One Sword Reigns Supreme

2723 Chapter 2709: Bet Win!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Xuan Ye also some frustration!

No way, the door is now a lot of internal problems, he wants to look to solve these problems, very realistic!

Therefore, he can only use the pen owner\'s name heads Avenue overawed by these people!

Tao Ling looked at the mysterious leaf, then said: "Do not worry, we will fully cooperate with you!

Ye Hyun nodded, he looked strong field in those doors, "This is your last chance, otherwise, you will be forever abandon your masters!

Everyone looked sombre.

This time the owner of Boulevard pen appeared, but did not see them, have to say, this is a big blow to them!

Ye Xuan said: "carry out their duties it!

Heard, the strong field all the doors facing the leaf slightly mysterious gift, then back down!

However, Tao Ling did not leave!

Tao Ling Chen Sheng said: "The owner.

Xuan said leaf: "Do not think so much!

I listen to arrange it back!

Tao Ling looked at the mysterious leaf, nodded, "Good!

And she back down!

Field only leaves mysterious, mysterious leaf directly back to the small tower!

Hyun leaves Zhaoleyichu quiet bamboo forest, spread his palm, purple mark on that road in his hands.

Ye Xuan\'s right hand released, the deep purple imprint suddenly cooked on the ground, gradually, purple light into a little girl.

The little girl is about ten, wearing a little red dress, a long braid, double-pupil, but quickly returned to normal, after a while, she looked up to Ye Xuan, the eyes were full of ignorance .

Ye Xuan said: "Do you know who you are?"

The little girl shook his head, full of face!

Ye Xuan silence.

Obviously, the other memory has not recovered!

Looking at the little girl in front of you, Ye Xuanqi is complicated, this past life is definitely a super big!

At this time, the little girl suddenly said: "Who are you?"

She looked at Ye Xuan and her face was confused.

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, he gently smashed the little girl\'s small head, then laughed: "I will be your brother in the future!"

"elder brother!

The little girl looked at the Ye Xuan, the eyes were blink.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Don\'t worry about him, three or seven twenty eleven, first to get the relationship again!

The little girl asked, "Who is I?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "You are shallow, the leaves are shallow, my sister!

Ye shallow!

The little girl is smashed.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "This is your current name. As for the past, you used you very much, but you lost memory because of cultivation, lost memory, so many things you can\'t think of, understand?"

The little girl thought for a long time, nod, "understand!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "You said that I used to be very powerful, how much is it?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then laugh: "In your place, it must be invincible!"


The little girl grins, "that is so powerful!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

The little girl suddenly pulled the hand of Ye Xuan, and he was seriously said: "Then I will follow you now!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Okay!

Go, take you to see the world outside!

Said, he leaving the small tower with a shade of the leaves.


Ye Xuanzhi took the leaf and returned to the West Institute, but when he returned to the Xuan Academy, Qingqiu is not!

In the yard, Ye Xuan looked at the ancients in front of him, smiled: "Ancient girls, meet again!"

The ancient trendy is an eye, then the brow is slightly wrinkled, "you have this realm.

Ye Xuan bitter smile, "I have a problem, the realm has fallen!

The ancient smile: "But why do I think you have a big chair?"

Ye Xuan does not understand, "What do you mean?"

The ancient laughs, then said: "Nothing!


Your sister is busy!

Do you want to call her back? "

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Forget it!

I will go right away!

The ancient silence: "Ask you a question, you answer me if you really!

Ye Xuan nod, "the ancient girl said.

The ancient looks, Ye Xuan, "Are you seeing the owner of the avenue?"

Ye Xuan slightly, "Yes!

After ancient times, I said: "How much is he?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The ancient low sigh, "I understand!

After that, she suddenly got up!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Ancient girl, etc.!

The ancient turn-to-face, Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan slight smile, "Ancient girl, I have a gift to give you!

Said, his palm is spread, a volume of an old reel is slowly floating!

Avenue nerve!

However, not all, just the first, of course, not original, it is copy!

The ancient looked at the big road, the next moment, her eyes suddenly shrink, she looked to Ye Xuan, "you.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "The ancient girl helped me!

The ancient silence: "This is too expensive!

Compared with me for you, my help is really insignificant, I.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The ancient girl is a person!


I looked at Ye Xuan, and then said: "You will, I will write down!"

If I can\'t still have you, you can rest assured, I will give you the next generation!

Ye Xuan smiled, did not say anything.

But he didn\'t know that he did not have a good fruit, but his future generation was got!

After the ancient left, Ye Xuan found a dark.

Dark swearing, "Ye Ye!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Qin Guan girl?"

Dark videopic: "The owner suddenly left in January, now I don\'t know where you are!

Wrecked, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, "I left it in January?"

Dark point, "Yes!

Ye Xuan silence.

Where did Qin Guan go? He tried to contact Qin Guan, but he did not contact it at all!

After a while, Ye Xuan said: "You go down!"

If you have her news, contact me!

The secret is slight, then quietly disappears.

Ye Xuan looked at a verse, then turned to leave, and at this time, he seems to be induced, suddenly turned to look at the corner, in the corner, there is a woman, see Ye Xuan It seems that the woman is slightly, and then turns so busy to take the leaves.

Ye Xuan slight smile, "take care!

After that, he directly rushed to the sword and disappeared in the deep situation.

After Ye Xuan disappeared, the woman was turned away, and when she saw Ye Xuan had left, her eyes suddenly flashed a slice.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a lot!

Regret why you are so timid!

If you brave, you will definitely talk about him!

At this moment, after the old man went to the woman, the old man gave a slight ceremony, "The first thing you want, what you are in the past is still?"

The woman looked at the horizon, silent, after a long time, she turned away.


After leaving the Shu Xuan Academy, he came to Shen ancient people again!

See Ye Xuan, the demon is very enthusiastic, "Ye Gongzi, I met again!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I am more than a help!

The demon glanced over the Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi said this, but it is score!

Are yourself, thank you? "

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I will change my way!"

Said, he is on the palm of its palm, and a roll of ancient books slowly floating in front of the demon!

Avenue nerve first!

Tong Demon looked at the round of ancient books, the next moment, her eyes suddenly shrink, the hands did not help but hold it!

Ye Xuan said: "The Master of the Avenue said that this is the current highest level of cultivation in this universe.

What is the demon girl think? "

After the demon silence, he said: "You have this gift, very heavy!


Ye Xuan laughed: "What is yourself, thank you?"

Pei demon glanced at the Ye Xuan, the look is complicated, "You are very big!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am really very big for myself!

Said, he slowly got up, then said: "Before the demon girl didn\'t hes heard, my Yaxi is still awkward?"

Pei demon looks at Ye Xuan, and said: "Thank you!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "If there is any need for the future, the ancient people is needed, even if I contact me, I can help you!

Hi pemy, "Okay!

Ye Xuan waved, "Heichi girl, there will be period!

After finishing, he directly turned into a sword and light, and the blink of an eye disappeared in the stars!

Tong Demon looked at the end of the star, she was silent for a long time, the mouth is slight, "this time gambling!

After that, she turned and left, she walked, she couldn\'t help but picked the small song.


After leaving God, Ye Xuan came to the road.

One lake, Ye Xuan and the gods slowly walked.

Ye Xuan said: "What is the movement of the past?"

Taoism shook his head, "There is no movement for the time being!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "This zone, will not be so good, let your people pay attention!

Taoist looked at the Ye Xuan, "I think, they should not dare to find you again!"

Ye Xuan said: "I mean is afraid that they come to you!"

After the silence of the gods, he said: "The grass rate!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "There is still something, on the place of the market, I remember that there is a mysterious person to shoot me!

Do you have information about this person? "

Taoism shook his head, "no!

This person is completely disappearing after the day is unaffected.

Wrecked, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

Taoist looked at the Ye Xuan, then said: "Is it what you do?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not likely!

Taoist said: "Then I will check again!"

Ye Xuan nod, "tell me after having a message!

Taoism nodded slightly, then retired!

After the god left, Ye Xuan saw a look at the four weeks, then returned to the small tower, his palm was spread, the avenue of the avenue was sent to him in his hand!

Now, for him, the urgency is to restore the realm and restore strength!

As for the past, the mysterious people, he can only let go!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, opened the avenue nerve, very fast, countless ancient and mysterious words suddenly treated a stream of streams, soon, countless information appeared in the Ye Xuan Baohai.
