One Sword Reigns Supreme

2852 Chapter 2836: Star Show!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Dive power!

He is now cultivating, it is to live!

A sword to live!

This sword in the white dress is going to live, Yixuan is still very interested!

I don\'t know how long it takes, the Ye Xuan slowly slowly opened his eyes, and the white dress laughed: "How do you feel?"

Ye Xuan\'s heart is spread, and Qing Xuanjian appeared in his hands. He moved the heart, and the power of life flooded into the Qingxuanjian, soon, Qing Xuan sword slightly fused.

See this scene, Ye Xuan smiled!

Fortunately, Qing Xuan Jian!

He found that this is very horrible, if it is not Qing Xuanjian, other swords cannot withstand their special force.

Now he has two special sword skills!

Folding the law and going to the sword!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Qing, you said before the dark space, what kind of time and space?"

The white skirt laughed: "Time and space dark face, one time and space of a purely substance, where the dark matter is extremely terrible, the average person cannot enter it, and this world, very few people can come into contact with this time and space, generally can come into contact with Time and space are very bad!

Ye Xuan blinked, "Can you take me to see?"

The white dress is nodded, "Of course!

After that, she raised her hand is a sword.


Time and space is like a cloth, instant is torn!

The white dress is pulled into the hand of Ye Xuan. I just entered it. Ye Xuan is in front of it. It seems that it is inverting this moment. After a while, he finds that he has entered the time and space, but did not Stop, around the sky, speeding, like electricity!

Soon, Ye Xuan suddenly felt quietly.

Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he appeared in a dark world with the white dress, surrounded by silence!

Absolutely quiet!

Ye Xuan found that there was a sword light on his body.

The white skirt is laughing: "This is the dark time and space, this is a special time and space!

Ye Xuan feels surrounded, very fast, his look will become unprecedented!

This time and space is full of countless dark matter energy, these dark matter energy is extremely terrible, if this sword is light, he is afraid of being dead!

If you said, you can\'t control this energy in your current strength!

Ye Xixiang is sigh!

His current strength now, in his view, it is really very horrible!

Whether it is a law, still the sword method, its power is very horrible, but intuition tells him, whether it is a folding method or the swordsmanship, you can\'t shake the dark time and space here!

If it is able to fold the dark space.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly shocked himself.

If it is able to fold this dark space, why is it terrible? Unfortunately, he can only think about it!

This dark matter contains too powerful, don\'t say folding, it is to control, even if he is now greatly enhanced, you can\'t do it!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s go!

The white dress is slightly nodd. It is about to take Ye Xuan, and this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Suspension of sword skills, can you break the time and space here?"

The white dress is laughing: "You try!"

Ye Xuan nod, there is a young sword to protect, he is not very afraid of this place!

Ye Xuan Yi sword waved, a white sword light suddenly shocked, in an instant, Ye Xuan found that the dark time and space in front of him directly boiled, and then dissipated, but dissipated speed was very slow.

Seeing this, Ye Xuantili is sighful!

This is purely swordsman!

With his current strength, it is impossible to impossible this dark space, it is entirely because of the trial of the sword!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan asked, "Qing, have you been to the true world?"

Qing smiled: "I haven\'t going yet!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The time and space of the real world is not more horrible than this dark time and space?"

Children nod, "That place is very special, especially special!

Ye Xuan also did not ask, when I went: "Let\'s leave!

After that, the brothers and sisters left the field.

At the time of the two people, the two hitting the secrets of the two people suddenly twisted, the next moment, a vain was thrown.

The vain is watching the distance, the brow is slightly fried!

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the scene.

The secret of the secret looks cold and cold, "I block your a mother, you are a dog!"

That voice: "Quality!

There is no expression of the secret side of the dark, "As far as I know, the teenager can enter the time-space, why don\'t you stop?"

That sound was silent.

The person who talks is the owner of the times!

The secret of the secret is: "Don\'t you dare?"

Time and space laugh: "No dare not, I gave them face, a person who is hitting, I will give it some face, what is said?"

The secret of the secret: "Is it so clever? I am thinking about you!

I also think that it should be given a face!

The master of time and space is silent.

The dark center is also said: "Do you know the origin of the woman?"

More than the people of the mysterious people, he is actually a more taboo woman!

The woman made him feel dangerous!

He only felt this danger in a person, then the avenue owner!

The main silence of the times and space, he is jealous is also the white dress!

The other party enters the dark time and space from the times, just as simple as drinking water!

this is too scary!


After returning to the real space, the cliff appeared in front of the brothers and sisters.

Qing smiled; "Thank you!

The cliff smiled slightly, then said: "What is your next?"

Qingmen looked at the Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, "We are ready to go shopping!

Go shopping!

She can accompany the time of Ye Xuan, nor a lot.

The cliff blinks, "Do you mind?"

Wen said, Ye Xuan and Qingren are stunned.

Cliffs laughed: "I want to come to this universe is not particularly familiar, I do your guides!"

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at you, and you laughed: "Yes!

The cliff blinks, "I will take you to a very beautiful place, you will definitely like it!

Soon, the three disappeared in the same place.

Not long after, the three came to a starry sky, just stepped into this starry sky, Ye Xuan was stunned.

This starry sky is very bright, and colorful, very beautiful, in addition to this, there is nearly 100 ginseng trees in this starry sky, on the branches of these ancient trees, a small small small Paper crane.

Ye Xuan saw this scene for the first time, and it would be a few curiosity. "

Cliff smiled: "Starry sky, here is built by a woman, see those ancient trees, these are the stars God, you write your own wish, then put it in the wish crane in the stars On, rumors, as long as you are sincere, you can realize the wish!

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, and the people surrounded were actually a lot, but most of them were a man and a woman.

This is a place to date!

The white skirt looked at the four weeks and smiled: "It is really beautiful!

I saw the young and Ye Xuan, "Xu Yishang?"


Ye Xuan smiled.

Honestly, he doesn\'t like it, of course, it is not so true!

Have fun!

Ye Xuan looked to yourself and smiled: "Then we wish?"

Young nod, "Good!

The brothers and sisters went to the side to pick up a piece of paper and then wrote!

After a while, Ye Xuan folded the paper into thousands of paper cranes, then the palm slowed down, the thousand paper crane slowly drifted into one of the branches of the ancient tree!

He played a small trick, hiding a sword in the thousand paper cranes!

Nature is to prevent others from being peeable!

At this time, you also fold the paper in your hands into thousands of paper cranes, she palm it, and the paper crane slowly rose, and finally landed on the side of the Ye Xuan Qia.

Ye Xuan smiled: "Youth, what is your wish?"

Qing smiled: "Secret!


Ye Xuan smiled.

Qing suddenly asked, "What about you?"

Ye Xuan also is also brothered: "Secret!

It\'s gentle and smile, and there is no talk.

At this time, the concept of the next side came over, she pointed out the old man in the distance, "Do you want to be a life?"


Ye Xuan looked at the old man, the old man wore a linen clothes, the white hair was glared, and he visited a linen. It was still written on the line: the avenue fifty-day four nineteen people.

At this moment, a lot of people gathered next to the old people, they all made the old man fortunate.

I looked at the old man and didn\'t speak.

Cliff smiled: "Ye Gongzi, try?"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Let him give me a calculation!

Honestly, I also want to know how my life is!

Said, he came to the old man with a young and the cliff, at this moment, the old man is giving a woman to a woman.

The old man looked at the hand of the woman and then palate: "Congratulations!"

The woman stunned, then said: "What is it?"

The old man looked at the woman, "You have a happy!

I heard the words, the woman\'s face became popular, and she turned her man with a man.

Men suddenly somewhat awkward!

At this time, the old man said again: "However, two destiny, there will be no good end!"

Everyone stunned.

The woman hesitated, then said: "Mr. God, what?"

The old man is calm: "The two homes have tried to oppose two together?"

The woman nodded, the look is awkward, "Yes!

In fact, he and the man\'s family is the world. They have been sneak out this time!

The old man also said: "If you don\'t want the tragedy, immediately separate, cut off everything, you can still live, otherwise, the two ends will be very miserable, but also, will also be tired to the people!

Wen said, the woman\'s face became pale.

Men\'s face is also a bit unrest!

The old man puts his hand, "Go!

The woman suddenly squatted against the old man, "The predecessors, can have the law of saving?"

The man is also busy.

After the old man is silent, he said: "There is no, but now there is!

The woman is ecstatic, "How do you say?"

The old man suddenly looked up to the Ye Xuan in front of him.
