One Sword Reigns Supreme

2851 Chapter 2,835: A sword to live!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Kill the whole family!

I heard the words, and the cliff shook his head smile, "mind!

Although there is still her people in the soul temple, most of them are all people!

When I heard the cliff, the white dress was shrugged, then raised his hand, the sword in his hand suddenly flew!


Sword light is over!

In the distance, the big elderly just rushed to Ye Xuan\'s face, and a sword was unsuitful to piercing his eyebrows!


The old man is already in the original place!

Everyone in the field is awkward!

This is killed? The old man is also a face, the sword is too fast!

I haven\'t responded yet, I have been nailed to be nail!

The white dress is slow to go to Ye Xuan, and she looked at the old man in front of him. "Is there anything I want to say?"

The old man just wants to talk, the white dress suddenly shook his head, "I still don\'t say it!

After that, she raised her hand is a wave.


The old and old disappeared without a trace!

Everyone: ".

The cliff deeply looked at the white dress, she and the white skirt, although it was a friend, I also knew that the white dress was very strong, but she didn\'t know how strong the white dress is so strong!

Even at this moment, she doesn\'t know!

Because the white dress is a spike!

And she didn\'t even know that the sword was just, the white dress gone made a few outfits!

One strength and Nanyorte, that is, it is different!

The white skirts looked at everyone, then said: "Don\'t bother my brother!"

Everyone looked at the white dress, and the eyes were full of taboo!

The cliff reads the strong temple in the scene, "Who are you listening to now?"

Everyone has seen a look, then Qi Qi is on the cliff single knee, "His Royal Highness!

The big elders have died, now there is a soul of the soul, who can compete with this temple? No one!

The cliff waved, "Return it!

Everyone is busy and retreat!

She didn\'t have to choose to kill, because there is no need now!

At this time, the white dress suddenly laughed: "We can be flat!"

The cliff smiled: "Yes!

Two smart women smile!

The cliff took Ye Xuanlai this place to cultivate, very clearly, she knew that this will cause a lot of dissatisfaction, and the older will be willing to come to her and Ye Xuan!

And she took this opportunity to rely on the white skirt, the old man!


At this time, the cliff suddenly paused, and an ancient small tower suddenly appeared in her palm, her meditation spell, the ancient small tower slowly drifted into the head of Ye Xuan, next moment, an ancient array The law slowly appeared, followed by countless mysterious souls, constantly poured in the law, and finally did not enter Ye Xuan\'s body!


Ye Xuan\'s body is straightforward!

Have to say, the cliff is very big!

This is the gods of the soul, which is specially nourished, even her, can only be used once every hundred years!

And she didn\'t hesitate to give this opportunity to Ye Xuan!

With this gods, the soul of the soul, the help of the soul tree, and the soul of Ye Xuan is growing with a very horrible speed.

See this scene, the white dress is suddenly smile, "Thank you!"

The cliff smiled: "Purge!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, she had to say, she is also a bit shock!

Because the strength of Ye Xuan itself is very strong, especially the soul, even if it is in the Soul Hall, it is the top-level, and now there is a help of the Soul Temple, and the man\'s soul must be able to achieve a very horrible level!


Not simple!

The cliff smiles slightly, this is a big firmer for her!

Can you make this brother and sister owe her, this is not a machine? At this time, the cliff suddenly laughed: "Small, let\'s go shopping elsewhere?"

The white skirt is shook his head, "I am holding him here!"

, "Good!

Then I will go!

The white dress is laughing: "Go!"

The cliff is nodded and turned away.

Originally, the white dress looked at the black Xuan sitting on the ground, and his face was a touch of smile.


The Soul Temple.

In the main hall, the cliff just returned to the main hall, two old people and a middle-aged man is waiting for her!

The middle-aged man headed is the temple of the Soul Temple, Jiang Ge!

And that two olders are now too old!

Cliff laughed: "Do you want to trial me with two too?"

Jiang Ge looked at the cliff, "You do this time, it is very much!

Cliff laughed: "What is excessive?"

Jiang Ge stared at the cliff, "Let the outsiders kill my soul temple, this is the old, not more

, "Father, big elders, do you know?"

Jiang Ge is silent.

The cliff continues: "It seems that you are clear!"

Since it is clear, you still have to convelive him!

Why? Do you want to find a piece of grinding stone? Or do you want to balance the internal forces of our Soul Temple? "

Jiang Ge looked at the cliff and did not speak.

Cliff smiled: "Do you know who is the little girl with a friend?"

Jiang Gong\'s brow, "Who?"

Cliff smiled: "Don\'t worry about her, you just know, I am not her opponent from everyone!

I heard the words, Jiang Ge three brows were frowned!

Cliff smiled: "The strength of the elders, you know, but, in front of her, you can\'t get it!

So, do you think I am scaring you? "

Jiang Ge Shen said: "Who is she!

The cliff is also said: "Also, the man she brought, that is, the people of this generation, there is a big cause!

Jiang Ge is silent.

The cliff continued: "I let their brothers owe me a big thing, and the old man is almost destroyed by this person because of a selfishness!

Doesn\'t he die? "

Jiang Ge looked at the cliff and did not speak.

: "Father, if you don\'t want me to pick up the soul hall, you said, you can rest assured, I will never be a position of the Temple of the Soul Temple!

If you want to give it to me, you will be sincere, don\'t engage in something that is messy!

I have this ability with the Soul Temple to reach a higher level, and even bring my soul temple to myself!


Wen said, Jiang Ge\'s three faces in the field are slightly changed!

That place is a special world created by the owner of the avenue, rumors, the time of the place to the outside world is very different!

In the year of the border, it is only equivalent to the outside world!

A very horrible world!

However, you can enter the forces, few less, because the competition is too big!

Many forces have broken blood flow in order to fight for a quota!

Jiang Ge Shen Sheng: "Can you really lead my soul temple into the border?"

Jiang Nian Cloth: "There is a big chance!

I heard the words, Jiang Ge three people gained a look, after a moment, Jiang Gao said: "Don\'t talk with my Soul Hall, you can enter it, it is fortunate!"

At that time, you are the main hall of my demon.

Jiang Ming smiled, "At that time, do you think I still need?"

After that, she turned and left.

Inside the temple, the three silent did not speak.


Under the ancient trees, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes, just opened his eyes, a horrible soul energy suddenly broke out in his body!


In an instant, the surrounding time and space is directly twisted by this horrible soul energy!

Ye Xuan Shen took a breath, and his right hand was gripped.

It is more than ten times more than before!

Ten times!

Ye Xuanxing!

This is too foreigner!

At this time, the white skirt jealousy came to Ye Xuan face, smiled: "How do you feel?"

Ye Xuanxing said: "It feels good!

The white dress is nodd slightly, "your current soul is much better than before!

Ye Xuan smiled, then took directly with the white dress in a void, his right hand, in front of him, in an instant, countless star fields directly folded into a line!

See this scene, his mouth is slightly filling!

He is now in this sword, and the average person cannot resist!

White skirts are soft: "Is she taught you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Have to say, he is now folding the way is really metamorphosis!

In general, he didn\'t dare to use it. This sword waved, no difference in spike!

The white skirt is laughing: "Do you want to learn me?"

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Of course!

The white skirt is slight smile, then said: "I have made a trick, named the sword, a sword to live!

Said, she suddenly waved, in an instant, there was a large white light in front of the two, and everything was lost!

Ye Xuan\'s face is instantious!

Because he found that not only this time is disappearing, even the time and space is over!

In addition, he also saw some mysterious substances were also disappearing!

The white skirt laughed: "That is a dark space, belongs to the dark side of the vacuum, the average person can not get in touch, this is also your future, this dark time and space, with extremely terrible secret, not now Space and vacuum people can resist!

Of course, it is not that you can control now!

Darkness time and space!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "I learned your sword skill, even the heart of the dark space can be destroyed?"

The white dress is nodded, "Yes!

I have a sword skill, except for the true time, the rest is unable to resist!

Ye Xuan brows, "the true world of time and space?"

The white skirt is nodded, "This sword technology can\'t break the true world!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "I am learning now!"

The white dress is laughing: "Okay!

After finishing, she refers to the eyebrows of Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan\'s body trembled, countless information poured into leaves.

After a while, Ya Xuan dish sat in the ground, his eyes were slow, soon, he suddenly had a mysterious force.
