One Sword Reigns Supreme

403 The fairy in the sword Chapter 403: Brother..., the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!boom!

Ye Xuan smashed this mark down, and directly retreated that Dugu Splitting and violently. This retreat was more than ten feet away!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field is petrified.


And the three supreme realm experts looked at the seal in Ye Xuan\'s hand.

Obviously, they found the problem.

On the opposite side of Ye Xuan, Duguchi stared at the seal in Ye Xuan\'s hand, "What is your seal!"

Ye Xuan didn\'t answer Duguchi, but hurriedly asked, "Miss Jane, how do you use this seal?"

Jian Zizai said: "To activate this thing, you must first refine this thing. You have not refined this thing, therefore, you cannot activate it."

Ye Xuan\'s face was full of black lines, "So, this is scrap iron now?"

Jane said freely: "You can continue to hit him!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

In the distance, Du Guchi suddenly said, "Ye Xuan, what is the thing in your hand?"

Ye Xuan retracted his thoughts and looked at Duguchai, "Called\'Father\'."


Dugu frowned slightly, "Father?"

Ye Xuan grinned, "My son is so good!"


Beside Ye Xuan, Duguxuan couldn\'t help but laugh, and some people around her looked a little weird.

In the distance, Duguchi came back to his senses, he stared at Ye Xuan so, his expression calm, "Aren\'t you going to be singled out? Come on, let the old man see today, how capable you are of this evil kind."

The sound fell, and he folded his hands forward, and then gently pulled.


The space in front of him was directly torn apart, and then, a black air current suddenly flashed out of it, and these black air currents instantly condensed into a black fist!

Duguchi took a step forward and blasted a punch.


That black fist was like a flash of lightning, blasting Ye Xuan directly!

Dark energy!

In the distance, Ye Xuan did not dare to be careless, he rushed forward, holding the hilt of the sword at his waist in his right hand, and drew the sword abruptly as a cut.


A sword light flashed from the field.


The black fist was forced to stop in place by Ye Xuan\'s sword.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s right hand moved forward and pushed forward, "Broken!"


That black fist crashed!

However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of Ye Xuan——


Ye Xuan flew upside down in an instant, and with this flight, he flew a hundred feet away!

Ye Xuan slammed the sword in front of him with both hands, and then stopped.

And that Duguchi stood where he stood before.

Dugu Li looked at Ye Xuan coldly, his palms spread out, and a powerful force condensed from his palms.


As this source of power increased, the space around Duguchi began to tremble.

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s expression was solemn, he knew that until now, Dugu Split hadn\'t used his true strength.

In the beginning, it used the ability to break through the air, now it is the ability of the source!

Not daring to be careless, Ye Xuan held the hilt of the sword tightly in his waist with his right hand. At the same time, two sword intents poured into his sword like a tide.

Seeing these two sword intents, the eyes of the two Supreme Realm powerhouses not far away suddenly flashed with surprise.

Opposite Ye Xuan, Duguchi stared at Ye Xuan, the next moment, he suddenly disappeared, and then, a powerful source of force swept towards Ye Xuan.

Where this force passed, the space suddenly trembled, terrifying!

In the distance, Ye Xuan stomped his right foot suddenly.


The ground under his feet shattered directly, and at the same time, he rushed forward and slashed with a sword.

Draw the sword and die!

With this sword cut, the space in front of Ye Xuan was directly shattered, and the source force released by Duguchi directly bounced to pieces, but Ye Xuan stepped back several tens of feet.

Ye Xuan stopped, and a touch of blood slowly spilled out from the corner of his mouth.

On the opposite side, Dugulei glanced at Ye Xuan, "It is indeed somewhat capable."

Ye Xuan grinned, "Come on, continue!"

Duguli looked at Ye Xuan for a long time. Finally, he glanced around and said: "Everyone, this is my Dugu family\'s family affair, and my Dugu family wants to solve it by myself!"

As he said, he looked at the two elders of the ancient family and the Yan family not far away, "Brother Gu Tong, brother Yan Jie, this person can be solved by my lonely family, so I won\'t be able to help each other."

The old man named Gutong smiled and said, "Brother Dugu\'s words are wrong. My ancient family has been in good relationship with the Dugu family for generations. Now that the Dugu family is in trouble, how can my ancient family just ignore it?"

The old man named Yanjie also smiled and said: "What Brother Gu said is that this person\'s trespassing into Infernal Purgatory is also considered an infringement of my Yanjia territory. If Brother Schi can\'t capture him, my Yanjia will also take action. "

Hearing the words of the two old men, Du Guchan\'s face suddenly became a little gloomy.

In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly smiled and said: "You want to spread them away, and then have this treasure on my body...The idea is pretty good, but unfortunately, people are not fooled, haha... "

Duguchi looked at Ye Xuan, "Ye Xuan, the thing on your body belongs to my Dugu family..."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "From the Dugu family? Do you say that it is from the Dugu family?"

Du Guqian looked at Ye Xuan, and after a moment, he nodded slightly, "Aren\'t you going to single out? Come, let\'s continue."

With that, he was about to make a move, and at this moment, Duguxuan who was not far away suddenly stood in front of Ye Xuan.

Duguxuan glanced at Duguchai, then turned to look at Ye Xuan, Xuanqi Sound Transmission, "Dugu\'s family has at least two Supreme Realms in the dark. I will stop them later. You look for opportunities to leave, understand?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "Have you beaten them?"

Du Guxuan smiled and said: "I\'ve beaten, after you leave, I will come to you."

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "After I leave, you will die."

Duguxuan looked at Ye Xuan, and she looked at Ye Xuan. She suddenly stretched out her hand and gently brushed Ye Xuan\'s cheek, "As long as you live with Ling\'er, I will die and nothing will happen. Moreover, if I can see you again, my mother is already Very satisfied."

As she said, she turned and looked at Dugu Chai not far away, "Uncle San, let me fight you instead of my son, okay?"

Duguchi sneered, "If you were at your peak, your third uncle, I might still be afraid of you. As for you now, your soul is damaged and your strength is not 30% at your peak, how do you fight me?"

Du Guxuan smiled and said, "Don\'t you know after the first battle?"

With that, she twisted her right hand lightly, and she was about to make a move, but at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly took her hand.

Duguxuan turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan chuckles, "I\'m coming!"

Dugu Xuan looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan walked towards Dugu Cleft not far away.

Looking at Ye Xuan\'s back, Du Guxuan was a little dazed. The young man in front of him had grown up.

It was no longer the little guy who followed Ye Ling behind her ass every day.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little pain in her heart.

What have he and Ye Ling experienced over the years?Only then did his character grow to this level...

In the distance, Ye Xuan walked towards Duguchi, and as he walked, a powerful sword suddenly burst out of him!

The sword power of the Great Sword Immortal!

Everyone in the field was watching Ye Xuan.

At thirty feet in front of Dugu Li, Ye Xuan stopped. At this moment, his gathering momentum had reached a peak.

Dugulei looked at Ye Xuan, "I have to say, you are indeed very enchanting. In the supreme realm, few can compare with you. Unfortunately, your realm is too low. If you reach the source realm, you may be able to fight the old man !"

Ye Xuan smiled and stomped his right foot lightly.


A golden power suddenly swept out of his body. In an instant, a powerful aura suddenly oscillated in the field, and everyone around was shocked by the powerful aura.

Invincible golden body!

Ye Xuan knew very well that if he wanted to kill the Dugu Split in front of him, he had to expose his hole cards.

Otherwise, with his current realm, even if the fairy sword is added, it can\'t help the opponent.

As soon as the invincible golden body appeared, the face of Du Guqian in front of Ye Xuan suddenly changed, "You could it be..."

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped to the top of Duguchai\'s head, and the next moment, he slammed a punch.

With a wave of Duguchi\'s right hand, a powerful force shook out.


With Ye Xuan\'s fist hit, that Duguchi whole person directly retreated nearly a hundred feet away!

Seeing this scene, Yan Jie and Na Gutong\'s expressions changed suddenly, and both of them were shocked, extremely shocked!

What secret technique is this?

You know, Duguchi is two orders higher than Ye Xuan!

With a punch, Ye Xuan didn\'t stop, his figure trembled, and directly turned into a sword light and rushed towards Dugu.


Very very fast!

When he came in front of Duguchi, Ye Xuan drew his sword with a cut.

Draw the sword and die!

After displaying the invincible golden body, the power of his sword has increased at least several times more than before.

And under this sword, that Dugu Crack also shrank his pupils, and there was a hint of incredible in his eyes.

Ye Xuan shocked him too much!

Just like this time, this sword completely exceeded the air-breaking realm. No, it completely exceeded the level of the source realm. It can be said that it has reached the level of the Supreme Realm!

And the one who displayed this sword was Ye Xuan, an airbreaker!

Facing this sword, Duguchi didn\'t dare to be careless. He took a small step back, and then, with the palm of his right hand facing down, the next moment, he slammed upwards suddenly. This kick was like a space inversion, a space. The whirlpool instantly drowned Ye Xuan\'s sword!

Quiet for a moment!


A loud noise suddenly sounded in the field, and then, countless sword lights shook around.

At the same time, a figure retreats violently, this figure is not Ye Xuan, but Duguchi!

Seeing this scene, the faces of everyone not far away suddenly changed.

After Dugu Split stopped, Ye Xuan in the distance was about to make another move. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side, "Brother..."

Ye Ling\'s voice!

Ye Xuan\'s body trembled slightly and turned to look. Not far away, a middle-aged man came carrying an iron chain, and inside the iron chain was Ye Ling whose whole body was entwined with an iron chain.

When he saw this scene, Ye Xuan\'s whole head went blank for an instant.
