One Sword Reigns Supreme

400 The fairy in the sword Chapter four hundred: Infernal Purgatory!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!On the Nebula Ship, Ye Xuan stood quietly without speaking.

Du Guyan glanced at Ye Xuan, and said: "Miss left your brothers and sisters because she owes you, but she has no choice. In order to protect you, she can only leave you."

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Now, I just want to save my sister."

Duguyan sighed in a low voice, "Little Master, don\'t you care about Miss you?"

Ye Xuan was silent.

For that woman, he almost couldn\'t remember the other side.

Duguyan said again: "Little Master..."

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Take me to Dugu\'s house. Now, I just want to rescue my sister!"

Now he has only one thought in his mind.

That is to rescue my sister!

Duguyan glanced at Ye Xuan, "You went to Dugu\'s house like this to die."

Ye Xuan said, "You can lead the way."

Duguyan sighed in a low voice and said nothing.

The Nebula Ship is getting faster and faster...

Two days later, Ye Xuan\'s Nebula ship came to a place called Thousand Star City, because in this city, there was a teleportation array leading to the heavens.

The entire Weiyang star field is very large. If the three areas are not teleported through the teleportation array, at the speed of the Nebula ship, it will not be able to catch up with the sky in a year.

Ye Xuan and Du Guyan got off the Nebula ship, and then went straight to the city.

On the way, Dugu said again; "In the universe, the strongest person is Weiyang Palace. This mysterious power is the lord of the universe, and the power of the Palace Lord Weiyang is unfathomable. In addition, under Weiyang Palace. There are also the Boundless Sacred Land and the North and South Wuzongs. Under these two sects, there are three big families, and the Dugu Family is one of them."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Dugu\'s family is in the heavens and has a wide network of contacts. Among them, there are five strong people in the Supreme Realm. In addition, there is a mysterious shadow army. , Each of these Shadow Army is a top-level powerhouse...Little Master, you have a good talent and amazing strength, but if you want to fight the entire Dugu Family with your own strength, it is impossible."

Ye Xuan did not speak.

Duguyan smiled bitterly. During this period of time, he had persuaded countless times, but Ye Xuan had never heard of it.

Going to Dugu\'s house like this is really going to die!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Then what do you think? From the long-term plan? After the long-term plan, can my sister be alive?"

Duguyan said solemnly: "But if you go like this, you are just going to die!"

Ye Xuan whispered: "Die, I won\'t let her be alone."

After speaking, he quickened his pace.

Behind Ye Xuan, Du Guyan sighed in a low voice.

Soon, Ye Xuan came to a teleportation formation. After paying the teleportation fee, he was about to enter it. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a distance, "Hold on!"

As this voice fell, the teleportation array under Ye Xuan\'s feet suddenly fell silent.

Ye Xuan turned around, and not far in front of him, a middle-aged man brought four elders toward him.

On the left chest of the middle-aged man, there is a small "cloud".

The middle-aged man walked up to Ye Xuan, he took a look at Ye Xuan, and said coldly: "You are Ye Xuan? Some items from my Yun family..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, a sword was cut from the top of the middle-aged man\'s head.

The middle-aged man\'s face changed drastically. He didn\'t expect Ye Xuan to make a sudden move. Unprepared, he could only resist hastily.


As a blast sounded, the middle-aged man flew directly to a hundred meters away, and at this moment, his body was already broken, leaving only his soul!

The middle-aged man stayed where he was, and the four old men he brought with him were also a little confused.

Is this Ye Xuan so strong?

Ye Xuan didn\'t make any more moves, but returned to the teleportation formation. He turned his head and looked aside, "Send me to Tianyu!"

Ye Xuan looked around and an old man walked out. He took a deep look at Ye Xuan and was about to speak. At this moment, a middle-aged man not far away suddenly said angrily: "Ye Xuan, leave my Yun family behind. Treasure, otherwise, my Yun family will let..."

At this time, Ye Xuan in the teleportation formation suddenly turned his head and shouted, "Let your ancestors!"

The voice fell, and he disappeared in the same place with a sniff.

In the distance, the middle-aged man who was already in the soul body was horrified. He was about to make a move when a sword light directly penetrated his brow.


In an instant, the middle-aged man\'s soul disappeared.

One sword sets the soul!

But Ye Xuan did not return to the teleportation formation this time, but rushed towards the four powerhouses nearby.

In less than a quarter of an hour, four more corpses were on the ground!


At this moment, Ye Xuan exuded a strong killing intent, and his killing intent was extremely strong.

Ye Xuan turned his head and glanced at the old man in charge of the teleportation formation not far away. The latter quickly said, "This matter has nothing to do with me."

Ye Xuan didn\'t make a move, he walked to the teleportation formation, and Du Guyan on the side also quickly followed.

Soon, the two disappeared in the teleportation array.

Seeing the two disappeared, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, "Almost a big deal!"

You know, the corpses in front of him are all source realm powerhouses!

However, it was just like that!

It\'s a spike!

Such people are certainly not ordinary people.


I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan felt that he heard the voice, and soon he stopped.

At this moment, he stood on a teleportation platform, beside him, it was Duguyan.

Ye Xuan whispered: "Sky Domain?"

Duguyan shook his head, "It\'s just the periphery of Tianyu, but it takes up to half a day to go to Dugu\'s house from here."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Go to Dugu\'s house!"

Duguyan quickly said: "Your purpose is to save your sister, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Dugu said: "If we want to save Miss Ling\'er, then we should go to Infernal Purgatory, because she should be kept there."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Where is Infernal Purgatory?"

Dugu said: "It\'s a prison."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Dugu\'s?"

Duguyan shook his head, "This Infernal Purgatory is not part of the Dugu family. This place is very mysterious, because no one knows who founded it, only knows that it is in a state of no ownership and is jointly controlled by the three great families. The three great families have studied for many years. , I didn’t find any special features in it, so I treated it as a prison to imprison people who made mistakes in their respective families."

Ye Xuan whispered: "Go to Infinite Purgatory!"

Duguyan nodded, "I will lead the way!"

After speaking, he took Ye Xuan and disappeared in place.

The two found a Nebula ship, and then entered the vast starry sky.

On the boat board, Dugu said: "Little master, this infinite purgatory is not simple. This place is not only guarded by the three powerful families, but also a bit strange. There are nine floors in this prison. So far, even the supreme Powerful people in the realm do not dare to go to the ninth floor. Only the Patriarch of everyone knows what is on the ninth floor."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan, "The young lady is locked at the entrance of the eighth floor. If Miss Xiao Ling\'er is also in this Purgatory, she should be with the young lady."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood."

Du Guyan glanced at Ye Xuan, hesitated, and then said: "Little Master, it is rumored that there is a super strong behind you..."

Ye Xuan did not answer.

Duguyan smiled bitterly, and did not ask any more.

About an hour later, the Nebula ship stopped.

Duguyan pointed to the distance. Ye Xuan followed Duguyan\'s fingers and looked at it. In the depths of the distant starry sky, there was a dark palace with a strange shape, a bit similar to a tower, with eight floors.And around this palace, it was pitch black and there was no light at all!

Moreover, even though it was so far away, Ye Xuan felt an invisible swallowing force!

Beside Ye Xuan, Du Guyan said solemnly: "In a black hole deep in this place, ordinary people can\'t get close at all. Even a strong source realm, if one is careless, he may be broken into pieces!"

Ye Xuan said, "You stay here."

After speaking, Ye Xuan left the Nebula Ship, and at this moment, Du Guyan suddenly said: "This Infernal Purgatory is guarded by the elite of the three major families, don\'t alarm them, otherwise, the powerful of the three major families will immediately support it. ....."

In the distance, Ye Xuan had disappeared.

The closer Ye Xuan gets to this Infinite Purgatory, the stronger the swallowing power. If he hadn\'t gotten the dragon blood quenching in his body, he would not be able to approach this Infinite Purgatory at all in his current realm.

Ye Xuan was more cautious in his heart, and after a while, he came to the gate of the palace of Infinite Purgatory.

Of course, at this moment, he used the aura of chaos to conceal himself, even the powerhouse of the supreme realm could hardly find him.

And he also found that there were some vague auras around the palace, which were very powerful.

Obviously, they are all the powerhouses of the three big families.

Ye Xuan quietly sneaked into the palace and knew that he had come to the first floor. Inside the first floor, it was pitch black. And around, there were black iron cages. Inside the iron cages, there were humans and monsters, but they were all dying, as if What torment has been suffered.

Ye Xuan did not stay, and came to the second floor. In the second floor, there were also some iron cages, but compared to the first floor, it was much less. Moreover, the prisoners on the second floor were much stronger than the first floor. .

Soon, Ye Xuan came to the third floor, and in this third floor, there was an unpleasant smell of blood.



In the entire third layer, all are blood and corpses.

Ye Xuan didn\'t stop and continued down. He came to the fourth floor, and in the fourth floor, it was very quiet, very, very quiet.

Ye Xuan swept around, and he felt some breath around him.

The lowest is Source Realm!

Ye Xuan frowned. Dugu said before that he was imprisoning criminals in the three major clans.

Now it seems that things are not that simple.

Because he discovered that some of those detained were not human at all.

Without thinking too much, Ye Xuan continued on.

When he came to the fifth floor, Ye Xuan\'s face changed.

In this fifth layer, an extremely powerful aura is imprisoned.

Supreme Realm!

At this moment, Jane Zizai\'s voice suddenly sounded, "It turns out that it is this place..."