One Sword Reigns Supreme

404 The fairy in the sword Chapter 404: Kill!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!pain!

Ye Xuan\'s heart hurts like a needle at this moment!

His goal in life is to protect his sister, let her lead a good life, and make her carefree!

However, my younger sister has suffered all kinds of hardships time and time again.


At this moment, he hates Dugu\'s family, and hates his incompetence even more.


At this moment, he wanted to kill, kill everyone around him, and kill everyone in the Dugu family.

However, his expression was very calm, without any fluctuations.

Because he knew that the more he showed interest in Linger, the more dangerous Linger.

Beside Ye Xuan, Duguxuan was also slightly shocked when she saw Xiao Ling\'er. The next moment, her face turned cold, and the killing intent in her eyes was as real.

And the middle-aged man next to Ye Ling is Dugu Lian, the owner of the Dugu Family!

Dugu Lian glanced at Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "In terms of generation, you should call me uncle."

Ye Xuan whispered: "When I was in the Northern Territory, I also heard about the Dugu Family. The Dugu Family is also one of the three aristocratic families in the universe. Why, use a little girl as a hostage to threaten people. Don\'t you think it is too bad?"

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, Dugu laughed slightly, "Holding? Little nephew, I have to admit that you are indeed very talented, and you deserve to have my Dugu family blood! However, you are too high on yourself. For you, we still disdain. To use this method of coercion."

Speaking of this, he looked at Du Guxuan, "My good sister, things didn\'t need to be what they are today. It\'s a pity that you went your own way back then... Now, do you regret it?"

Dugu Xuan looked directly at Dugu Lian, "I have never regretted it. Dugu Lian, this is a matter between me and the Dugu family and the ancient family. Let them go."

Dugu shook his head, "They can\'t live."

As he said, he looked at Yan Jie and Gu Tong who were not far away, "Two, this is my Dugu\'s family affair, don\'t you two get involved in the excitement?"

Gu Tong shook his head slightly, "This is not only a matter of the Dugu family, but also a matter of my ancient family. Patriarch Dugu, what do you think?"

Dugu Lian pondered slightly, and then nodded, "It\'s good to have your Excellency, so that the ancient family can see my Dugu family\'s attitude towards them."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan not far away, "Good nephew, I won\'t waste time with you, come to make a transaction, return the treasure of my Dugu family to me, I let your sister, how about?"

Ye Xuan chuckled, "Are you stupid? If you give it to you, you will kill people immediately, won\'t you?"

Dugulian looked at Ye Xuan directly, "If you don\'t give it, can we not get it?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I\'m here, do you think I will take that thing with me? You are too naive!"

Dugu stared at Ye Xuan and didn\'t speak.

Ye Xuan said again: "If I die, someone will immediately take that treasure to Weiyang Palace. At that time, I wondered if Dugu\'s family had the guts to go to Weiyang Palace to ask for something."

Dugu laughed and said, "Are you threatening me?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Make a deal and let them go. I will stay here. As long as the two of them leave safely, I will offer that treasure with both hands."

Dugu smiled, "Do you think I will believe you?"

As he said, he glanced at Ye Ling in the iron cage and smiled: "Don\'t you care about your sister? I want to see if you really care!"

The sound fell, and his right hand grabbed Ye Ling from the air, and for an instant, an electric current appeared in the iron cage.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Ye Ling\'s body suddenly trembled--


In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed forward, and a powerful sword light slashed Dugulian.

Dugu sneered and waved his right hand gently.


That piece of sword light was directly crushed, and at the same time, Ye Xuan was shaken back and retreated violently. This retreat was more than a hundred feet away.

But when Ye Xuan was repelled, Dugu Xuan suddenly disappeared, and in the next moment, countless white lights flooded towards Dugu Lian like a violent storm.

Dugu Lian smiled coldly, and gently tapped his finger forward, where the finger fell, the space trembled like water waves, and for a moment, the white light disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Dugu Xuan appeared in front of Dugu Lian, she was about to make a move, Dugu Lian stomped lightly with her right foot——


The surrounding space trembled violently, and for an instant, Du Guxuan retreated a hundred feet away.

Dugu Lian glanced at Dugu Xuan, "My good sister, if you were at your peak, I might still be afraid of you, but now, you are too weak."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan who was not far away, and was about to speak. At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s expression in the distance suddenly became savage, "Dugu family, I will kill everyone in the Dugu family, everyone!"

The voice fell, and a piece of golden armor appeared on his body. With the appearance of this armor, a powerful breath suddenly appeared around him.

And this was only the first one, and after a while, the entire set of gods appeared on Ye Xuan.

After putting on the suit of the gods, Ye Xuan\'s aura suddenly changed drastically.

Everyone in the field was shocked!

Even the supreme realm powerhouse such as Duguchi was shocked, because the powerful aura emanating from Ye Xuan made them feel a little palpitating.

This breath has exceeded the supreme realm!

Even Dugulian\'s expression was a bit solemn at this moment, and Ye Xuan felt dangerous to him at this moment!

very dangerous!

In the distance, Ye Xuan smiled grimly, "Death to Laozi!"

When the voice fell, he stole the house and stomped gently.


In the field, a golden light flashed by.


There was no one to see this golden light clearly in the court!

And that Dugu Lian\'s expression changed drastically in an instant, because he could not see the golden light clearly, and when he reacted, a powerful breath had enveloped him.


In the field, as a blast sounded, a figure flew out directly.

This figure is Dugulian!

In the process of retreating, Dugulian\'s physical body began to crack every inch, and when he stopped, he only had his soul body!

Seeing this scene, everyone around was dumbfounded.

This Dugu Family Patriarch Dugulian was so defeated?

And Dugulian, who was already a soul body, had a blank head. He looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief, "You, what kind of equipment are you..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan had already arrived in front of Ye Ling\'s iron cage. Looking at Ye Ling who had fainted in the iron cage, Ye Xuan\'s whole body, a powerful killing intent was constantly shaking out like a tide.


Ye Xuan took a deep breath, "Take care of her!"

When the voice fell, he turned and rushed directly towards that Dugu Lian. Upon seeing this scene, the face of Dugu Lian of the soul body changed drastically and retreated violently. At this time, Dugu Split and the three strong men of the Dugu family Blocked in front of Ye Xuan!

They are all in the supreme realm!

Ye Xuan didn\'t have any nonsense, cut it down with a sword.

At this moment, there is also a mysterious power gathering all over his body. This sword is cut down, as if to divide the world into two, which is terrifying.

The expressions of the three people in Duguchi changed drastically, and the three of them did not dare to be careless.

However, with Ye Xuan\'s sword cut down, those three powers instantly turned into nothingness.

At the same time, the head of Duguchi\'s whole body broke directly into two halves, without even the soul body.

Seeing this scene, Gu Tong and others not far away changed their faces, and several people began to back away.

Ye Xuan did not give up, and continued to rush towards the two supreme realm powerhouses of the Dugu Family. Seeing this scene, the two turned around and fled. However, at this moment, Ye Xuan\'s speed was far surpassing them. , The two heads flew out directly.


Spike the supreme realm!

Seeing this scene, everyone around was shocked and retreated violently.

And that Dugu Lian had already escaped.

Ye Xuan turned and looked at Gu Tong and others not far away. The latter was about to speak, and Ye Xuan jumped and cut with a sword.

A golden sword light fell from the sky.


This was the last thought in Gu Tong\'s mind.


Before everyone reacted, Gu Tong\'s body split in two directly, and his soul was destroyed!

After slaying Gutong with a sword, Ye Xuan turned around and it was a sword. With this sword, a sword light flashed past the field.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi...

In the four weeks, more than twenty source realm experts were instantly beheaded by this sword, and none of them were spared!

And in the field, there is one person left, which is exactly the precept of that character.

Ye Xuan looked at Yan Jie and was about to make a move. Upon seeing this scene, Yan Jie\'s expression changed, and he quickly said, "Ye Xiaoyou, my Yan family has no malice against you!"

Ye Xuan held the hilt in his right hand, seemingly hesitating.

Yanjie hurriedly said again: "Little friend, my Yanjia does not have any malicious intent towards him."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don\'t have any malice towards Yanjia, you can go."

Hearing this, Yan Jie breathed a sigh of relief, as if thinking of something, he quickly said: "Little friends, this time the ancient family and the Dugu family will not give up, be careful!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

After Yanjie left, Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then walked to Ye Ling and Duguxuan, "Let\'s go!"

At this time, Du Guxuan said: "Back to Infinite Purgatory!"

Ye Xuan looked at Duguxuan, "Why?"

Du Gu Xuan said: "You can\'t escape far. Du Gu\'s family and the ancient family won\'t give up, and you need to heal now, right?"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Then go back to Infernal Purgatory."

As he said, he looked at Ye Ling in front of him, "How is she?"

Duguxuan gently stroked Ye Ling\'s cheek, "Fortunately, the soul is somewhat damaged."

Ye Xuan clenched his hands slowly, "I won\'t let Dugu\'s go!"

After speaking, he picked up Ye Ling and walked towards Infernal Purgatory.

Duguxuan hurriedly followed.

Soon, the three came to the eighth floor of Infernal Purgatory.

As soon as he reached the eighth floor, the suits of the gods on Ye Xuan\'s body disappeared, and immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan\'s whole body fell directly backward.

At the same time, Ye Xuan\'s whole body began to tremble violently, and his body kept creaking, as if it was about to break...
