One Sword Reigns Supreme

2721 Chapter 267: Practice!

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so, update the fastest sword Domination!

When the moment-way street the sword appears, purple shirt woman Huo Ran looked up, and that the sword of the goal, it was her!

Purple shirt woman\'s eyes flashed a hint of Lise, her palm spread out, and then finger toward the space is a little!


This, fingertips, and ghastly power sky!

At this time, the sword down!

When the sword that kind of exposure to the forces of terror, the sense of the forces of terror and instantly turned into nothingness.

Purple shirt woman eye pupil suddenly shrunk, the next moment, direct way street sword piercing her eyebrows!


Women\'s body violently purple shirt shocked, directly nailed in place!

And all around, the land owned by Hui at this moment little by little began to return to normal.

See this scene, suddenly relieved spiritual side of the road!

At the moment, paclitaxel woman expression petrochemical, no calm before!

It was second!

She is now being given sword seconds!

Moreover, she even a sword who do not know!

At this moment, her mind somewhat blank.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, a little disappointed, because this time, even young children did not appear!

At this time, the woman\'s woman suddenly laughed: "It is worth the mountain!

Ye Xuan see a shakhop woman, the niche shirt woman is a little illusory!

Soon, Ye Xuan brows wrinkled slightly!


In front of this woman, it is not a body, but a part!

One is all right, the strength is so horrible!

Have to say, Ye Xuan is a little shocked.

Dao Ling went to Ye Xuan, she looked at the woman, seeing this aspiishirt woman actually just furnished, her look also became unbeatable!

At this time, the man of the Daomen robe suddenly appeared in the field. He looked at the woman, and then looked at Ye Xuan and Dao Ling, "the past has to marry!


Ye Xuan see a woman, "You should be the host of the past!"

The shakhow woman smiled and said: "Ye Gongzi, we will still see!"

Ye Xuan slightly, "Okay!

The shakhow woman laughed, and then completely disappeared!

Ye Xuan\'s heart spread, the sideway sword flew to him, he gently touched the sideway sword, then smiled: "Do you want to stay with me for a while?"

The sidewalk sword is slightly trembled, it seems to be in response!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Okay!

Said, he released the sideway sword, and the sideways immediately turned into a sword light disappeared in the end of the starry.

Ye Xuan looked at the sideway sword at the end of the starry, long time.

At this time, all the doorsteps rushed to the place of return!

Including God and Husband!

In the field, everyone is watching Ye Xuan, and now Ye Xuan is undoubtedly the main bone of the door!

After a long time, Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and then looked at everyone, "I want to quiet!

Dao Ling looked at the Ye Xuan, nodded, and then took the crowd!

Ye Xuanyi sat in the ground, he shook his head smile.

This time, his realm fell directly to the road, which is equivalent to falling ten realms!

Ten realm!

Before you go back to liberation!

Not only that, his sword is also broken because of the mood, directly by devastating.

The realm is over!

The Jian Dao is also lost!

This is completely complete!

Yuxuan is sitting on the ground, and his face is full of bitterness.

In fact, he did not think that this time is called people directly.

Should be he denying his choice!

Ye Xuan looked up to the distance, whispered: "Do you want to lying flat?"

The avenue pen suddenly said: "What do you think?"

Ye Xuan said: "I don\'t want to lie flat!"

Said, he got up, full of firm colors!

Not give up!

He Ye Xuan does not give up!

Moreover, he does not regret this time, if it does not stop the black shirt woman, the place of returning, countless people will die.

One words save all life!


What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "The small tower, compared to my old man, I am not a good person?"

After the small tower is silent, he said: "Calculate!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

Have to say, at this moment, he fell in the realm of the realm.

I want to change this angle, I have saved this universe, is it a cow? When I thought, Ye Xuan was laughed.

At this moment, before the Xuan\'s face, the time and space suddenly slightly fused, the next moment, a vain suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

See this vain, Ye Xuan stunned!

Come, is the master of the avenue!

See the owner of the avenue, Ye Xuan smile gradually disappeared, after the end, this guy appeared, what does it mean? The avenue owner laughed: "Talk?"

Ye Xuan\'s calm voice: "What?"

The avenue of the avenue: "Walk with me!

After finishing, he turned to walk towards the distance.

Ye Xuan hesitated, then followed.

Oh shit!

This loss is so big today, you must get the benefits!

The avenue walked in the depths of Ye Xuan, and he looked at Ye Xuan, and then laughed: "The realm and the swords are made?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The owner of the avenue, "I can grudge in my heart?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "There is a bit start, there is no!

The owner of the avenue nodded slightly, laughed: "After the matter, what do you think?"

Ye Xuan looks to the owner of the avenue. "What do you want to ask?"

The avenue pen owner smiled: "I want to know the idea you at the moment!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "there is nothing to say!

The avenue owner smiled and then said: "Now I know that the guardian is not a simple thing?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The Master of the Avenue continued: "You are a good seedllar, a very good seedllar, better than your father!

Your father is benevolent and love, but that is limited to what he cares!

Moreover, he is extremely extremely extremely, your father\'s madness is killing. When he is, he is unhappy, and it is not moving.

Of course, this is also related to his experience.

And you.

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Your character has some similarities with him, but just some.

Compared with your father, you are more suitable for the king of a universe!

The king of the universe!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you start to cultivate me?"

The owner of the avenue laughed; "I am not, do you believe?"

Ye Xuan looked at the owner of the avenue. "In addition to my sister and me, I will not believe it!"

The owner of the avenue laughed: "Do you believe you?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am glowing me, I am sure that he can determine that he will never harm me, he is the most most!

But you are different, you guys, bad!

The owner of the avenue is silent, this grip is not so flicker!

Ye Xuan also said: "I think, there are more sincerity between us, less routine!

Because of this, I think we can talk about a lot of things!

What do you think? "

The owner of the avenue nodded slightly, smiled: "Yes!

Ye Xuan Dynasty Avenue Pen Master, "This time, you give me the order, let me calm the return of the market, tell me in the name, let me experience the difficulties of the guardian universe, actually.

Said, he laughed and said: "In fact, your purpose is not here!

Let me guess, guess it, you want to cultivate me, let me really become the next master next door; go to the bad guesses.

You want to break my heart, completely destroy me, because after today, there will be no more people in the world, only by the mountain king.

I will not reach the extent of the three sword!

When he stopped, he stopped, he turned to see the master of the avenue, "Crownely guess, I think, you should not want to see someone to achieve the height of the three swords!

right? "

The avenue owner smiled and did not answer the problem of Ye Xuan, but continued to go far away!

Ye Xuan looked at the master of the avenue, following the past.

The avenue owner suddenly smiled: "You think very well, thinking very well.

I can also tell you that I am really thoughtful. When I first opened, my attitude towards you is the first kind of you said. I really want you to inherit the Taoist Tao, two reasons, the first reason is your identity, Your identity is unique, you can perfectly solve the three sword problems.

Because this is now the endless universe, the three swords do not follow the order, then it will never be a complete order!

If you grow up, the order of the door, the three swords are not observed, but it will never destroy.

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "This is my start now!

Ye Xuan Shen Sudang: "Behind you think?"

The owner of the avenue nodded slightly, "change!

Because of a very important reason, that is, your sister is fate!

She didn\'t hold back, forcibly intervene everything in advance, this consequence is that you become the king of the mountain!

You recall, Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan in Qingcheng, is the same? "

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen owner continued: "And what she wants to do, no one can stop, I can\'t, your father can\'t do, so your road is getting more and more biased. At the end, you have become a mountain king. !

During this time, you have not found that you lose a lot of things!

For example, like your father\'s heart.

Said, he smiled slightly, "I know, you have to say, your front enemies have always been very strong, all are far super, you have several realms, no relying on the mountain, you can\'t live at all!

But you know? Your enemies are more than a powerful, and strong outrageous, the main reason is because of your character and your own choice!

Ye Xuan brows, "My character?"

The owner of the avenue laughed: "When you start, you have an enemy, what do you like? I like just, I like to kill the other side!

Yes, this is cool!

Can the result? The result is a greater cause, so, people will revenge you, then you continue to just, continue to kill.

Finally, more and more causal, getting bigger and bigger, until you have completely played!

Ye Xuan Shen voice: "Is this wrong?"

The avenue pen owner stopped, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "There is a sentence: what strength, what to do!

Just like the secularity, there is no strength, don\'t have the stinky messen, no one in society will be used to you.

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen owner shook his head, "When you come back, you are getting more and more, if you meet enemies, no matter how strong the other side, you don\'t bring your own, why? Because you have an airs, your sister is invincible!

Gradually, I found you this number!

So I want to renew, but.

Said, he whispered, "But your sister is not reasonable, don\'t let me open the trumpet, I am a grass!

Ye Xuan: ".
