still held back.

Because as Ye Xuan said, there are too many ideas to fight Ye Xuan now, but no one has attacked Ye Xuan. One is afraid of the forces behind Ye Xuan, and the other is afraid of being behind by the oriole.

Although Wanbao Chamber of Commerce was also interested in Ye Xuan\'s treasure, they never thought of taking action against Ye Xuan at this time, and the previous two sons actually advocated themselves without authorization and wanted to make merit.

Upon learning of this matter, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce immediately sent her to stop it, but she didn\'t expect that Ye Xuan would do such a good job, killing if he said it, leaving no room for it.

And she didn\'t even expect that Ye Xuan at this moment would provoke Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. No, it should be a challenge.

If Wanbao Chamber of Commerce will make a deal with Ye Xuan, then the cheap ones are definitely outsiders, because from the current point of view, there must be no simple thing behind Ye Xuan!

And if she didn\'t make a move, she couldn\'t bear it!

At this moment, an old man walked in. Seeing this old man, the woman quickly got up and walked to the old man, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

The old man smiled slightly, "Grandpa will take care of it!"

The woman nodded, and then quietly stood behind the old man.

The old man walked up to Ye Xuan and sat down. He glanced at the Emperor Dog not far away, then looked at Ye Xuan, and smiled: "The hero is a boy! It is said that you are from the Northern Territory."

Ye Xuan put away the sword and smiled: "Yes!"

The old man whispered: "You once came out of a talent in the Northern Territory, Mu Daoyi, who was very amazing back then. Compared to him, you are not worse than him."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Don\'t dare to compare with Senior Mu."

The old man glanced at the corpse of the young man on the ground, and smiled: "Young people do things too well, it\'s not a good thing."

Ye Xuan smiled lightly and said: "The world is a lesson. I came to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, just to sell things, and I didn\'t mean to be an enemy of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce."

The old man said: "You killed someone."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "He first spoke out."

The old man looked at Ye Xuan directly, "No sin dies."

Ye Xuan said: "Insult my relatives, then damn it."

Duguxuan glanced at Ye Xuan, but did not speak.

The old man looked at Ye Xuan for a while, and finally he smiled: "My Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has been inherited in Tianyu for nearly 20,000 years. I have encountered everything, but we have never been afraid."

Ye Xuan whispered, "Senior meant to fight?"

The old man smiled and said: "You are so amazing, we can\'t fight it."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Then fight."

As he said, he turned his head to look at the Emperor Dog, "Call someone."

Call someone!

The old man narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

The Emperor Dog was a little confused.

Call someone?

Who is it called?

I\'m a ghost!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly smiled and said, "We will play with Wanbao Chamber of Commerce."

When the voice fell, he stood up, and the Emperor Dog not far away rushed towards the old man.

When the Emperor Dog shot, the old man\'s face changed drastically, and his right hand slammed forward. With this pressure, the space in front of him was sunken. However, with the impact of the Emperor Dog—


The surrounding space trembled violently and cracked directly. At the same time, the entire Wanbao Chamber of Commerce began to collapse one after another, and the old man had been hit a hundred meters away.

The power of a hit, the horror is here!

In the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, countless strong men fled.

In the city, some strong men rushed over here because the movement was too loud.However, after feeling the fierce power on the Emperor Dog, the expressions of those strong men changed drastically, and they retreated violently, not daring to get too close.

In the distance, the old man stared at the Emperor Dog, his eyes were full of jealousy.

The Emperor Dog was about to do it, and at this moment, five powerful auras appeared around him.

Five strong saints!

The Emperor Dog was not afraid at all, it was about to make a move, and Ye Xuan not far away suddenly said, "Hold on!"

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, the Emperor Dog stopped, and it retreated to Ye Xuan\'s side.

Ye Xuan walked not far in front of the old man and said with a smile: "Senior, today, even if you leave me here, your Wanbao Chamber of Commerce will definitely be badly injured. At that time, even if you get this treasure from me, you Wanbao Can the Chamber of Commerce keep it? Besides, if I die here, the forces behind me will definitely target you Wanbao Chamber of Commerce madly."

The old man stared at Ye Xuan stubbornly, "You decide whether my Wanbao Merchant will fight you hard, so you are so unscrupulous!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, turned and left. At the same time, his voice rang out in the field, "I just want the world to know that I, Ye Xuan, don\'t want to cause trouble, but I am never afraid of trouble. If you dare to provoke me, I will dare to kill you. "

As he said, he glanced around and smiled a little sullenly, "The most precious thing on the interstellar bounty list is with me, Ye Xuan. If you want it, come to me at any time!"

After finishing speaking, he took Duguxuan and Emperor Dog towards the distance.

Not far away, the old man stared at Ye Xuan, his right hand tightly held.

Next to the old man, the woman who had fought Ye Xuan before said in a deep voice: "Grandpa, really don\'t you?"

The old man slowly closed his eyes, "The strength of that monster beast is stronger than I thought!"

The woman said solemnly: "Why would such a monster beast surrender him?"

The old man whispered: "That\'s why I\'ve always been jealous! It is rumored that a giant dragon appeared in the ancient house that day. As expected, the dragon should have been called by Ye Xuan. Behind this person, it\'s really not easy! "

The woman\'s face was a little ugly, "But he openly killed me from the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce..."

The old man said: "You haven\'t seen it yet? He is a lunatic now! He has too many enemies, and because of this, he is not afraid of making enemies at all, because there is no difference between one more and one less. If this kind of person can\'t be killed instantly, there will be endless troubles!"

The woman was about to speak, at this moment, Na Yumo ran over quickly, "President, Na Ye Xuan just now when you were fighting against that monster, he, he ransacked our treasure house!"

Old man: "..."
