One Sword Reigns Supreme

401 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 401: Jane Freedom Origins!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!"this place?"

Ye Xuan frowned, "Where?"

Jian Zi said softly: "Infernal Purgatory...It is rumored that it was founded by the Pluto gods in the Pluto domain, and the purpose is to imprison the greatest enemy of the Pluto domain: the Protoss."


Ye Xuan was a little confused, "Are they all gods?"

Jane sneered freely, "What kind of god is just self-styled!"

Speaking of this, she paused slightly, "However, there are indeed a lot of great abilities in this clan, otherwise, they would not dominate the heavens and star regions back then."

Ye Xuan said, "Are you still there now?"

Jian Zi said quietly: "It\'s all gone! This Pluto domain is also gone."

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, "Why is it gone?"

Jian Zizai said: "If you are too powerful, you will lose yourself. How arrogant this Protoss dominated the heavens and star regions back then..."

Speaking of this, she paused slightly, and then said: "This Infinite Purgatory was created by the Underworld God, and many powerful Protoss were imprisoned in it. I don\'t know why it ended up here. In short, this thing is not a simple thing. !"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "How does this thing compare to my prison tower?"

"are you a pig?"

Jian Zi said suddenly: "Are you sure that your brain is not a pig brain?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Jian Zizai said again: "This Infinite Purgatory is indeed good, but how does it compare with your prison tower?"

Ye Xuan asked, "Why can\'t you compare?"

Jian Zizai said: "Your tower is not a thing in this universe. It represents a higher martial arts civilization. You haven\'t seen its terrifying place."

World prison tower!

Ye Xuan was silent. He didn\'t understand this tower until now, but he knew that owning this tower is a blessing and a curse.

Without thinking too much, Ye Xuan continued to walk down!

Soon, he came to the sixth floor.

In the sixth level, the candlelight is bright, and in this sixth level, there is only one monster. The monster is shaped like a wolf, but its tail is like a dragon’s tail. It is extremely long, and there are two pieces on his head. The long horns, these two horns are like blades, exuding a cold air.

Ye Xuan did not bother this monster beast, and continued to walk down, but when he walked to the door, Jian Zi said suddenly: "The demon wolf, the monster raised by the gods back then, is extremely fast and powerful."

Ye Xuan whispered: "I can\'t subdue it!"

Jane said freely: "Also..."

Ye Xuan continued to walk down.

He could feel the power of this demon wolf, and the aura it exudes had surpassed the supreme realm.

However, he knew very well that it was impossible for a monster beast of this level to submit to him.

If you can\'t subdue the opponent and alarm the strong around, then the trouble will be big.

Furthermore, he just wants to save his sister now!

After a while, Ye Xuan came to the seventh floor. When he came to the seventh floor, a cold breath came to his face. At the same time, he felt a mysterious aura locked him.

Ye Xuan was shocked, someone found him?

At this moment, a horrified sound came from him, "I have reached the Great Sword Immortal at a young age, and my body is...have been tempered by dragon blood! Well, yes, yes, qualified. Be the old man\'s disciple."

Ye Xuan: "..."

"What are you still trying to do? Can\'t come?" The voice said again.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then walked over, and soon he saw an iron cage. Inside the iron cage was an old man with white beard and hair, and his hair was messy like a chicken coop.

The old man took a look at Ye Xuan, and was amazed, "Yes, very good..."

Ye Xuan said: "Senior is?"

The old man stood up, "Don\'t you kneel down and apprentice?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s silence, the old man said angrily: "Boy, do you know who is standing in front of you, you..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly leaned forward, "Save me, save me, the old man makes you the overlord of this star field."

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then shook his head, "Can\'t senior come out by himself?"

The old man\'s expression suddenly became savage, and he said a little crazy: "If the old man can come out, will I still call you?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Senior, this place is special, and I can\'t save Senior."

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, without speaking.

Ye Xuan turned and left, and at this moment, the old man suddenly said, "It is the Qi of Chaos that hides your breath, right?"

Ye Xuan stopped, "Yes."

The old man said: "You can have this energy, you must not be an ordinary person."

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "Senior is from the Protoss?"

The old man said: "Yes!"


Ye Xuan seemed to think of something, he suddenly asked, "Does senior know Jian Zizai?"

The reason why he asked this was because he remembered what the god emperor said, Jian Zizai seemed to be the best in the gods...

When he heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the old man\'s face changed drastically. He looked at Ye Xuan in horror, "Why do you know her! Why do you know her! Why!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, why did this guy react so much?

At this time, the old man suddenly came forward and stared at Ye Xuan, "Why do you know her name, why!"

Ye Xuan asked in his heart, "Miss Jane, you seem to be very famous!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Where did you meet her!"

Ye Xuan whispered: "Senior, the younger generation still has something to do, so let\'s leave first."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, this time, he didn\'t stop him.

On the way to the eighth floor, Ye Xuan asked, "Miss Jane, are you from the Protoss?"

Jian Zi said quietly: "Does it have anything to do with you? I can\'t handle my own affairs well, so I still ask other people\'s affairs and worry about it."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Just curious, curious!"

Jane Zizai didn\'t speak any more.

Ye Xuan didn\'t ask any more, he quickened his pace, and soon he came to the entrance of the eighth floor.

At the entrance, Ye Xuan stopped. After he was silent for a while, he entered the tower.

Soon, he came to the eighth floor.

Inside the eighth floor, it was very quiet, with a cold breath exuding the surroundings, and there was silence all around.

Ye Xuan walked forward, at this moment, he still concealed his breath with chaotic air.

At this time, Jian Zizai\'s voice suddenly sounded, "This Infernal Purgatory is in a state of no ownership at this time, and it seems to be in a deep sleep, how about it, do you want to subdue it?"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "What do I want this thing for?"

Jane thought for a while, and then said: "Although you have a world prison tower, this tower is not something you can control now. However, this infernal purgatory is possible. If you control it, you can use this infernal purgatory. , Enter the Pluto domain, uh..."

Speaking of this, she stopped.

Ye Xuan was somewhat alert, "What am I going to do in the Pluto domain?"

Jane said freely: "Just go and play, it\'s good there."

Ye Xuan shook his head and ignored Jane Zizai. He continued to walk forward. The more he walked forward, the colder breath became stronger. At this moment, he felt as if his whole body was pierced by ice, with a bone-piercing pain. .

Jian Zizai said again: "If you have this infinite purgatory, you can turn it into hell. This tower contains extremely terrifying death energy. Once released, it will be terrifying. And, if I’m not mistaken. In the depths of this infinite purgatory, there should be a sword, a sword that can suppress spirits and ghosts. If you get it, you can use that sword to fix the soul, tusk..."

At this time, Ye Xuan stopped. Not far in front of him, there was a long pillar, and a woman was tied to the pillar.

The woman\'s limbs were all nailed, unable to move at all.

Seeing this woman, Ye Xuan was stunned....

Familiar and strange faces.
