One Sword Reigns Supreme

2850 Chapter 2833: Don't mind?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

sister in law!

The green shook his head smile.

The cliff is once again gotting an eye, then she is said: "Your brother is still a sword!

same as you!

Qing smiled: "You have to be my nephew, will be killed!"

The cliff is white, "Not!

I want to be your nephew, you have to kill me? "

Qingyan said: "Not me, it is someone else!

Cliff smiled: "In addition to you, there should be no other people in this world can kill me!

Youth smiled, no more.

After a while, the three left the transfer array and came to a dim world!

Just came to this world, Ye Xuan is the power of countless mysterious soul!

Looking at Ye Xuan, laughing: "This is the soul of the soul, is the core world of my Soul Hall, very suitable for cultivating the soul!"

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, I have to say that this place\'s soul power is horrible!

The cliff took Ye Xuan to come to an old tree, this ancient tree is dark, it is like coal, very strange!

: "This is the soul tree, it is the treasure of my soul hall, your soul is in this tree under this tree.

Said, she refers to a little, and a black light suddenly did not enter the bluff.


Ye Xuan\'s body is trembled, countless information poured into the Xuan Bang!

: "This is the soul of the soul, is the magical practice of my soul temple, you practice this method!"

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, then sit down, two hands, start cultivation!

At this time, the cliff suddenly waved at the soul tree.


The soul trees are trembled, followed by countless souls, like a rainstorm, and pouring into the hunter!

At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that his soul seems to explode!

The concept of the cliff suddenly said: "Don\'t be afraid, this is to improve your soul!

Wen said, Ye Xuan is calm!

In this way, I don\'t know how long it took, Ye Xuan gradually adapted to the pain.

Seeing this scene, the cliff smiled slightly, "his soul is stronger than I expected!

It\'s really born to cultivate our soul of our soul!

Qingmen looked at the Ye Xuan, smiled slightly, the eyes were full of gentle!

: "Your brother is very special!

Child nod, "madness blood!

The cliff blinks, "This blood is extremely terrible.

If it is twisted with it, it must be comfortable!

Qingre: ".

Cliffs: "You can rest assured, I will not be strong!"

The green shook his head smile.

She knows the character of the woman, I like to joking, it is because of this, the two come together!

Under the ancient trees, Ye Xuanzhao is cultivated by the soul, the soul is getting stronger and more powerful!

At this moment, the distance between the distance suddenly broke, the next moment, a man came out slowly!

Seeing the man, the cliff brow wrinkled!

The man looked at the leaves under the ancient trees. The face was cold. He looked at the cliff. "You actually let a outper cultivate under the soul tree, but also let him cultivate our soul of our Soul Temple. !

And the cry of the cliff: "How? No?"

The man is brighter, "My good sister, you can not be the main hall now!

: "It will be late sooner or later!"

Do you know why? Because you are too abolished!

You are a little bit a little, then the old guy will not choose me to do the title!

Wen said, the man is furious, "you.

eyebrows, "Single pick? I don\'t accept you, I will tell me!"

The kind of life and death station, dare not dare? "

Wen said, men\'s faces become incomparable!

Because he dares!

The cliff suddenly came up, it was a slap!


The man has not responded to it, it flew out, and finally fell on the ground!

After falling on the ground, it is a foot on the cliff.


The man flew into tens of thousands of feet!

Just when the cliff also continued to shoot, a black old man appeared in front of the cliff, and the old man was slightly risking, "His Royal Highness.

I saw a dark old man, a swallow: "Why, do you want to do it with me?"

Black old man smiles, "How do I dare!



The old man is in an instant, flying by a horrible soul!

The cliff is cold and looked at the old man who flew out, "I didn\'t dare to stop in front of me. Who do you think you?"

In the distance, the old man is busy at the ground and not dare to speak.

The cliff was slowly walked to the man in front of the man, and the men\'s eyes suddenly showed the color of fear.

I have no expression of the cliff. "Do you think I don\'t dare to kill you?"

The man hesitated, then said: "My Soul Temple, prohibiting hand and feet!"

I flash a murder in the eyes, "I killed you, the old man will not punish me? It will be, but he will dare to punish me, I will definitely fight!"

At that time, the Soul Temple will be quite five!

Men: "

: "Who will let you come here to find me? Is wrong, it should be said, who tells you that I will take it here?"

The man didn\'t dare to talk.

The cliff suddenly stepped on the man\'s chest, in a moment, the man spurted a blood!

The cliff is dead and staring at the man. "I said three, if you don\'t say, I step on your head!

The man is busy: "It is the old old!

Big old!

Big old!

The eyes were slightly smashed, and she suddenly turned, a punch, "rolled out!


In the distance sky, the time and space suddenly fell, followed by a black old man appeared in front of the cliff!

Seeing the cliff, the old man is calm, "the His Royal Highness, according to the family rules, you can\'t bring out the soul tree to cultivate, and teach him to my Soul Temple!

You have violated the race!

Cliff smiled: "Triazi? Old is not dead, you still want to use the national regular pressure?"

The old man calmly said: "His Royal Highness, you have to remember, you are still not a palace now!

The cliff smiled: "I will let him practice!

What do you want? I told you that I not only let him cultivate my soul of the soul of the Soul, I have to launch the soul of the soul for him, and I am plastic!

Black old people are dead and staring at the cliff, "he is just an outsider!

: "Do you always want to pull me? I will give you this opportunity now!

Yes, I violate the race, the old age, you can call the longevity of the long-term trial!

The old man is staring at the cliff. "Do you think you are suitable for the palace?"

Cliff smiled: "I am too lazy to be with you!"

Tell you first!

After finishing, she disappeared directly!

In the distance, the black old man is slightly smashed, and the right hand is gripped, and a huge black soul vortex appeared around him.

Soon, the war!

However, the old man is directly pressed!

Below, the men\'s face lying on the ground is extremely ugly.

This woman is really getting more and more can\'t be more and more!

However, there is no way, there is no one in the soul of the soul, no one can win her!

Including this big old man with the temple!

After a while, the longtest veteran was defeated by the season.

Soon, more and more souls have appeared around, everyone started to raise!

Finally, the cliff stopped, and that the elders were seriously injured.

Everyone looked at the cliff, it was a jealous!

This woman is like a lot!

The cliff was clamped, and then pointed to the old age, "God is not dead, don\'t think I don\'t know what you want!

You want me to be a temple of my brother who can\'t be instrument, then you can take a empty one with a long time, I have a big right, I tell you, don\'t think you want!

The old age is dead and staring at the cliff. "You, you see it? This person is still not a palace, it is so arrogant, if she becomes a palace, I have a good day?"

Everyone looked at the cliff, all dared to worry.

The cliffs are ignored by everyone\'s eyes, she doesn\'t need to be ideal, and they don\'t need to please these can\'t return to her.

In any place, you need strength, not to please!

At this time, the big elders suddenly pointed to the Hui Xuan, sitting under the ancient trees, "killing him!

Wearing words, everyone is stunning!

And the distance, the white dress that has not been speech is suddenly frowning!

She has not opened it, because this is something inside the cliff family, she respects the cliff, so there is no choice!

But now, things are different!

The old man pointed to Ye Xuan, "This person is not a person in my soul hall, he repaired my soul of the soul of the soul, using my soul of the soul of the soul tree, when you die!"

He is manufacturing a bigger contradiction!

He knows that if the people of the Soul Temple must stop the Ye Xuan\'s hand, the cliff is bound to stop, and this time, once the cliff has to do his own people, the whole people will not tolerate the cliff!

When I heard the old, the cliff look suddenly calm down, she took the next to sit down, then looked at the old age, "You do it!"

I do not care!

The old age is dead, staring at the cliff, "Hand!

When I heard the old, there was no one to do it!

The big elders turned to see a few people next to him, anger: "Hand!

The few people are now down, and they have not heard it!

Oh shit!

Several people are !

Why don\'t you move? This is obvious to wait for someone to send the death and hate!

Although we are all your people, but you can\'t let us go to send it!

I don\'t move, I\'m old and old.

Have a old man, you are worried, do you fear? "

Several people still don\'t move!

One of them suddenly said: "Why don\'t you go on your own?"

The old man is very angry. "What do you say? What do you say?"

That person is no longer afraid, directly tear the face, "Mom!

You can just fight, you are worried, you do your hair!

proceed if you can!

The long man is not working, "Okay, good, very good.

The old man is personally!

After finishing, he flushed into the distance in the distance.

At this time, the white skirts look at the cliffs and carefully said: "Don\'t mind me to kill your family?"

Cliff: ".