One Sword Reigns Supreme

2722 Chapter 268: Life Imprint!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The owner of the avenue is whisper, and the sigh is strong and helpless!

Ye Xuan said: "Who are you ready?"

The owner of the avenue is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Can you say it?"

The owner of the avenue shook his head slightly, did not say anything, continue to go in the distance!

Ye Xuan looked at the master of the avenue and then following the past.

Soon, the Avenue pen owner took Ye Xuan to a life imprint!

Ye Xuan found that this life imprint is different from other life imprints. It is a deep purple, not only that, in its round book, there is no other life imprint!

The avenue pen owner looked at the life imprint in front of him, and the eyes were flashing. After a long time, he turned to look at Ye Xuan. "Now, this universe will be controlled by you, you are the master of this universe.

Ye Xuan blinked, "So, is this in the land?"

Have to say, he is still a little exciting now!


If you can control the place where you want, then you mean, let him, have to live forever!

The avenue owner is shaking his head, "the place where the return cannot be given!

I have to take away!

When the Ye Xuan face suddenly was black, "So, you will make me work, but don\'t give good benefits, is it?"

The avenue owner laughed: "Will be good!

Ye Xuan brows, "What is the benefit?"

The head of the avenue is open, an old ancient book appears in his hand, "Do you know what this is?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

The owner of the avenue laughed: "Avenue nerve!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is the use?"

The owner of the avenue laughed: "This universe is the highest cultivation of cultivation!

Previously, the woman, remember it? She cultivated is the avenue nerve, but she is only the upper part, no central and lower, but I will give you, this is complete!

Scorpio woman!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Can you come more too much?"

The avenue pen owner stunned, then said: "Is this not too powerful? You look at the woman, she is just a difference, but the strength is so powerful!

And now give you a complete avenue nerve, as long as you cultivate into it, you think.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "I think, I should be bigger!"

This universe is invincible.

Not much meant!

I have to be invincible in the universe!

Is there anything that makes me the next universe? "

After the avenue, the owner was silent, and he said: "Believe me, this is enough for you for a long time!"

Ye Xi Tao: "You don\'t want so small!"

The owner of the avenue is whispered, "" You are not enough now, giving you more powerful, you can\'t use it! "

Ye Xuan said: "I can use it, but I have to have!"

The owner of the avenue is silent.

Ye Xuan bitter, "You see me this time, the heart is directly broken, repair it as a big reduction, why?"

The avenue owner looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Yes!

Said, his palm is spread, countless ancient text fly into the nerve of that avenue!

After a while, the avenue pen owner returned to the right hand, he looked at Ye Xuan, "After you practice successful avenue nerves, this peers will automatically unlock!

Ye Xuan silence.

Oh shit!

Also, you will play!

The avenue pen owner continued: "Later, I will take the trend of the market!"

After that, he turned and looked at the deep purple life imprint in front of him. He hesitated, then the palm was expanded, and the life imprint was slowly floated.

After a long time, the army said, then turned, he handed the life imprint to Ye Xuan, "bring it out!

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue, "resurrection?"

The head of the avenue head.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Do you play this, is it a malpractice?"

The avenue pen owner haha ​​smiled, "The land of returning is I built, I am private, what is the relationship?"

Ye Xuan is nodd, "understand!

Said, he is facing the palm, and the deep purple mark slowly flying to him!

The avenue owner looked at Ye Xuan. "After the resurrection, her memory will slowly awaken, during this time, you have to protect her!

Wen said, Ye Xuan Shen said: "Don\'t tell me, there will be trouble!

The avenue pen owner is positively: "What is the trouble? No trouble!

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue, "Really?"

The head of the avenue nodded, "Of course!

You are simply protecting her, waiting for her memory to recover, it doesn\'t need you to protect it all!

At that time, you can let her go!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why don\'t you bring out, but want me?"

The master of the avenue smiled slightly, "Is this not busy?"

Ye Xuan looked at the master of the avenue, then said: "Is it not possible to bring it out, is it good?"

The owner of the avenue said: "You are not very good!"

Ye Xuan faintly looked at the owner of the avenue, Laozi didn\'t talk to you, do you talk about your feelings? The owner of the avenue glanced for four weeks, then took out a quarter to the Ye Xuan, "I will give you!

Ye Xuan looked at the quenteen, in the quince, there was a mysterious force to block, he couldn\'t see something in the quite!

The main man said: "After I will go, you will be able to open!

Said, he is calm, and then gently, in an instant, the time and space suddenly became illusively!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Wait!

The owner of the avenue looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan Shen said: "I want to take a lot of life!

The owner of the avenue looks at Ye Xuan, "Who?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Mu Tian Road!

Macarth Road!

This Tiandao has been following him. Although there is no to help him too busy, he has been helping him. He has been here, he does not mind for the other party!

The owner of the avenue is slightly shaken.

Ye Xuan stunned, "Why?"

The head of the avenue is open, and there is a soul to fly out of the hunter!

It is the soul of the animal husbandry!

See the owner of the avenue, Mamantian, respectfully, tremble, trembling: "Master!

The avenue owner looked at the animal husbandry, and the eyes were flashing. "You will go with me!

Mu Tian Road is busy, "Okay!

The owner of the avenue looks to Ye Xuan, "It\'s easy, but nothing can go out here!

Because from here, you will take the big factors in the past, this is not the average person to bear!

You can live now, mainly because your sister is helping you to help you block too much because of much causality, otherwise, your grave grass should have been very high!

The purple imprint of Ye Xuan is in the hand, "What is her past?"

The owner of the avenue smiles, "You don\'t have to worry, big causal, you have to afford, of course, if you can\'t afford, you can let your sister help you toer!

After finishing, he turned directly to disappear.

In the field, the place of returning is more and more unreal, and it is about to disappear!

Ye Xuan looked at the purple imprint in his hand, and inspired him that he might be pit!

After the Xuan silently broke the moment, the whisper sighed, then turned and left!

When Ye Xuan wants to go out of the place of return, he suddenly turned his head, not far away, there was a loss of life, and the life imprint was slightly vibrating, it is like what!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Do you want to go out?"

That life imprint suddenly trembled!

Ye Xuan speechless.

This life imprint is leather!

Other life imprints are not moving, but this guy has a reaction. Is this practice? Still, the past memory still exists? Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, he hesitated, then went to the life imprint, he looked at the life imprint, this life imprint is very ordinary, and there is no difference from the life imprint next to those life.

In front of Ye Xuan, the life imprint is still trembled.

This is about to disappear immediately!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then a copy of the life imprint was thrown into the small tower, then he turned and quickly left the place where the returned market, just left the returned market, Ye Xuan felt, the place of returning Disappear!


At this time, the Dao Ling and others appear behind the Xuanxia!

At this moment, the strong people of the whole door have come here!

Dao Ling looked at the empty space in front of him, whispered: "Is the owner gone?"

Ye Xuan nod, "At this moment, now the door of this universe is responsible!"

Said, he turned and looked at the Dao Ling and others. "Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone shook his head!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, then said: "Everyone goes back to their duties.

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, I was going to leave. At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I am no longer pursued, but after today, there are still those messy things, I don\'t work!"

Everyone is silent!

Here, who has no bad things? Ye Xuan low sigh, "This is not what I mean, it is your master!

Do you know why your owner doesn\'t see you? "

Everyone looked to Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Wei said: "He is very disappointed with you!

Everyone is silent, and the look is embarrassed.

Ye Xuan continues; "Why do he want me to manage the door? Because he is really disappointed with you!

You talk about it, what is the door now? He originally wants to give up you, but in my request, he decided to give you a chance!

I tell you, I am not flicking, I am serious!

Everyone looked to Ye Xuan, Dao Ling, said: "What did the owner still say?"

Ye Xuan said: "If you listen to me, we will manage this universe!

Dao Ling hesitate, then asked, "Is there still?"

Ye Xuan said: "I didn\'t think it was.

After finishing, he is busy with the mouth, "there is no time!

Everyone: ".


PS: Next to New Year!

Strive to reply to the New Year!

This year, I have to go to my skin.