One Sword Reigns Supreme

405 The sword in the fairy chapter four hundred and five: all have to die!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Backlash!

Moreover, it is not a backlash. You must know that when he casts the invincible golden body, he will have a certain backlash, plus he wears the Twilight suit of the gods, and these two backlashes together, it is extremely terrifying.


This time, he really didn\'t want to live.

It\'s not just a backlash from the body, but at this moment his mental power and soul are being backlashed, that kind of feeling, I really want to die.

Beside Ye Xuan, Du Guxuan\'s face changed drastically. She hugged Ye Xuan quickly and looked at Ye Xuan, who was full of pain. The tears in Du Guxuan\'s eyes flowed out again.


She naturally owes Ye Xuan and Ye Ling in front of her, because she has not fulfilled her responsibility as a mother over the years.

Especially nowadays, because of her, the two brothers and sisters have suffered innocent disasters.

Looking at the two brothers and sisters lying on the ground, Du Guxuan couldn\'t make a sound.

In this way, the two brothers and sisters lay quietly in Du Guxuan\'s arms...


In an endless starry sky, a woman in a plain skirt walked quietly, and as she walked, she walked into a dark place.

In the darkness, the woman in the plain skirt was expressionless, walking slowly.

I don\'t know how long it took, the woman in the plain skirt suddenly stopped.

In front of her, there was a door.

This kind gate is quietly suspended there, and above the gate, there is a word: Tao.

The woman in the plain skirt walked to the door. At this moment, a voice came from inside the door, "Stop."

The woman in the plain skirt looked up at the door, and inside the door, a voice came, "You walked here as a mortal, it\'s really incredible..."

The woman in the plain skirt glanced at the door and whispered softly; "The vast universe, endless, along the way, I have seen so many weird people and things, do you think this universe has an end?"

Inside the door, the voice said: "If you want to know there is no end, you have to go to the five-dimensional world."

The woman in the skirt shook her head, "The dust is over, I don\'t want to go."

Inside the door, the voice said: "You know, if you can rest assured of the obsession in your heart, you will completely transcend this realm and transcend the Tao."

The woman in the plain skirt smiled slightly, "Dadao? Changsheng?"

As she said, she shook her head, "Not as good as a strand of his hair."

Silence inside the door.

The woman in the skirt turned and left, as if thinking of something, she suddenly waved her right hand, and a ray of sword light hovered directly on the door.

The woman in the plain skirt walked slowly towards the distance. At the same time, her voice slowly floated from a distance...

After a while, the woman in the plain skirt walked out of the dark place. She looked up at the end of the starry sky and said, "The two clones disappeared for no reason. I want to come to be related to you...Where are you... I can\'t control my realm anymore..."

After a while, she slowly disappeared into the endless starry sky.


Infinite Purgatory.

In the eighth floor, Ye Xuan felt that his head was dizzy and heavy.

"Woke up?"

At this time, a voice rang from Ye Xuan\'s ear.

Duguxuan\'s voice!

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, then stood up, he quickly looked at Ye Ling in Duguxuan\'s arms, "Is she still awake?"

Duguxuan shook her head, "No, but it doesn\'t matter anymore."

Ye Xuan gently hugged Ye Ling and whispered, "I\'m sorry...I\'m sorry..."


For Ye Ling, he was also full of guilt.

This girl has never had a stable life since she was young. This is his incompetence as a brother!

At this time, Du Guxuan suddenly said, "Xuan\'er, you have refined the treasure in the ring?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "It has recognized me as its master."

Duguxuan glanced at Ye Xuan and was silent.

"What?" Ye Xuan asked.

Du Guxuan whispered: "This thing is not an ordinary thing, and its origin is extremely mysterious. If you get this thing, you don\'t know whether it will be a blessing or a curse!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Don\'t you know the origin of this thing?"

Duguxuan shook her head, "This thing is what I got by accident..."

Speaking of this, she did not go on.

Seeing that she didn\'t want to say more, Ye Xuan didn\'t continue to ask this matter.

Duguxuan said again: "In fact, if this thing is in the hands of the Dugu family, it is definitely not a good thing for the Dugu family! There are too many people who covet this thing. If it is in the hands of the Dugu family, the Dugu family is afraid that it has already been destroyed. Disaster."

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. In fact, if there was not a mysterious woman, he himself would have died many times.

This thing is impossible for ordinary people to own!

At this moment, Duguxuan looked at Ye Xuan and was about to speak, but Ye Xuan suddenly looked up. The next moment, his face suddenly changed.

The breath of the strong!

Duguxuan said solemnly: "They are here!"

Ye Xuan\'s face sank, "I haven\'t recovered from my injury..."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked down, "Go to the ninth floor."


Duguxuan quickly said: "You can\'t go to this ninth floor!"

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, "Why?"

Duguxuan said solemnly: "This ninth floor is a taboo place. Even the top powerhouses of the three major families dare not step into it easily."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Do you know what\'s down there?"

Du Guxuan glanced at Ye Xuan, and said softly, "I don\'t know, but this ninth floor has always been a taboo among the three big families, and there are strict regulations within the three big families that no clansmen can step into this ninth floor. !"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "Now I have not recovered from my injury. If I go out, I will definitely die. If I go down, there is still a ray of life!"

Duguxuan was silent.

Ye Xuan whispered: "Go on! We have no choice!"

Du Guxuan was silent for a moment, then nodded.

In this way, the three came to the ninth floor.

After entering the ninth floor, both Ye Xuan and Duguxuan were a little surprised, because the ninth floor was very quiet, and the surroundings were empty.


Ye Xuan looked up, and in the far corner, there was a little thing lying prone. This little thing was shaped like a dog with two small tails. He was asleep right now.

At first glance, it looks very cute.

But Ye Xuan and Du Guxuan\'s expressions were extremely guarded!

How can the things that appear in this ninth layer be simple?

"It\'s this beast!"

At this moment, Jane\'s voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "Senior knows what this is?"

Jane said quietly: "Don\'t mess with it."

Ye Xuan said, "Is it dangerous?"

Jane said freely: "Dangerous than the people outside!"

Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly pulled Du Guxuan to the other side, away from the little monster beast.

Ye Xuan sat on the ground, then took out a bunch of purple fire crystals and began to devour it frantically.


What he has to do now is to recover from his injury as soon as possible!

But Duguxuan sat quietly holding Ye Ling, she looked at Ye Xuan like that, and looked at Ye Ling from time to time, with satisfaction in her eyes.

In the eighth floor.

At this moment, there have been five Supreme Realm powerhouses gathered here. The leader is an old man in sackcloth. In the hands of the old man, holding a dark crutches, at the top of the cane, entrenched a black snake with thick arms.

This person is the former Patriarch of the Dugu family, Dugu Feng.

Du Gufeng glanced at the entrance of the ninth floor and said softly, "He should go down."

Behind Dugu\'s seal, an old man said solemnly: "If you really go down, I am afraid that there is no bones!"

Dugu Feng shook his head, "Not necessarily."

As he said that, he paused for a while, and then asked, "Is he really such a villain?"

The old man said solemnly: "Although he used foreign objects, this person\'s own strength should not be underestimated, and his kendo talent is extremely high."

Speaking of this, he paused, and then said: "As expected, he should have received the help of that treasure to achieve such an achievement."

Dugu Feng nodded slightly, "Without the help of this treasure, he would definitely not have achieved such an achievement. This Dugu family must get it!"

The old man said solemnly: "The ancient family, as well as several other forces, should already know about Ye Xuan\'s cherished treasure...Although they are not moving now, they will definitely not give up. At this moment, my Dugu Family I\'m afraid it is already in the whirlpool."

Du Gufeng glanced at the old man, "Dugu Ming, what do you want to say?"

The old man named Duguming was silent for a moment, and then said: "I think my Dugu family should get out of it at this moment!"

Dugu frowned slightly, "Get out?"

Dugu nodded, "We give up this Ye Xuan and temporarily stop, and when we stop, those people in the dark must not be able to sit still, they will definitely make the move, then we can sit in the dark and take advantage of the fisherman. If we act now and take advantage of the fisherman’s profit, it is someone else. Moreover, Ye Xuan is not easy to deal with him, I am afraid we will have to pay a little price!"

Dugufeng shook his head, "No! If I wait for it to stop and someone else takes it, if that treasure falls into the hands of others, we can still get it back? It is in Ye Xuan\'s hands now, and Ye Xuan has the blood of my Dugu family, we It\'s a good deal, just one word of reason!"

Dugu Ming wanted to say something, but Dugu Feng shook his head, "This treasure, my Dugu family can\'t let it, even if I pay a price, I can\'t let it."

Duguming sighed in a low voice, "Brother Feng, in fact, things don’t need to be such a mess! Ye Xuan, how can I be considered half of my Dugu family, his talent is so good, come into my Dugu’s house and treat me Dugu’s Home is also a good thing, isn\'t it?"

Dugufeng sneered, "Good thing? You can guarantee that he will not destroy my Dugu family when he grows up in the future? If this kind of evil spirit is given to him for ten or twenty years, at that time, who in my Dugu family can stop him? "

Speaking of this, he shook his head, "I have thought about everything you think! However, I don\'t dare to bet. Moreover, if his brothers and sisters and Xuan\'er go back to Dugu\'s house, what would the Gu family look like? At that time, we troubled Bigger."

Du Guming was silent for a while, and then said: "In this way, he must die!"

Du Gufeng whispered: "Everyone has to die!"

As he said, he looked down, "You are waiting here, I will go down in person!"

Duguming\'s face changed, and he was about to speak, Dugufeng shook his head, "Don\'t worry, if I want to leave, few in this world can keep me!"

After speaking, he went down to the ninth floor.


PS; Be a quiet beautiful man!