One Sword Reigns Supreme

2714 Chapter 266: Unity Mutual Help!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When I saw the remaining shadow, I was lying in the air, I wrinkled!

What operation? Do you have to talk about Wu De? But soon, he demonstrates this thought, because the curtain is coming to stop this vain!

That remnant is getting closer, but Ye Xuan is not powerful!

Folder with white clothes, he has oil, at this moment, there is no power at all.

Is it cold? Ye Xuan double his eyes slowly, this moment, his brain flashed in countless variety.

There are still many sisters waiting for him!

Can\'t die!

Ye Xuan felt his eyes, Qing Xuanjian suddenly turned into a sword!


Qing Xuan Jian is hard to stop the vain, but the next moment, the vital shadow and the swords of Qing Xuan swords.


Qing Xuanjian is shot in an instant!

At this time, then the curtain has appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and her sleeves, a horrible force is like a wave of waves.

The right hand is gently pressing the right hand, and an invisible force is like a water wave.


The two people suddenly fell from time and space!

At this time, the vain suddenly turned to the end of the starry!

Seeing this scene, I frowned deeply, I like anything, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "What is your enemy?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Look at Ye Xuan in the curtain, "You don\'t know?"

Ye Xuan nod, the weak road: "Don\'t worry too much, my enemies have never lived more than one map!"

Will stare in Ye Xuan, "You are a show!

Ye Xuan said: "I am very weak now, have you had a medicine?"

I heard the words, and the past, the past, the face of the victory became incapacitated, one of the old people angered: "Rely on the mountain king, please figure out, we are now opponents!"

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, "Then you will kill me!"

I heard the words, the old man almost rushed away, he never seen such a arrogant person!

Ye Xuan refers to the place where the far is returned, "You want to enter!

After finishing, his eyes slowly closed!

He Ye Xuan is not a pedantic person, at this moment, he is already exhausted!

Within the range of capability, I can stop, I will definitely stop, but now, he has no ability to stop!

When I heard the words of Ye Xuan, I watched him and then said; "You go to the land!

I heard the words, I went to the stone door when I passed the past!

Ye Xuan also did not stop, he is now using Qing Xuanjian to raise the soul, then reshape the flesh!

At this moment, Ye Xuan is also a bit helpless. Because of the reshaping of the flesh, the ancient body has not existed, and it is re-cultivated!

This is too hurt!

At this time, the past Zongqiang has entered the stone door, but at this moment, it is easy to protrude!


In the stone gate, a loud sound suddenly sounded, the next moment, dozens of strong people flew out of the stone door!

Seeing this scene, I wronned the cooked on the side. She looked at the stone gate, where a middle-aged man slowly came out!

Middle-aged man wearing a robe, holding a long wooden gun in the right hand!

Looking at the middle-aged man, it is doubtful!

She doesn\'t know this middle-aged man!

She is in the Doumen for such years, she basically knows, but she has never seen it in front of him, and she has not heard it!

The color of the curtain gradually sinks!

In the field, those middle-aged men in the past, the middle-aged man who looked at the eyes, and the looks were extremely lighter!

After the middle-aged man came out, he looked at the Ye Xuan, and then he looked at the curtain, slightly shaking his head, "will you have a curtain, why are you too persistent?"

Smiling the curtain: "The owner of the avenue once said, the place of returning, everyone is equal, but what?"

Said, she refers to the chief, "As far as I know, the people behind him have been broken several times, isn\'t it?"

Middle-aged man is silent.

What else to say, the healing of Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, he looked to the curtain, "Will the curtain, why do you want people?"

Watch the curtain to Ye Xuan, smiled: "What can be resurrected from the venue of the market, but we can only endorship this so-called order and rule?"? "

Ye Xuan looked at the curtain, "I ask you, the world is secular with the law, but will you follow the order and law of the people who have the people in your eyes like antic antity?"

Look at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan smiled: "You won\'t!

Since you can\'t do it yourself, what do you want to do? Don\'t you think this is ridiculous? I tell you, you are double standard!

Request yourself with the standard of saints, and ask yourself with the standard of monks!

Will the curtain: "So, we break the market, wrong?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "No one said you wrong, I just want to say, what do you want to do, even if you are breaking the market, then you will do it, but don\'t take yourself with others!

Because of this world, there will definitely there will be absolute fairness, the so-called emperor is committed to the crime of the people, this is a bad thing!

Said, he laughed and then pointed to the stone door in the distance.

As for other fits, don\'t say it!

Laughing the curtain, "Talk to the Kings, is hard enough!

I really want to know, if you don\'t have you, you will not be so hard!

Ye Xuan said: "Don\'t I have a sister?"

Look at Ye Xuan in the curtain, "No, your sister is with you?"

Ye Xuan said: "I still have an invincible big brother!

Everyone: ".

The curtain was deadly stared at the Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "If I don\'t have me, I have my big brother, I don\'t even have the qualifications in front of you, right?"

Will calm the curtain, "Isn\'t it?"

Ye Xuan smiled, then said: "Will the curtain, this is life, I am well, no way, you want to blame, can only blame you, do you blame me?"

Everyone: ".

Stick the curtain to the leaves, the eyes are cold, such as ice!

Have to say, she has the phrase of Ye Xuan!

This is not a human saying!

Ye Xuan did not follow the curtain with the curtain, he continued to be healing!

There is already a strong person, and it is nothing to do with him Ye Xuan!

Of course, there is no strong in the door, and he will not take it!

It\'s hard to guarantee it!

Also save the universe? Take more!

After the curtain is silent, she is no longer talk to Ye Xuan waste, because she finds that with Ye Xuan, it is easy to die!

Watch the curtain to the robe, "Don\'t waste time!

The sound is falling, and the six-known three-known strong people are directly toward the robe man!

The robe man is calm, and he stepped out step forward, and his long gun suddenly danced.


A gun has a half-month shape fierce!


This gun is sweeping out, and six three-known strong people are directly returned to the earthquake!

Seeing this scene, those who have become difficult to look at the faces of the past!

The robe man holds a long gun, and he looked at the six-known three-known extent in front of him. "You are a little big!

Wen said, the six people have become difficult to look!

Without any nonsense, six people rushed through the robe men!

The robe men\'s wrist turned, and the front of the front, then he jumped, and then slammed down!


Guns are like a rain, smash everything!

This shot fell, that six people were once retired again, however, the robe men have not retired!

After a shot of six people, the robe man suddenly rushed forward, like a thunder.


Time and space suddenly shock!

A dominated past Zongqiang\'s eyes suddenly shrinks, because the azalean man is against him!

This shot is too fast, it is too strong!

This past Zongqiang is angry, but his reaction can be not slow, his right hand slammed forward, a huge virtual shield suddenly condensed, at the same time, in his body, endless power flooded into this Shield!

He knows that if you can\'t block this shot, he will die!

At this time, the gun is coming!


The blind shield crashed, the gun is driving straight, directly from this past Zongqiang\'s chest!

Blood sputter!

However, the long gun did not stop, but it was a strong person!


The second singularity of the three kizsengers directly retired from this gun!

After the robe is stopped, reach out and fly back to him.

In the field, everyone looked at the robe man, and the looks never before!

too horrible!

I looked at the man with a man, and then turned to look at the empty space. "Don\'t you still do it?"

Wen said, everyone turned around!

Among the distance, a middle-aged man is slowly coming out, and the middle-aged man is in a large black robe, holding a roll of ancient books in his hand.

Seeing this person, those who have passed in the field are all rushing, "I have seen the contest!


This is the old law enforcement of the past, and it is in charge of the past. In the past, high prestige is also a horror person who has made the color of the past.

After the convoy, the eyes of the pastors in the past were a jealousy, including a few three-known three-kid strong!

The robe is looking to the robe man, "in our investigation, no you!"

The robe man smiled slightly.

The contest nodded slightly, "You go to the market!

I heard the words, and the past, the past Zongqiang hesitated, and then walked toward the stone door!

The robe man didn\'t have!

Because he is doing, the country must do it!

They are two, now it is mutually imposing!

The robe man suddenly turned to look at the Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan stalls, "Seniors, don\'t look at me!"

I have no combat power now!

The robe man is smirk, "the place of returning, can\'t have problems!

Ye Xuan nod, "I know!

However, I can\'t do it!

The robe man thought about it, then: "In fact, it is not a shame thing. For example, when his son is called, it helps you, this is normal!

If you help your son, this is called by home.

Try, this day, who is not relying on home? A family, love each other, unite mutual help, is this not a thing? "

Ye Xuan: ".

Everyone: ".
