One Sword Reigns Supreme

399 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 399: Get Out!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!stop?

Not far away, Ye Xuan stopped. He turned his head to look at Mu Qingming, who said in a deep voice, "Ye Xuan, if you do this, you are tantamount to breaking the road between yourself and Dugu\'s house."

Ye Xuan sneered, "President Mu, do you think Dugu Family will let me go? Will they?"

Mu Qingming said: "Ye Xuan, if you kill them here, Dugu\'s family is furious, and it will bring disaster to this city!"

Ye Xuan\'s smile became more and more ferocious, "Then according to Dean Mu, what should I do? I\'ll catch it with my hands?"

When Mu Qingming was about to speak, Ye Xuan suddenly said, "President Mu, it\'s my business with Dugu\'s family now. Since you can\'t let them stop, you\'d better shut up."

When the voice fell, he directly turned and rushed towards the group of strong people in the Dugu Family.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qingming\'s face on the city wall suddenly sank, but in the end, he still said nothing.

At this moment, he found that Daoyi Academy could not provoke Dugu Family, but Ye Xuan didn\'t seem to be simple.

Because the great god on the second floor forcibly blocked the two supreme realms with his own power!

In the distance, Ye Xuan fought against more than 20 source realm powerhouses. At the beginning, Ye Xuan was at an absolute disadvantage.

But it didn\'t take long for those with strong Origin Realm to be a little frightened.

Because they found that Ye Xuan\'s body was too tough!

Strong enough to resist their power!

In addition, Ye Xuan\'s sword was very terrifying, and none of the more than twenty source realm powerhouses could resist Ye Xuan\'s sword.

Among the crowd, the thought of Ye Ling\'s life and death unclear, Ye Xuan\'s murderous heart, a sword box suddenly appeared behind him, the next moment, a sword flew out of the sword box, and in a flash, he was dozens of feet to the right. In addition, the head of a strong source realm flew out!

Holy Order Flying Sword!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of those strong men from the Dugu Family changed drastically!

Ye Xuan was holding a holy order, and it was not a normal holy order, and now, Ye Xuan had another holy order flying sword!

When did the holy steps be so bad?

Soon, the source realm powerhouses in the field died one after another. By now, there were only twelve people left, and eight of them were killed by Ye Xuan.

And the two powerhouses of the supreme realm were still blocked by the second-floor god.

On the wall, Ye Xuan, who was not far from Mu Qingming and others, looked extremely solemn.

Because they didn\'t expect that Ye Xuan would actually be able to fight against more than 20 source realm powerhouses with his own power, you know, Ye Xuan is just breaking the air realm now!


Too enchanting!

Beside Mu Qingming, the elder said solemnly: "Unfortunately, my Dao First Academy cannot keep his brother and sister, otherwise, with his brother and sister, my Dao First Academy will definitely be able to regain its former glory."

Mu Qingming whispered: "Unfortunately, I can\'t keep them in the First College."

The great elder nodded.

He also admired Ye Xuan.However, from the current point of view, Ye Xuan has too many troubles.

These troubles will bring devastation to Daoyi Academy.

At this moment, there was a scream in the distance, and everyone heard the sound. Not far away, there were only three source realm powerhouses left in front of Ye Xuan!

Beside Ye Xuan, there was a dead body!

The remaining three source realm powerhouses did not choose to fight again, but chose to escape.

Because now they are very clear, continue to shoot, just die.

But Ye Xuan did not choose to let them go, but chased them out. About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Xuan returned to the city wall, the sword in his hand was still bleeding.

Kill all!

In the air, the second-floor god suddenly stopped, she retreated to Ye Xuan\'s side, the two old men did not dare to take action, they were also extremely jealous of the second-floor god.

One of the old men took a deep look at the Great God on the second floor, and then looked down. When he saw the corpse in the place below, his face suddenly sank. Finally, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You are so daring, How dare you kill the people of my Dugu family."

Below, Ye Xuan raised his head to look at the old man, he grinned, his smile was a little crazy, "Kill your Dugu family? These are just the beginning, I will kill everyone in your Dugu family!"

The old man\'s expression was a bit stubborn, "It\'s up to you?"

As he said, he was about to do something, and at this moment, the great god on the second floor below suddenly said: "Get out!"

Hearing the words of the Great God on the second floor, the old man\'s expression suddenly became a little ugly. He glanced at the Great God on the second floor, but finally did not choose to take a shot.

Because he is not sure!

Moreover, he could feel that from the beginning to the present, the mysterious monster in front of him hadn\'t exerted all its strength!

The opponent is still hiding his strength!

After the old man was silent for a moment, then he took a cold look at Ye Xuan below, "The old man is waiting for you at Dugu\'s house! If you don\'t come in three days, my Dugu\'s house will make your mother and sister die worse!"

After speaking, he and another old man turned around and disappeared into the sky.

Next to Ye Xuan, the second-floor god took a look at Ye Xuan, and then disappeared.

Ye Xuan waved his right hand and put away the ring of those corpses in the field, then he turned and left.

At this time, the elder suddenly said: "Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan stopped.

The Grand Elder said solemnly: "Where are you going?"

Ye Xuan said quietly: "Where does the elder think I will go!"

The elder said solemnly: "Ye Xuan, this Dugu family is not ordinary, you must not be impulsive."

Ye Xuan did not speak, and quickly disappeared not far away.

The Great Elder sighed in a low voice.

What happened in Daoyicheng quickly spread throughout the Northern Region, and the two words Ye Xuan quickly spread throughout the Northern Region!

One person killed more than 20 source realm powerhouses!

Moreover, Ye Xuan only broke through the air!

And the departure of Ye Xuan\'s brother and sister had a great blow to the reputation of the entire Daoyi Academy.

Everyone knows that Daoyi Academy was afraid of Dugu\'s family from Tianyu and abandoned Ye Xuan brother and sister...

In the past, countless young geniuses in the Northern Territory wanted to become students of the Taoist Academy, but now, many people no longer think so.

What\'s the point of joining an academy that can\'t even keep students?

When Daoyi Academy learned of this negative influence, Mu Qingming and others\' faces were ugly to the extreme.

They considered the consequences for Daoyi Academy if the brothers and sisters Bao Ye Xuan, but they did not consider the consequences for Daoyi Academy if abandoning Ye Xuan brothers and sisters...

However, Mu Qingming did not regret his decision.

Because if you Bao Yexuan, you would lose not only reputation, but the entire Taoist Academy.

The reputation is gone, and you can earn it slowly, but if Daoyi Academy is gone, what\'s the use of a good reputation?


Outside Daoyicheng, a woman came over.

The woman walked to the gate of the city. She glanced at each city. At this moment, she stopped and listened. There was someone talking next to the gate...

After a while, the woman whispered: "So you have already left Daoyi Academy... It seems that there is no need for this king to go to Daoyi Academy!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

And shortly after the woman left, another woman came to Daoyicheng. The woman wore a white dress and was spotless.

At this time, Mu Qingming, the dean of Daoyi Academy, suddenly appeared in front of the city gate. Looking at the woman in front of him, Mu Qingming was a little surprised and said: "Xiaoan! Why are you back at this time?"

The woman in front of her was An Lanxiu.

An Lanxiu looked at Mu Qingming, "The dean gave up their siblings?"

Mu Qingming said solemnly: "I have no choice."

An Lanxiu nodded slightly, "Understood."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Mu Qingming asked, "Where are you going?"

An Lanxiu whispered, "From now on, I am no longer a student of Taoist Academy..."

Hearing this, Mu Qingming\'s expression changed, "Why? Because of their brothers and sisters?"

An Lanxiu said, "I brought Ye Ling to Daoyi Academy, but the Academy directly handed her over to the Dugu Family..."

Speaking of this, she shook her head slightly, "Daoyi Academy does not want to offend Dugu\'s family for his brothers and sisters, I can understand, but she shouldn\'t be handed over to the Dugu\'s family in this way...This matter, the academy is not doing authentically. . Goodbye."

After speaking, she disappeared in place.

In front of the city gate, Mu Qingming\'s expression was hard to see the extreme.

In the entire Daoyi Academy, the three most enchanting people were Ye Xuan brother and sister, and An Lanxiu who had left before him.

And now, the three most enchanting ones are gone.

Mu Qingming raised his head to look at the sky in the distance, his eyes were a little dazed, he was a little confused about the future of the entire Daoyi Academy.

At this moment, he is now a little skeptical, doubting his decision at that time.

After a while, he sighed in a low voice, turned and left.


After Ye Xuan left Daoyi City, he immediately took the Nebula Ship to Heaven!


Ye Ling was taken to Dugu\'s house in Tianyu, and now he is desperate.Because he didn\'t know how Dugu Family would treat Ye Ling.

Dugu family!

On the deck of the Nebula ship, Ye Xuan stood quietly, his face extremely cold, and his sword box was still on his back.

Dugu family!

From Dao Yicheng to the present, he has recited these three words silently at least a thousand times in his heart.

At this moment, a black-robed man suddenly appeared in front of his Nebula ship.

Ye Xuan stopped.

The black-robed man glanced at Ye Xuan, his expression a bit complicated, "Little Master..."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Little Master?"

The black-robed man said solemnly: "I am the lady\'s butler, called Duguyan."

Dugu family!

Behind Ye Xuan, the sword box trembled slightly. At this moment, Du Guyan quickly said: "Little Master, I have no harm to you."

Ye Xuan said, "The young lady in your mouth is she?"

The black-robed man sighed in a low voice, "Little Master, I know that you have been resenting Miss, and resenting her for leaving your siblings at that time. However, Miss also has a lasting problem. If she does not leave early, once the Dugu Family People know your brother and sister, you died then."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You know, in order to protect your brothers and sisters, the young lady is still imprisoned in the dark and dark purgatory..."
